The Light at the end of the Never Ending Tunnel 8/?

Jan 21, 2008 11:32

The Light at the end of the Never Ending Tunnel 8/?

Author: catherineackles 
Beta: Thanks to my awsome Betas huntress69 and  majs_majs You both make my story so much better and I am EXTREEMLY grateful.
Characters: Jared/Jensen, Jack, Chris
Rating / Warning: NC-17 (contains child abuse
Disclaimer: As you all know Jared, Jensen, Chris and Jensens family are real persons, who I have used in my fictional story. No harm intended.

Summary: Jared's parents died in a car accident when he was 8 and was forced to live with his abusive uncle. When he is 16 they move to a new town and everything changes when he meets a guy named Jensen. 
Words (this chapter): 5065 words

Note: I am SOOOO sorry for another long wait. My stupid compter crashed so I havn't been able to write nor post.

Chapters 1  -  2  -  3  -  4  - 5  -  6  -  7

Chapter 8

Up the street, seven minutes earlier....

Chris is in the shower washing the conditioner out of his hair when he hears the 'bling bling' of his cell indicating a text message.

"Arrrgh, stupid piece of crap always goes off at all the wrong times," Chris grumbles to himself.

Quickly rinsing his hair he steps out of the shower with a groan and reaches over to the sink where he always places his cell while showering. After drying off his hands he picks it up and sees the flashing sign indicating a new text message from Jensen.

He opens it up and reads:

need hlp . bring ur gun.

house num 37 ur street


Chris reads it three times in shock, wondering what type of trouble Jensen could have possibly gotten himself into that requires him needing a gun. He's been best friend's with Jensen for a long time now and knows that he barely ever gets himself into trouble. Plus the fact that Jensen seemed to disappear after the homeroom bell this morning was beginning to trouble him.

He doesn't spend anymore time contemplating, realising that every extra second he takes the more trouble Jensen could be getting himself into. So quickly drying himself off and grabbing an old pair of Jeans and a tee-shirt he runs into his parent's room (thanking God that they're not home) and hurries over to the safe hidden in his dad's wardrobe.

"FUCK!" he mutters to himself, remembering that he doesn't know the code. His Dad has always hid it from him, worrying about what he'd do if he got his hands on the gun. Althought he knows that his Mum would be less reluctant to tell him then his Dad.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK! Jensen is counting on me. I can't let him down."

With that said he runs back into the bathroon, sits on the edge of the bathtub and dials his mother's number.

"Hang on for me Jen, I'm coming," he whispers to himself, tapping his foot impatiently on the ground waiting for her to pick up.

"Yes, sweetie, anything up?" asks his Mother.

"Uhh, yeah, Mom I need you to to do something for me and not ask any questions, just know that I promise it's for a good reason. You've just gotta trust me. If you don't do this for me, Jensen could be in a lot trouble," rambled Chris in a hurry.

Gasping into the phone, wondering what could have happened to her son's sweet friend, she hesitantly asks, "What is it, honey?"

Taking a deep breath he replies, "I need you to tell me the code for the safe. Please, ma, I wouldn't ask unless I was completely desperate, you just gotta trust me."

"H-honey you know I can't do...."

Chris cuts her off halfway through, interrupting with "Mom, I'm really in a hurry here, can you do this for me or not?"

Letting the trust for her son kick in she says hesitantly before hanging up, "22694, be careful, Chris. I love you."

Not wasting any more time, Chris puts his phone down and quickly hurries over to the safe, putting in the code his mother had told him. When it opens he breathes a sigh of relief, grabs the gun and puts it in the waste of his jeans. Forgetting about his shoes, Chris flies out the door, desperately rushing down the street, just hoping that he isn't too late.


Chris runs up the porch of house number 37, noticing that the door is wide open. He hears someone groan out loud in pain, "OH SHIT," quickly rushing in through the front door knowing that it sounded like Jensen.

He runs into the room he heard the noise coming from and stops dead in the doorway as he sees Jensen take a hard one to the stomach and that new boy Jared pass out bleeding right behind.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE ?" He announces loudly, never really understanding the meaning or need for subtlety.

Jack whips around shocked and Jensen just stands there holding his stomach with a proud and relieved smile on his face. Chris may be an ass, but he's always there when it truly counts.

