Ain't It Fun

Jun 24, 2014 22:28

Title: Ain’t It Fun
Pairing: Tao/Sehun
Rating: NC-17
Genre: pwp tbqh
Length: 3.1k
Summary: Sehun just knew this threesome was a bad idea, he knew it, he knew it, he…okay, well maybe not all bad.

a/n: so I’m writing like three different fics at the same time right now, which means nothing is really getting done but I watched U-KISS’s new music video and then immediately had to write this fic. yup. ignore any wild plot you see peeking out of the bushes it's all a mirage, I swear.

Sehun is not entirely sure how he ended up in this position, yanking off his shirt in the middle of a crummy hotel room at 2am, but he can’t say he particularly minds. He remembers drinking a bit too much, he remembers a girl-presumably the girl now standing in front of him, giggling as she tries to find the zipper on her tight black dress-practically throwing herself down in his lap. He remembers her grabbing his tie-he’d just stopped by the bar on the way home from his horrible office job and had been expecting to have a drink or two in peace, not end up completely plastered and grinding up against random strangers on the dance floor. He remembers her yanking his head down and, breath thick with alcohol, whispering loudly that he should join them. He remembers following them next door to the foul-smelling hotel they’re currently standing in. It’s when he gets to the “them” part that his mind starts to short-circuit. Because them. Shit.

“You sure you want to do this?” a soft voice says from behind him, and Sehun jerks around, the room swirling dizzily behind his eyes. It takes a few seconds for him to focus on the person standing in front of him, but when he does all he can think is shit shit shit shit shit.

“Of course!” the girl behind them hiccups loudly, giving up on the zipper and yanking at a sleeve of her dress. Like he’d been talking to her.

He hadn’t been talking to her, Sehun thinks grumpily. Because he’d been staring straight at Sehun the entire time, even when Sehun turned around to hear the girl’s response.

“Of course I’m sure,” Sehun says brazenly, like he’s not shivering so hard he can feel his teeth clacking as he tries to hold his jaw still. “I’ve had worse threesomes.”

He hasn’t, he’s never even had a threesome before, and he knows that’s probably obvious, but now is not the time to be worrying about that. Not when Tao is looking at him with those soft, dark eyes, that tiny smile Sehun hates hates hates playing across his lips.

“You know what I think-” the girl behind them says with another hiccup, and Sehun jumps and swears because he’d almost forgotten that she existed. “You know what I think would be really hot? If you two kissed. Guys kissing is so hot.”

“What?” Sehun protests, managing to wrench his gaze away from Tao’s long enough to narrow his eyes drunkenly at the girl. She’s completely given up with the dress at this point-one sleeve is hanging off her shoulder but the rest is still clinging tenaciously to her body. She has a very nice ass, Sehun thinks wildly. Not as nice as Tao’s. But still.

“Sure,” Tao says smoothly, and he must step forward because Sehun can suddenly feel his body right behind him, hands coming up to curl around Sehun’s biceps. “Sehun?”

“Don’t say my name like that,” Sehun snaps, but before he can say anything else Tao is spinning him around and crashing their lips together.

Well, this is fucking great, Sehun’s traitorous brain whispers as Tao squirms beneath his fingers. Sehun slides his tongue along Tao’s bottom lip and Tao just lets his mouth fall open, lets this beautiful moan slide out of his throat, and Sehun kind of wants to die but then he remembers that if he was dead he wouldn’t be able to keep kissing Tao so maybe that’s not the proper course of action right now. But just as he’s getting used to the rhythm of their kisses, used to the slide of Tao’s tongue against his own, Tao is moving, slamming Sehun against the wall, and Sehun wants to frown and maybe punch him because that kind of hurt, but when Tao breaks their kiss, mouth sliding down to suck at the side of Sehun’s neck, he can’t do more than whimper weakly.

He feels a small hand pressing shakily against his chin, a small mouth still smelling of vodka trying to drag him in for a kiss, and he instinctively shoves them away. The girl squeals angrily, but Sehun can’t bring himself to care because Tao is leaning down to lick a hot stripe down Sehun’s bare chest, his free hand rolling one of Sehun’s nipples between his fingers.

