The Light at the end of the Never Ending Tunnel (7/?)

Dec 27, 2007 02:02

The Light at the end of the Never Ending Tunnel 7/?

Author:  catherineackles 
Beta: Thanks to my two awsome Betas huntress69 and    majs_majs You both make my story so much better.
Characters: Jared/Jensen, Jack, Chris
Rating / Warning: NC-17 (contains child abuse
Disclaimer: As you all know Jared, Jensen, Chris and Jensens family are real persons, who I have used in my fictional story. No harm intended.

Summary: Jared's parents died in a car accident when he was 8 and was had no where else to go but to live with his abusive uncle. When he is 16 they move to a new town and everything changes when he meets a guy named Jensen. 
Words (this chapter): 2646 words

Note: Thank you so much to everyone who leaves comments, it really does mean alot to me.

Chapters 1  -  2  -  3  -  4  - 5  -  6

Chapter 7

As the door closes Jared feels his heart drop to the floor. That is until he hears a loud "NOOO" coming from the front yard. Jared knows that voice. He has only known it for two days but is sure that it's a voice that will go on with him forever. He doesn't think Jack heard because he doesn't seem at all fazed. Jared is thankful. He doesn't think he could live with himself if his Uncle did anything to Jensen.

Even as his Uncle drags him into the living room and pushes him to his knees, he doesn't feel as lost and helpless as he normally would. All because of that one beautiful sound he had heard. Not only was it Jensen, but it was someone who he now knows actually cares about him. It means that he's not alone in this world as long as Jensen is still there. As he feels the first blow to the side of his head he stays strong, and he just continues to stare down towards the floor because nothing can ruin the feeling that he has at this moment.

Well, that's what he thought. Untill he turns towards the living room window and realises that his Uncle has not yet pulled the curtains closed. Sudden panic begins to bubble within him. He can handle Jensen knowing that he gets bashed. But the thought of him finding out about all the other filthy things his Uncle does to him makes Jared do makes him feel as though he's going to faint. Plus the fact that he was just whacked on the side of the head isn't really helping much either.

"I have been waiting for you to come home all afternoon. Are you going to tell me where you were? It's already dark outside, you little bitch. Let me guess, you were with that boy, weren't you? You're such a little whore for cock. I made you love it and you know it. And since you love it so much, would it be wrong of me, as your loving Uncle to not give you what you want."

He knows whats coming next. His Uncle wouldn't make him kneel in front of him for no reason. So he isn't surprised when Jack unbuckles his belt, undoes his button and lowers the zipper. The sound is deafening to his ears. All he can do is pray to God that Jensen isn't watching any of this.


When Jensen sees him viciously pulled into the house, he already knows that Jared's in a lot of trouble. He also knows for a fact that it's all his fault. When Jensen sees Jared nod in defeat he feels desperation grabing at him. He can't let Jared get bashed. He just can't. And as he watches the door begin to close he knows that he has screwed up in a major way and isn't able to stop himself from yelling out.

He wasn't able to protect Jared. He promised that he would and he failed. He should be the one in there getting punished, not Jared, because he doesn't deserve any of this.

Once the door is shut, Jensen continues to stand there behind the tree trying to think of something to do before it's too late. He can't just go barging in there; Jared's Uncle is big. There's no way Jensen can beat him in a fight. Although he knows if worse comes to worse, he will not be able to control himself from doing just that.

While standing behind the tree Jensen can hear talking coming from the front window on the right side of the house. There is a dim light in the room, but not enough to completely see everything that is going on. He is quiet and discreet as he moves towards the window and hides beneath it where the bushes are. Luckily the window is open therefore making the task of eavesdropping a whole lot easier.

But Jensen was in no way prepared to hear what came next. Sitting silently, he hears part of the conversation - "Let me guess, you were with that boy, werent you? You are such a little whore for cock. I made you love it and you know it. So since you love it so much, it would be wrong of me as your loving Uncle to not give you what you want."

"Oh God," Jensen says mutters to himself, fearing what Jack meant by those vulgar words. He is so close to throwing up or passing out but gains enough control remembering that this is happening because of him, and he'll be damned if he doesn't figure out a way to stop it.