"Thanks man, I knew you'd come." Jensen sounds exhausted, not to mention he is in excrutiating pain.

Chris smiles kindly at Jensen then turns towards Jack, who is still standing there looking absolutely fuming.

"So are you gonna let mah boy and his lil friend over there go, or are you gonna do this the hard way?" Chris asks, pointing towards Jared in the back.

Eyes boring holes into Chris, Jack replies, "If you can get past me then go ahead, you little shit."

Chris looks down shaking his head and laughing to himself. "Well I personaly may not be able to, but I'm pretty sure this little beauty would do the trick." Chris glances up at Jack and pulls out the gun.

Jensen can't help but laugh a little at the look of complete and total shock on Jack's face. Realising that he's momentarily distracted, he turns around to get Jared.

A gasp escapes his throat as he lays eyes on Jared's dormant form laid out before him.

"Shit shit shit!" he says quickly, hurrying over to him, completely forgetting about the drama unfolding behind them. 'Gotta Help Jared,' the only coherent thought running through his head at that moment.

As he reaches Jared he crouches down beside him pulling him into his arms. He gently brushes his damp hair back off his forehead, glancing intently at the cut just above his hairline caused most likely by Jack's fake diamond ring. He calms down a tiny bit when he realises that it's not that deep and doesn't need stitches like he originally thought because of the amount of blood. Although it doesn't stop his anxiety and need to wake Jared up.

"Please Jay....don't do this to me man, just wake up. Chris is here, he can help. Just...please wake up for me, Jay" he whispers, more than a bit worried as he caresses Jared's cheek lovingly and leans down to press a kiss to his forehead.

Chris looks behind Jack glancing at Jensen as he holds Jared in his arms, tears streaming down his face as he rocks back and forth gently. He has never seen his friend like this before. Jensen looks so lost and full of despair. He doesn't know how any of this happened, and he honestly doesn't care. As long as he gets both of those boys out of here safely he'll be happy.

Chris turns back towards Jack and looks him straight in the eye as he says, quite intimidating, "Get the FUCK, out of my way you son of a bitch or I swear I'll shoot. Don't think I won't ‘cause that’s my boy back there and I won’t hesitate to kill anyone who lays one fucking finger on him." With a smirk he continues "You’re lucky you’re still standing."

Jack's never afraid, he's never the one at a loss, he's always in control. Although right now, staring down the barrel of a gun…he's a nervous wreck. He swallows hard and tries to maintain his calm appearance and not let show how scared shitless he actually is.

Trying to act as though he doesn't even care, Jack replies, "If you wanted the little shits so bad all you had to do was say so. I don't care. Just take ‘em. A-and don't come back."

Smiling cockily he says in a cheery upbeat voice, "What ever you say, Captain Jack."

Grumbling out a few profanities, Jack finally stalks his way out of the room, heads to the back of the house slamming the back door shut and going out for a smoke.

Breathing a sigh of relief Chris quickly turns his attention back towards Jensen, remembering that there is still a lot they have to get sorted out.

Jensen glances up through damp and hazy eyes as he feels Chris sit next to him. Letting out a heartbreaking sob Jensen cries desperately, "He won't wake up, Chris, he just won't fuckin’ wake up." Looking back down at Jared's peaceful but bruised face, he lets out another sob and feels Chris place an arm comfortingly around his back.

Trying to lighten the mood a little bit Chris says, "Well I guess this wouldn't be a good time to let you know that it's so obvious you've fallen for this kid already. Two days, man, you've known him for two days. But what can I say, you've always had a soft spot for the wounded type. But don't worry man. I'm sure Jared will be fine, probably just fainted or something."

Keeping his eyes firmly on the boy lying in his arms he smiles slightly at Chris's attempt to cheer him up.

"Yeah I, guess you’re right," he says lightly, running his fingertips over the bruises plastered across Jared's beautiful face. Looking up towards Chris, Jensen says politely, "C-c-can I just have a minute alone with him please, I just wanna say some stuff."

Smiling understandingly Chris nods. "Sure man, I'll just be outside. Come get me when you need me."

With that said, Chris stands up and makes his way for the front door, glancing out the back to ensure Jack is still out there having a smoke before he leaves, which he thankfully is.