“What are you doing?” the girl whines, stomping up to them and grabbing Tao’s arm. Tao freezes, then straightens up to stare at her. She whimpers, dropping her hand like she’s been burned, and when Sehun catches a glimpse of Tao’s face he sees why. His pupils are blown wide and his eyes look glassy and cold.

“Get out,” Tao says pleasantly, and both Sehun and the girl shiver-Sehun perhaps a little more so, since as he says it Tao presses the heel of his palm roughly against the zipper of Sehun’s jeans and damn if Sehun isn’t already more than half-hard.

The girl scoffs angrily before turning and yanking the door open, slamming it closed behind her with a chorus of choice swear words, mostly directed at their mothers and their sexuality. Well, Tao’s at least, Sehun thinks brightly. He’s definitely not gay.

“Finally,” Tao huffs, and Sehun’s about to ask him what he means when Tao dips his head again, this time hurriedly unzipping Sehun’s jeans and yanking them down his legs along with his underwear, letting his embarrassingly hard cock spring free.

Tao gives him a sly smile and Sehun frowns back, ready with a snide comment about how he has a thing for angry girls, but he chokes on the words when Tao suddenly takes him all the way in, until Sehun bumps gently against the back of his throat. Sehun writhes and gasps in a way that’s probably very unmanly, but Tao’s mouth is so hot and so wet and when he pulls back to lick up the underside of Sehun’s cock, all of Sehun’s thoughts go out the window.

“Fuck, Tao, fucking fuck,” Sehun moans as Tao takes him in again, not even trying to keep Sehun’s hips from jerking forward. It’s like the idiot doesn’t even have a gag reflex, not that Sehun’s complaining because when Tao urges him forward he can’t remember ever feeling so damn amazing. Sehun thrusts again, more roughly this time, and he can see tears collecting in the corners of Tao’s eyes but he doesn’t move back, letting Sehun fuck his mouth as Sehun’s fingers tangle in his sweaty hair and yank.

“I’m gonna-I can’t-” Sehun gasps, feeling pressure building in his abdomen, but he immediately regrets the words because Tao quickly shoves him backwards, his back connecting again with the cold wall as his cock slips out of Tao’s mouth with a wet pop.

“Can’t let you come that easily,” Tao growls, already pulling himself upright and yanking Sehun’s head forward, licking deep into his mouth. Sehun can taste himself on Tao’s tongue and his knees go traitorously weak because that’s just so hot. Tao is just so hot.

“Fuck you,” Sehun whines, trying to press their bodies closer together and rut against Tao’s denim-clad thighs. Unfortunately, Tao figures out pretty quickly what he’s doing and steps backwards, dragging Sehun with him. Slightly disoriented by the sudden motion, Sehun doesn’t realize he’s been pushed onto the bed until he sees Tao towering over him, quickly removing his jeans and pulling that ridiculously low-cut tank top over his head.

“That shirt looks ridiculous,” Sehun mumbles, reaching down a hand to stroke his aching cock. He was right all those times he wondered-Tao is terribly well-built, and the ripple and twist of muscle as he slides his briefs down his legs makes Sehun feel terribly inadequate.

“That shirt,” Tao sniffs, before climbing onto the bed and over top of Sehun, “is one of my favorites. You’re the one with the awful button-down.”

“It’s for work,” Sehun mutters defensively, but he’s glad to see that he’s able to cut off any further fashion advice from Tao when he arches his back, letting their erections rubs against each other. Tao moans low in his throat and it’s a heady sound, incredibly sexy-just like the rest of Tao, Sehun’s quickly realizing-that goes straight to Sehun’s cock, leaving him feeling even harder than before.

Sehun’s head lolls back against the scratchy pillow when Tao wraps a warm hand around him, stroking slowly. Too slowly.

“What are you doing?” Sehun whines, hauling himself up on his elbows and meeting Tao’s confused stare.

“I would think it’s pretty obvious,” Tao replies with that same small smile and Sehun still hates it but he’s painfully hard and he’ll have plenty of time to worry about his sexuality later when Tao isn’t running nimble fingers over the head of his cock, making him gasp.

“You better be fucking me in two seconds, Huang Zitao,” Sehun says, more bravely than he feels. “Or I’m going to get up and leave.”

“Are you sure?” Tao asks hesitantly, hand stilling as he looks at Sehun with worried eyes. “I don’t want you to do anything you don’t-”

Sehun growls in frustration and cuts him off by jerking upwards and swallowing the end of Tao’s sentence.

