The Light at the end of the Never Ending Tunnel 6/?

Dec 24, 2007 14:05

The Light at the end of the Never Ending Tunnel 6/?

Author: catherineackles )
Beta: Thanks to my awsome Beta  majs_majs I dont know what i'd do with out you. (sorry to my other beta, but im impacient and couldn't wait any longer)
Characters: Jared/Jensen, Jack, Chris
Rating / Warning: NC-17 (contains child abuse
Disclaimer: As you all know Jared, Jensen and Chris are real persons, who I have used in my fictional story. No harm intended.

Special Thanks to Tiina , I just love you soo much , and yeah , keep up the kinkyness . WOOT =) and every one who comments.

Summary: Jared's parents died in a car accident when he was 8 and after that he moved in with his abusive uncle. When he was 16 they moved to a new town and everything changes when he met a guy named Jensen. 
Words (this chapter): 1620 words

P.S Im SOOOOO sorry for the extreemly long break. Real life caught up with me. Although I promise there are plenty more Chapters to come.

Chapters 1  -  2  -  3  -  4  - 5

Chapter 6

Waking up with a smile on his face Jensen continues to look down at Jared still fast asleep. Gently removing himself from Jared’s hold around his waist he stands up out of bed and stretches out all of the kinks. With his arms still in the air and yawning he looks down towards the clock on his bedside table; "Hmm 4:00, we slept in for quiet a while", he thinks to him self.

"HOLY SHIT" he yells suddenly realizing what this means. He was meant to make sure Jared got home at 3:00 when he usually would be home from school.

Slowly opening his eyes Jared looks towards Jensen taking in his panicked state. Wondering what's going on he asks "Hey, is everything okay Jen?"

Looking towards Jared Jensen replies hesitantly; "Listen, Jay. 'I'm uh.... really REALLY sorry. I should have set the alarm clock or something. I don’t want you to get into trouble because of me".

Still half asleep Jared rubs at his eyes trying to understand what it is that Jensen’s going on about. What does he think he’s done that’s so terrible it’d get him in trouble. "What are you going on about Jen? Seriously, I just woke up, you gotta be a lil' more clear".

Not able to meet Jared’s eyes Jensen looks down at the carpet and answers guilty; "I'm so sorry Jared. We slept in too late and you were meant to be home an hour and a half ago. I know I said if you'd come with me today nothing would happen. Just... I really didn’t mean for the day to end like this".

As the words finally sink in Jared feels as though he is going to throw up. Quickly jumping from the bed he's suddenly hit by a wave of vertigo. He has to grab onto the bedside table just to stop him self from falling over. Taking a deep breath Jared tries to calm down and compose himself enough to speak. Trembling slightly he replies; "I... I think I should go Jen, I’ll see you at school tomorrow".

Just as Jared has his hand on the door nob Jensen quickly grabs his arm to stop him from leaving. He can't bare the thought that once Jared gets home he’s going to be in a lot of trouble.

Still facing the door Jared tries to keep his anger at bay as he asks through gritted teeth; "What do you want now 'Jensen’?"

Taken aback by the way Jared spat his name he replies desperately; "I just wanna help you Jay".

Finally releasing some of his anger Jared viciously pulls his hand from Jensen's grasp as he turns quickly and screams in frustration; "DON’T


Looking up at Jared shocked by his outburst he takes a step back and with shame evident in his voice says; "I...I didn’t m-mean for... ".

Interrupting Jensen, Jared replies; "You know what? Just forget it alright".

Before he can say anything else Jared is already gone. Jensen doesn’t know what to do. He can't just let Jared go home to get bashed. It’d be so wrong of him. He promised him that he’d make everything okay, he promised that he was going to help him. But just letting Jared go like that makes him feel as though he’s giving up, which is something he promised him self he wouldn’t do. So without putting much thought into it Jensen quickly grabs his shoes and rushes down stairs hoping that he isn’t too late and that Jared is still in sight.

Jensen doesn’t plan on stopping him. What he plans to do is follow him. He gets that it may seem a bit creepy stalkerish of him, but he doesn’t know what else to do. If he tries to stop Jared again then that will just get him more riled up which will just make matters worse. He’s not even sure what he plans to do once he gets to Jared’s house, all he knows is that just sitting at home knowing that something could be happening to Jared at that exact moment is not the right thing to do.

Running to the front door he calls out to his mother letting her know that he’s going out. Quickly running up to the foot of the drive way he looks up and down the street in both directions hopping to God that Jared hasn’t gotten too far. Jensen breathes a sigh of relief once he spots him about 20 houses up on his left. Being careful that he stays close to the row of trees next to the foot path Jensen starts the slow and careful task of following Jared.


As Jared close the front door to Jensen’s house he feels as though he’s closing the door on his last chance at happiness.

Jared’s not usually the type of guy that gets angry and snaps at people. He didn’t mean to yell at Jensen. Now that he thinks about it he wishes with all of his heart that he hadn't done it. But he was just so scared knowing what’s waiting for him when he returns home, so he just lost control and couldn’t stop the vicious words that flowed from his lips.

All he wants to do is go back there and tell Jensen that he’s sorry. Let him know that it's not Jensen's fault and most importantly that he doesn’t think he can do this without him. Although he knows that’s not possible. Jensen has probably already decided that he’s not worth the trouble. Realized that he just wasted an entire day on Jared's sorry ass.

Jared feels himself begin to tremble as he gets closer and closer towards his house. The long walk is slow and depressing. He doesn't even bother trying to rush because there is no point. The damage has already been done, he is late. It doesn't matter how late he is; It could be 5, 10 minuets or it could be 3 hours. Either way he would still receive the same horrific punishment.

As he reaches his next door neighbors house he just stops and stares. Stares at his new house. Not a home, but only a house. He has only ever had one real home in his life, although that was shattered by the carelessness and stupidity of a man who one afternoon decided to drive drunk. As he stands there he contemplates the thought of turning right back around towards Jensen's house, beg for forgiveness and just hide there, because even if he went missing his uncle probably wouldn't even try and bother to find him.

But his uncle has damaged him too much already. He doesn't have the strength or determination to defy his uncles rules. No matter the circumstances it has just been imprinted into his brain that if he disobeys the rules then he will most defiantly be punished. All he can think to himself is he deserves what he's about to get. He was late, so now he shall pay.

With that thought in mind he slowly makes his way up towards his front door. As he cautiously opens the door he is startled when his uncle grabs him by the wrist and drags him inside. As he stands there wide eyes with fear and tears unknowingly flowing from his eyes his uncle says in a very gruff but clear voice; "You've been a bad boy Jared, and now i think it's time for you to pay".

As Jared nods soundlessly he is unaware that Jensen - his last hope of happiness - is standing outside hiding silently behind a tree with tears streaming down his face and hand covering his mouth as he watches the interaction displayed before him. And as the door slowly closes shut Jensen can't prevent the loud and helpless scream full or desperation for the poor lonely boy inside that house that falls from his lips; "NOOOOOOOO".

TBC. . . . Comments make me write FASTERRR. So please leave one =D

fic-the light at the end of the never en

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