Looking back down at Jared's calm but motionless face, Jensen tries to hold himself together. He's breathing fine and his pulse is strong but he still can't get rid of the fear that’s eating his insides out. Never in his worst nightmares would he have ever imagined this happening to anyone. But right here, right now, he is holding a boy who has gone through so much pain and horror in his life but remains to be the most amazing human being he has ever met.

Jensen doesn't know how to explain it. But from the moment he laid eyes on Jared he knew there was something special about him. He knew there was more to him then the shy blushing boy he first met. Although he knew that for some reason he had to help. He didn't even know what it was he felt the urge to fix. He doesn't know why he felt it. All he knows is that it was there.

As tears continue to stream down his face he looks down at Jared and says, "God Jay, only two days. Two goddamn days and you can already manage to reduce me to a blubbering crying girl. I just want you to wake up, Jay. I-I wanna get to know the real…." He cried out a choked sob before he continued more strongly. "I want to get to know the real you, Jay. I wanna ask you out on a date. I wanna make up for what I have caused and most importantly…I-I wanna help you, Jay."

Jensen looked down and squeezed his eyes tightly shut trying to will the tears away. That is until he felt a gentle hand caress his cheek and softly wipe away his tears.

Looking up wide eyed and shocked, Jensen stares at Jared wordlessly, almost unbelievably as Jared just looks right back with a hint of a smile on his lips.

"J-Jay?" asks Jensen as he brings his hand up to the side of Jared's face, almost too afraid to touch as if, if he does then this will suddenly no longer be real, just an illusion.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air Jared replies, "Yeah, Jen, yeah it's me."

Jared is suddenly enveloped in a huge hug from Jensen. He then huffs out a small laugh and rubs his back soothingly trying to calm Jensen down.

Sitting upright again and releasing his death hold on Jared, he says, "God Jay, you scared me half to death. Don't ever do that again, okay?"

Smiling widely back up at Jensen, Jared replies sarcastically with a roll of his eyes, "Thanks for the tip, Jen, I'll make sure I let my body know that, since you know it can stop me fainting on demand."

"Smartass," Jensen says playfully.

Meeting Jensen's eyes, Jared replies, "Yeah, but you love me for it anyway."

Holding Jared's gaze Jensen says seriously, "Yeah, I guess I do."

Jared looks down, smiling slightly and blushing, he doesn't know how to reply to something like that, so he just lays there in Jensen's arms and enjoys the comfortable silence that surrounds them both.

Well that is until it's interrupted from someone in the doorway saying, "Hey Jenny, you two girls ready to get out of here yet?"

Jared turns his gaze towards the voice and suddenly remembers everything. His Uncle, the window, Jensen getting bashed, and that mysterious man standing in the doorway just like now.

To Jensen's surprise, Jared quickly jumps up out of his arms, stands up quickly and starts frantically searching around him as if trying to find something, while trying not to tumble over because he still feels weak.

Jensen also stands quickly and Chris moves further into the room. Jensen places both hands on Jared's shoulders to stop what looks like an oncoming panic attack.

With Chris standing next to him also looking worried and confused at Jared, Jensen says, "Hey, Jay, Jay calm down. Just tell me what going on. What’s wrong?"

Looking towards Jensen, Jared rambles in a panicked state. "M-my Uncle, where is he? He was here when I passed out, where is he now? He wouldn't have just given up. Oh God, Jen, you gotta get out of here before he comes back. Shit man, are you alright? And what are you still doing here?"

Realisation finally hits as to the cause of Jared's odd behaviour. He realises that the last thing Jared probably remembers seeing is Jack beating the shit out of him. ‘Oh God, I am so fucking stupid,’ he thinks to himself.

With his arms holding Jared still, Jensen stares right into his fearful and confused eyes and says, "Shhh, don't worry, it's all been taken care of. I'm fine, I promise and you will be, too. You just got to come with us okay? That guy right there," he says pointing to Chris, "his name is Chris, he's a good friend of mine and you can trust him. He lives just up this street, we can go there for now. Come on, we better get going."

Trying to take it all in at once, Jared just blinks dumbly and nods before quickly spitting out, "W-where is he, Jen? What happened?"