Just as he is texting Chris for some help, since he lives just at the end of Jared's street, he hears Jared cry out in pain. Looking up, Jensen doesn't know what to expect when he lays eyes on the scene before him. He gasps as he sees blood slowly trickling down from Jared's forehead, but almost faints when he sees Jack pull out his cock and teasingly wave it in Jared's face saying "Just look at you, so hungry for me. But don't worry my dear boy, I'll give you what you want, just like I always do. Uncle Jack always knows how to take care of his favourite nephew."

"Nonononono," Jensen chants, quickly clicking send, hoping to God that the message reaches Chris.

There was no time to call for any more help; if he doesn't get in there and something happens to Jared, he'll never be able to forgive himself. So without a second thought Jensen races towards the front door, swings it open and tries to prepare himself for the sight he is about to witness.


Jared screams out in pain as Jack's fist connects with his nose. He can already feel the blood begin to trickle down over his lip. Everything has begun to spin, he just can't seem to see or think straight, and as Jack grips his dick in his palm and begins to wave it in Jared's face, he isn't thinking about his pain nor disgust in what is happening. Because the only coherent thought he has running through his mind is Jensen might be watching this. 'Oh God, what am I going to do if Jensen is watching this? No matter how much he may care, there is no way he will want to stick around once he realises what Jack is really doing to me.'

"Just look at you, so hungry for me. But don't worry my dear boy, I'll give you what you want, just like I always do. Uncle Jack always knows how to take care of his favourite Nephew."

As Jack grabs hold of Jared's jaw he says, "Open up for me Jared, come on. I know that you want it."

The strength and hope he had earlier on in the night died within him, therefore leaving him way too weak physically and emotionally to fight his Uncle's commands. So trying not to think about what he is doing, Jared squeezes his eyes shut and obediently opens his mouth for the intrusion he knows is coming.

There is a loud thump from the front door at the same moment Jack viciously shoves his cock down Jared's throat.

Jack pulls out quickly, leaving Jared a coughing heap on the floor.

Alot of unexpected things have happened in Jared's life, but nothing has ever shocked him as much as the sight of Jensen standing in the living room doorway looking shocked, terrified, angry and concerned. Except Jared couldn't see one glimpse of the emotion he had expeceted to see plastered all over his face...disgust.

Jared feels his heart swell as he meets Jensen's concerned gaze staring down at him from the doorway. That is, until he realises the situation that they are both in. Not only is Jared himself in danger, but Jensen barging in here also leaves him vulnerable and open to attack. Oh God, Jared thinks to himself, as he realises that Jensen could get hurt. 'Ohfuckohfuckohfuck, what the hell have I done?' continues to run through Jared's head.

Jack continues to stare at Jensen with shock and his dick still hanging out until it all finally clicks.

His expression quickly changes from shocked to confident and finally to cocky as he says, "So, you must be Jensen, am I right?"

Not being able to think straight because of the sight of Jared laying helpless and bleeding on the floor, he stupidly replies, "What's it mean to you?"

"Pssst, don't play dumb with me, boy, I heard the message you left for Jared on his phone last night. But don't worry, he paid for being a bad little boy and the same thing's going to happen to you if you don't get outta here right FUCKING NOW!"

Jensen was finding it hard to breathe once the realisation hits that it was his fault Jared was all bruised up, and Oh God if he was going to do that type of stuff to Jared right now....oh shit, what did he really do to him last night? Fuck, he can't let that happen again. Building up all his courage, Jensen narrows his eyes and with confidence says, "Why don't you try and fuckin' make me, you son of a bitch?"

Fearing the worst for Jensen, Jared looks up into his eyes with desperation and says pleadingly, "God, Jen, please don't do this. Just leave before you get hurt too."

Smiling cockily, Jack says in a teasingly girly voice, "Yeah, Jen, just leave. I just couldn't bare the thought of you been hurt."

Walking further into the room, Jensen descends upon Jack and states in a stern voice through tight lips, "I said it once, and I'll say it again...I AIN'T FUCKING LEAVING! I'm not stepping foot outside of this room unless it's with Jared."

Jared continues to lay in a messed up heap on the floor behind both men, not knowing what to do and just feeling lost and helpless. He still can't seem to get the fact out of his head that Jensen is actually here. Even after what he saw, Jensen hasn't left him yet. He still cares. Jared can't let the only person who still cares about him get hurt. Although he knows that the only way Jensen is going to leave is if it's with him.