“Do it,” Sehun mutters against his lips, and he’s pleased to feel Tao shiver as his hand slides down Tao’s chest until it’s wrapped loosely around his erection. He slides his hand up and down a few times, not much caring about technique because Tao knows he’s never done this before, but a grin spreads across his face when he grips a little harder, twists a little more firmly, and Tao groans, arms shaking as he struggles to hold himself up.

“I have-one minute-” Tao breathes before sliding out of Sehun’s grasp and over to the discarded pile of clothes on the floor. Sehun muffles a whine at the loss of warmth because he doesn’t want to look like a wimp, but Tao had been really warm and without him Sehun’s starting to shiver. His cock is lying hard and heavy against his stomach, precome leaking from the tip, and Sehun desperately tries to reassure himself that this definitely isn’t the most aroused he can ever remember being. Right? Right?

He’s distracted by the feel of something slick against the cleft of his ass, and Sehun almost bites his own tongue in half when Tao slides the first finger in. He’s not very deep, Sehun can tell, but it already feels strange and he’s not sure he likes it.

“Okay?” Tao asks, leaning over and pressing his lips briefly against Sehun’s, as if to reassure him that everything’s going to be all right. Sehun lets himself relax into the kiss, shutting away the part of him screaming that he shouldn’t be feeling like this about Tao of all people, and doesn’t even notice when Tao slides his finger the rest of the way inside. It’s when he adds the second finger that Sehun jerks away involuntarily, unable to stop himself.

“We can stop,” Tao says again, eyes scanning Sehun’s face for any sign of pain, and Sehun groans because obviously he doesn’t want to stop, not now.

“I’m okay,” Sehun says quickly, because it’s obvious Tao’s not going to continue until he gets a response. He feels a little lightheaded, like all the blood is rushing away from his head and down into his nether regions, and the feeling’s only compounded when Tao crooks his fingers inside of him and Sehun feels a burst of pleasure shoot up his spine.

“FUCK,” he yells, and Tao immediately pulls out, as if worried he’s done something wrong.

“Are you-” Tao starts to say, but Sehun blindly reaches out and grabs his hand, tries to guide it back inside himself.

“Fucking do that again,” he manages to spit between gritted teeth, and he doesn’t miss the way Tao grins widely before thrusting his fingers back into Sehun, making sure to hit that same spot again and again. Fucking stuck-up bastard.

Tao leans over to kiss him again, and Sehun eagerly lets his mouth fall open, lets Tao suck on his tongue as he continues stretching him open with three fingers now, their bodies moving in a strange sort of dance not at all like what Sehun had been doing out on the dance floor. This is much better.

Sehun does whine, this time, when Tao pulls away, but his eyes go wide when he sees Tao rolling on a condom and slicking himself up before sitting back between Sehun’s legs. Tao gives him a look, the tip of his cock pressing teasingly against Sehun’s hole, but Sehun has had more than enough of that. With a grunt, he shoves himself downwards, body swallowing half of Tao’s cock before he knows what’s happening. Tao gasps at the feeling but quickly obliges Sehun, sliding in all the way before stilling, letting him get used to the stretch.

It’s strange-the burn, the fullness-but Sehun has to admit that he kind of likes it. For a moment he feels almost upset that girls get to feel like this all the time and he never has, but then Tao’s moving, apparently unable to control himself, and Sehun cries out when Tao finds that spot inside of him again. Experimentally, Sehun clenches his muscles, and grins when a heavy groan rips out of Tao’s throat.

“Fuck, Tao, faster, please, Tao,” Sehun mumbles, an endless stream of nonsense words, because it feels like fireworks are exploding behind his eyes, and the wet slap of skin against skin is loud in the dark room, swallowing up all his thoughts. He’s so close, heavy weight coiling in the pit of his stomach, when Tao pulls out and stays out, sitting back on his heels and staring at Sehun like he’s a fucking painting in a museum.

“I still can’t really believe this is happening,” Tao says softly, and Sehun wants to punch him in the dick.

“Don’t. Stop.” He says as threateningly as he can, given that he’s lying on his back, thighs pressed against his chest, skin sticky with sweat and lube.