Smiling sympathetically he bring his hand up and tenderly holds Jared's face, not even caring that Chris is there and how cheesy he may be acting. "Don't worry Jay, it's all been taken care of. I promise I'll explain everything to you later. Although don't think this is the end, Jack will get what’s coming to him eventually, I promise. But first we need to get you out of here, okay? "

Jensen knows he should call the police but he's not stupid and knows that doing so would just make Jared freak out even more and completely ruin Jareds trust towards him.

Trusting Jensen's judgement he looks over to Chris and then back to Jensen, and with a hint of a barely there smile he replies, "Yeah, yeah okay, let’s go, Jen."

Smiling back with a nod Jensen drapes Jared's arm over his shoulder and he, Chris and Jared all finally make their way out of that hell hole.


Jared is sitting on Chris's couch draped in a warm blanket, waiting for Jensen to come back from making a call to someone in the back room, when Chris walks out of the kitchen with a warm cup of coffee. They had both already explained to him what happened while he was passed out, which made him able to relax a lot more. Taking the offered and very much needed coffee, Jared smiles up at him thankfully. He's still not very sure whether he can entirely trust him or not, but he trusts Jensen, and if Jensen says that he's safe then there’s nothing else he can really do but trust his judgement.

Smiling awkwardly, Chris takes a seat next to Jared. Noticing his apprehension he breaks the silence by saying, "You, don't have to be afraid of me you know? I'm a good guy and I won't hurt you. I admit that the first time I saw you at school I didn't get why Jensen seemed so determined to get to know you, but well…now I do."

Holding his warm mug in both hands Jared looks up at him soundlessly with a questioning look in his eyes.

Grinning widely Chris says, "By the looks of that…uhh, look I'm guessing it’s story time?"

Jared laughs lightly smiling back up at him kindly. "Yeah, well if you wouldn't mind sharing what you meant by that."

Chris just nods and brings one knee up on to the couch turning more fully towards Jared. "Well, uhh, I met Jenny boy about three years back. He just came up to me one day and introduced himself. I was a little reluctant back then ‘cause just like you I didn't really trust anyone. I kept on telling him to go away but for some reason he stuck to me like a leech. He knew that something was wrong. I don't know how he knew, all I know is that for some reason it was as if he could see my pain, and no matter how much I tried to get him to leave the topic alone he wouldn't do it until I let him in and told him what was wrong."

Taking a deep breath Jared says quietly "I don't wanna intrude but, what was, you know…wrong?"

"Well I am bisexual and back then I was only fourteen. I was just a kid trying to figure myself out you know? Anyway, I met this guy. He seemed really nice at first. Let me try things with him and never pushed me into anything I didn't want. He was seventeen at the time. My parents knew about him and they weren't happy. Not because of him being a guy, but because of his age, they said they were afraid he'd push me into things. I ignored them of course thinking that he was the best."

Nodding understandingly Jared had a feeling he knew where this was going. He looked at Chris sympathetically and motioned for him to continue.

"Everything began to change about two months in. He started to really show his true colours. He all of a sudden became extremely jealous. Therefore whenever I'd talk to other guys he'd be furious. The first time he ever hit me I was devastated, but afterwards he apologized, told me he loved me and said he'd never do it again. I believed him, let him convince me it was my fault. And the second, third, forth and so on times he did it I'd just ignore it and tell myself it would get better." Chris paused, than continued. "Of course it didn't. Every time that he hit me he would force me into having sex with him after. It was his way of saying sorry. After four months of this I had absolutely no self worth or confidence left. My parents kept on trying to push me to break up with him, but I refused, thinking that he still loved me and not knowing what I'd do without him." He smiled toward Jared. "That is until Jensen came along. He waited patiently for me to tell him what was going on until I couldn't hold it in any longer. One day I just let it all out expecting him to be disgusted in me. But he wasn't. He convinced and helped me believe that I was worth something. That I could do better. He stayed and supported me the whole way through until I finally gained enough courage to break it off."

Trying to hold back the tears he looked directly into Jared's eyes and continued "That‘s why I'm not surprised he seems so attached to you. Jen is just a caring guy. He can't stand to see someone hurt, he always feels the need to help. Now don't get me wrong, I ain‘t trying to say the only reason he's helping you is 'cause he feels as though he needs to. That‘s not all, I can tell he really cares about you deeply. I had never seen him as devastated as he was when you were lying unconscious in his arms. I can already tell he's got a thing for you, but whatever you do, don't tell him I said that ‘cause he'd kill me."