While Jensen and Jack continue to stand there staring each other down, Jared decides to do something he has never ever dared to do before. Because with Jensen standing there trying to protect him he couldn't help the extra courage that suddenly fills him from within. So without much of a second thought he pulls himself to his feet, stands behind Jack and says sternly, "I'm going with Jensen."

Not really taking Jared seriously, Jack turns around to face him and replies sarcastically, "Yes Jared, of course you are,"

Not letting Jack's words faze him he spits back, "I SAID, I am leaving. You can't keep me here. If you try, then I...I'll just tell the police all about what you've been doing to me."

Laughing out loud, Jack replies, "Hmm, lil Jared thinks he's all big now, does he? Well go ahead, call them. Let everyone know what a little slut you are for my cock. Plus the fact that even if you do tell them, who's going to believe you anyway? You're just a poor little boy who has had to be homeschooled most of his life, 'cause he couldn't handle being around other kids because he know it's his fault that his parents are dead. They will just think you're stark crazy for attention, that you've gone a little insane over the years."

Jensen can see the hurtful words begin to sink in, he can see the wall Jared has built begin to crumble around him. He can't let that happen. Jared has made it this far, he will not allow him to turn back now.

"Please, Jay, don't listen to him. You know that's not true. It wasn't your fault that your parents died. You didn't make that drunk driver hit them. I can help you, Jay...please let me help you. What he's not true, none of it."

Once again letting out a loud and boisterous laugh Jack says "Well ain't you two just the cutest little couple? Look Jay, he's sticking up for you. I wonder if he'd still be here if he found out about all the fun things we get up to. All the naughty things you let me do to you. Ohh God, maybe if he's lucky I'll even let him join in on the fun."

"NOOOO!" Jared screams desperately. "Just no, please Jack. I'll stay, I promise I'll stay. Just please don't hurt Jensen, he hasn't done anything to deserve it."

"FUCK Jay, you don't get to decide that. I told you I'm not leaving you and that's final, so get used to it. I made a promise and I'm not breaking it. You got hurt enough because of me and I'm not letting that happen again."

"Please, Jen," Jared begs. "There's nothing else you can do. You have no idea how grateful I am that you actually care, but I couldn't handle it if he hurt you".

Staring past Jack and straight into Jared's eyes he replies seriously, "And what? You think I can handle it knowing that he's hurting you? Well fuck that Jared, cause I can't. I'm just not like that. I care for you too much already to let anything else happen to you. You've been through so much and you don't deserve this. Nobody deserves this type of treatment."

Not breaking their gaze Jared says, "I know that you care, Jen, but it's just not worth all the troub...."

Clearing his throut loudly Jack spits, "I hate to interrupt your chickfest ladies, but either Jensen gets the FUCK out of my house or I swear to God he is going to regret it".

Turning back towards Jack, Jensen stares him straight in the eyes and with an icy tone replies, "What are you going to do, JACK ? 'Cause if you lay one fucking finger on me then you're gonna pay."

"We'll just see about that, you little bitch!" Jack shouts back before his fist shoots out hitting Jensen hard in the stomach.

Jensen feels all the air get knocked out of him as he bends forward clutching his stomach and groaning in pain. Although one hit isn't going to make him give up...."Just you wait, you son of a bitch, you can hit me as much as you want but it aint going to make me leave."

Jared stands there shocked and full of terror as he watches Jack hit Jensen. He wants to move, but his muscles feel frozen. He wants to scream but his throat seems to have closed up. All he can do is stand there, not moving, not making a sound and be forced to watch something that he had caused and for some reason can't stop.

As Jensen takes the next blow to his jaw and the third to his upper lip, all he does is stand there in retaliation refusing to move unless it is with Jared. He knew that protesting Jack's orders probably won't do any good, but he also knows that leaving Jared here to get bashed would be even worse.

Jared begins to feel queesy as he sees the fourth blow hit Jensen's stomach once again. He just wishes that Jensen had left while he still could. There is nothing either of them can do now. Jared just wants everything to end, and as everything begins to go black the last coherent thought he remembers having is, 'Who the hell is that other dude in the doorway?'

TBC . . .  Please take the time to leave a comment so I know whether or not people are actually still reading this, I promise to reply if you do =D Thanks.

fic-the light at the end of the never en

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