“Get up,” Tao says suddenly, and then he’s rolling Sehun over, hauling back on his hips until his ass is up in the air, face pressed into the pillows. Sehun feels himself flush red in embarrassment at the submissiveness of his current position, but then Tao’s sliding in again, hitting deeper, faster, and Sehun comes so hard he almost blacks out, knees sliding back until he’s almost flat against the blankets when he feels Tao pulsing inside of him, a new kind of heat spreading through his stomach. Tao collapses against Sehun’s back, still deep inside of him, and Sehun kind of loves the way Tao can completely cover him with his body, loves the way Tao is so warm, the way he keeps the chill of the room at bay. But Tao is also heavy, and when it starts getting hard to breathe, Sehun shoves his unprotesting form over to the side, sighing a little when Tao slips out of him, leaving him feeling strangely empty.

“I didn’t even have to touch you,” Tao murmurs sleepily, and Sehun blushes again, harder now that he’s not being fucked into oblivion and has time to think about how embarrassing everything is. “Promise you’re not going to wake up and go back to ignoring me and pretending that you hate me?”

“No promises,” Sehun says shakily, but he doesn’t say anything with Tao reaches over and twines their fingers together, tucking his chin into the hollow of Sehun’s shoulder. “I’m still not gay, you know.”

“That’s okay, as long as you let me keep doing this,” Tao says with a yawn, nuzzling at Sehun’s cheek. It’s disgustingly endearing, and Sehun would slap himself for even thinking the words “Tao” and “cute” in the same sentence but his hands are currently busy-one still intertwined with Tao’s and the other carding through Tao’s dark hair.

“Okay, then,” Sehun says, and he notices the way Tao’s eyes fly open in shock, but he pretends he doesn’t.

They lay there in silence for a few more minutes, Sehun listening to Tao’s rhythmic breathing and wondering why it sounds so relaxing before he suddenly realizes something.

“Wait a minute,” he says slowly, and Tao lets him turn around so they’re facing each other. “You. You little bitch.”

“What are you talking about?” Tao asks, raising an eyebrow lazily. His eyes are clouded with sleep, and Sehun knows he’s probably not even really listening but everything is suddenly falling into place and it’s terrible.

“You-and I-and that girl-fuck!” Sehun laughs in disbelief, slapping Tao on the arm. “You set me up!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Tao says, a bit clearer this time, but Sehun can see his eyes glittering with amusement.

“You-you used that girl to reel me in!” he shouts, ignoring the way Tao winces at the sound because they’re both a little too drunk to handle much yelling. “You…temptress!”

Tao snorts very ungracefully, and Sehun glares at him.

“Oh, come on,” Tao says, hooking a leg around Sehun’s and pulling him closer. “Would you have come if it was just me? If I asked you myself?”

“Of course not,” Sehun sniffs. “I’m not gay.”

Tao rolls his eyes and Sehun rolls his right back.

“I guess I do feel a little bad for her,” Tao says thoughtfully, glancing at the door. “But if you ended up telling me to stop I was all ready to leave the two of you alone together and go home to cry in the shower or something.”

“You’re joking,” Sehun laughs, but Tao just eyes him warily.

“I’m a sensitive person,” he says quickly, not meeting Sehun’s eyes, and Sehun laughs and wraps an arm around Tao’s shoulders, letting him settle his head against Sehun’s chest.

“She wasn’t my type anyway,” Sehun murmurs, admiring the way Tao’s hair falls silkily through his fingers, despite still being wet with sweat.

“What is your type then?” Tao asks, voice muffled by Sehun’s skin.

“Tall, dark, and handsome, I guess,” Sehun replies with a smirk, and he can feel that small smile of Tao’s pressed against his chest. “Who would have thought.”

“So you do think I’m handsome,” Tao says smugly, lifting his head to press a light kiss against Sehun’s throat. Sehun shivers because Tao’s lips are just so soft and so sweet.

“Hey, don’t push your luck,” he says threateningly, but he knows Tao can tell that he’s joking, probably because he’s angling his head downwards to give Tao better access to his mouth. “I’m just saying I could get used to this.”

“Well, that’s enough for me,” Tao says, obliging Sehun and closing the distance between their faces. “At least for now.”

“We’ll see about that,” Sehun laughs, and then kisses him again.

pairing: tao/sehun, genre: pwp, fandom: exo

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