Jared laughs lightly and nods, saying, "Yeah, don't worry. I won't say a thing, and uh, thanks for sharing that story with me man. I don't think I can tell you how much it really meant to me. So yeah, I really appreciate it."

When Jensen walks back in through the doorway he is shocked to find Jared and Chris sitting there looking at each other smiling. He stops, folds his arms and clears his throat for attention. With an adorable pout on his face he says, "I feel so left out right now. Since when did you two become such great buddies?"

Chris stands up and heads towards Jensen saying, "Awww, don't worry Jenny. I won't steal any more of your lover boy‘s time. Don't get too jealous, we were just talking about you."

Scoffing Jensen says, "Would anyone mind filling me in on why I was the topic of conversation?"

Smiling back at him Chris says cockily, "Nah, sorry man, but I can't. It’s mine and Jared's secret. But don't worry, we didn't say anything TOO bad about you."

Pouting even more Jensen walks over to Jared as Chris makes his way out of the room to give them some privacy. Taking Chris's spot on the couch, Jensen moves closer to Jared and tries not to wince from the excruciating pain in his ribs. Cupping Jareds face he places a soft and unexpected kiss on his lips just before Chris exits making sure that he saw.

"What was that for?" asks Jared, looking a little dazed.

Scratching the back of his neck Jensen shrugs saying, "I just, when I saw you lying there today. I promised myself that when you woke up I'd do that. Just to be able to kiss you any time, any where, remind myself that you’re actually here I guess." Smiling sheepishly Jensen adds on, "Plus the fact that maybe I wanted to make sure Chris knows to keep his hands off you may have been part of my motivation."

Laughing lightly Jared looks down shyly, a blush creeping up his cheeks and places his coffee mug on the table next to him. Feeling exhausted he places the pillow Chris brought out earlier at the foot of the couch and lays down, his feet on Jensen's lap. He scoots over to the side, lifting up the blanket signalling for Jensen to join him.

Jensen smiles at the invitation and happily lays down next to Jared under the blankets warmth as he gently pulls Jared closer, holding him comfortingly in his arms as they both lay there in peaceful silence.

Both facing each other on the pillow, Jared stares directly into Jensen's eyes and feels his stomach flutter. ‘God he has the most amazing green eyes I've ever seen,’ Jared thinks to himself.

‘Jesus, his lips look so soft and oh God kissable,’ Jensen contemplates silently.

This goes on for several minutes, both boys not able to take their eyes off the other. Both feeling a strong connection flowing through them, emitting feelings both have never even touched upon. Never before has either of them felt something so right, as if this is how it’s meant to be. The both of them lying in each others arms, thinking the same thoughts, feeling the safe feelings and breathing the same breath.

Breaking the comfortable silence Jensen brings his hand up to Jared's face and says, "God Jay, what are you doing to me?" just as his lips finally crash into Jared's.

Jared gasps in surprise but doesn't move away, just pushes his lips back more firmly against Jensen's. Neither knows how long they stay like that, mouths moving together softly, breaths mingling, teeth biting, hands touching.

Jared can't help the soft moan that escapes him as he feels Jensen's soft wet tongue licking at his lips asking for entry. Jensen's thumb slowly caressing his cheek as he lets him in.

Jensen sweeps his tongue across Jared's teeth before he enters the depth of his mouth exploring every possible inch there is to explore. Their tongues meet in fiery passion and both can't get enough of the other. They kiss as though it’s going to be their last, trying to memorise the taste and feel of the other.

Jared doesn't want to leave the welcoming warmth of Jensen's mouth nor, separate himself from the feel of Jensen's soft beautiful lips moving slickly against his, but the need for air cannot be ignored. They break the kiss with a gasp, foreheads pressed together, lips still lightly ghosting over the others as they both breathe heavily trying to suck much needed air into their lungs.

"Are you okay with this?" asks Jensen, feeling concerned that he's pushing Jared too much.

Taking another deep breath Jared keeps his eyes focused on Jensen as he says, "Yeah, yeah Jen, I am."

"Good," Jensen replies, smiling as he threads his fingers through Jared's soft and smooth hair bringing their lips together once again.

This time it isn't as frantic, it's more soft and sensual then the last. Taking their time to explore the other’s mouth more thoroughly. Drowning in the feel of soft kiss swollen lips, smooth slick tongues and just the intoxicating feel of the others presence.

Jared can't help the small moans that escape him.

Jensen just can't get enough of them. All he wants to do is lay here all day and find out what he can do to cause Jared to make those adorable little sounds that drive him crazy. Although he knows they can't. There are still so many things they need to talk about, so many things that need sorting out.

So using every last ounce of self control he has left he reluctantly separates the kiss.

Jared looks at Jensen confused as to why he stopped the kiss, thinking that he probably did something wrong. Feeling slightly nervous and a little bit self conscious Jared asks, "Is everything okay, Jen? I'm sorry if I'm no good at it, I've never really…uhhh…." Blushing deeply Jared stops before he embarrasses himself any more.

Looking back up at Jared sharply, Jensen replies quickly and desperately, "Oh God, Jared no. Don't think that okay? I didn't stop because of you, you were…you were amazing to say the least. I stoped ‘cause there are some things we really gotta talk about."

"Oh," Jared says looking down, feeling a little embarrassed.

Letting out a soft laugh Jensen says, "God you‘re so silly sometimes, Jay," as he lifts his head back up and places a soft and reassuring kiss to his lips.

Jared feels his heart flutter in his chest at that simple gesture, not used to been so doted upon. "So, Jen, what did you wanna talk about ?"

Sitting back up in the corner of the couch, Jensen motions for Jared to sit between his legs so he's more comfortable while they talk. Jared does just that and pulls the blanket up around them both as Jensen wraps his arms protectively around his waist and kisses him softly on the top of the head.

When they're both comfortably settled in, Jensen grasps Jared's hands laying over his stomach and holds them tightly knowing that having to actually deal with what’s going to happen next is the hardest part of all and wanting to offer support. Moving one hand up to his chest he gently caresses it in a soothing motion as he says, "I think you should know, that there is absolutely no way in hell I am allowing you go back to that house no matter what. So that means we gotta work out a place for you to stay."

Not wanting to be too much of a bother Jared whispers quietly, "You don't have to you know, I have had to deal with this for a long time now. I'll be fine. I don't want you to worry too much."

Turning Jared's face upwards to his he looks at him incredulously. He leans down and kisses him softly. "To" kiss "Fuckin’" kiss "Late" he says, hoping he gets his point across.

Breathing out an exhausted sigh, Jared says, "Jensen, even if I didn't go back I'd have nowhere to go. I don't have any other family."

Smiling sheepishly Jensen replies, "I kinda got that part figured out. Earlier on when I was on the phone I was talking to my Mom. I didn't tell her anything. I just said that I have a really special friend who desperately needs somewhere to stay and that he has nowhere else to go."

Tightening his hold on Jared he continues. "I also told her what a sweet boy you are and that you wouldn't be much trouble. She said yes straight away. Said you could stay as long as you want. There’s a spare bedroom next to mine and you don't need to worry about money since my parents are pretty loaded."

Jared was speechless. He doesn’t know how to respond to such a huge offer like that. Nobody has ever done something this big for him. Nobody has ever cared enough.

Before Jared even has the chance of rejecting his offer Jensen quickly added in, "And oh yeah, I won't take no for an answer so don't even bother."

Nodding slowly, Jared looks up towards Jensen with shiny tear soaked eyes as he lifts his hand up to his face and brings it down until their lips meet once again.

When they finally break apart Jared asks with a croaky voice, "What the hell did I do to deserve you, Jen?"

Smiling back down at him Jensen replies, "I've been asking myself the same thing, Jay."

Jared lays back in Jensen's arms, his head lying on his chest while tears fall silently as Jensen gently brushes his fingers through Jared's hair. Softly massaging his scalp trying to offer the comfort he knows is desperately needed.

They sit like that for several minutes until they hear the doorbell ring. Jared's head shoots up in alarm, afraid of who it could be.

Chris walks into the room announcing, "Your Mom’s here to pick you two up, Jen."

Nodding at him thankfully Jensen looks back down at Jared, places one last soft kiss on his lips as he says, "You ready to go, Jay?"

Taking a deep breath Jared nods his head in affirmation and says back confidently, "Ready as I'll ever be."


Comments are like drugs . . . PLEEAASE feed my addiction

fic-the light at the end of the never en

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