Cold Innocence (6/?)

Apr 03, 2013 23:48

Title: Cold Innocence: My Fair Lady
Author: candyfae
Genre: mystery, drama, horror
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own them, but I do own these fics of mine, and the plots (unless said otherwise)

Summary: Few day’s stay at an old motel can change became a nightmare for the five as they discover more and more secrets about a single boy and that one room in the end of the hall.


(Preview) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

6. My Fair Lady


This will be bad, really bad…

Dongwoon gritted his teeth. That Lee Kikwang…sometimes it feels like I’m the older one…

Dongwoon took a big step forward - so that he was just behind the pair…behind Kikwang - when he heard Kikwang say -

“Hi! You’re Yoseob right? I’m Kikwang, Lee Kikwang” And before his beloved could do anything else, Dongwoon yanked him back.

“Yah” he hissed at the other, who looked innocently at him. “What do you think you’re doing?!” Now it was Kikwang’s turn to narrow his eyes at him. “Stop it, Woonie, don’t be so grumpy. You’re probably just scared with all the things Junhyung hyung was saying”

“I’m not scared; I’m just smart enough to know that this isn’t safe”

Dongwoon kept his gaze at Kikwang as the other boy deemed to be lost for words, not knowing how to retort. “I…” he started, blinking -

“You’re just jealous” Kikwang finally stated, raising his head up slightly in a boastful way before turning back - again - to Yoseob, who still didn’t move at all from where Kikwang left him, while Dongwoon just stood there staring at Kikwang as if he had 4 heads.

Really now… Dongwoon was left dumbfounded.

Seriously… he cursed to himself, running a hand through his hair. He looked at his lover -

His eyes widened as he saw the pair in front of him move forward - Kikwang had casually patted Yoseob’s shoulder, urging him to move forward. Yoseob remained expressionless, eyes still on the doll as he carefully sewed it. Dongwoon followed quietly with a sour look from behind, cautiously and suspiciously watching Yoseob.

“You’re…You’re Yoseob right? Yang Yoseob?” Dongwoon heard Kikwang say. Dongwoon came closer to them, but still remaining cautious.

“Yeah” It was the only sound Yoseob gave out in the deafening silence of the motel, which seemed to be everywhere. Kikwang nodded, humming in acknowledgement. It was quiet again, Dongwoon had his teeth gritted slightly, hoping that his boyfriend would lose interest of talking to Yoseob and just leave -


Dongwoon mentally face palmed himself for actually believing that there is a chance that Kikwang would lose interest. He puffed out of his cheeks, staying closer to Kikwang and hoping that he wouldn’t f\do or say anything stupid.

“Hey, Yoseob-sshi…is that yours?” Kikwang gestured to the doll Yoseob was sewing. Kikwang looked at Yoseob, waiting for a response until he would continue. After a while, Yoseob nodded. Kikwang looked at the doll more, before smiling sincerely “Wow…It’s…it’s beautiful” Yoseob didn’t reply, he just kept walking ahead.

“It really is beautiful you know…” Kikwang said, letting out his thoughts. “Too bad it’s broken…It’s okay though, you’re fixing it” Kikwang finished his statement with a small smile. Dongwoon had to admit, the doll was beautiful, even if it was missing a limb.

“Even if I fix it…it’s only physical…” Yoseob suddenly muttered glumly, eyes still fixated on the doll. Kikwang and Dongwoon exchanged glances at each other. “But there would forever be a wound… inside…you could never fix that…everyone in this world has wounds, but all they do is cover it up, they hide it…no matter how much their soul bleeds”

“But…dolls are an exception right? They’re non-living beings after all…” Kikwang answered bluntly, yet his voice was calm.

“Nothing is an exception here, even these hollow beings” Yoseob looked at Kikwang for a second before going back to fixing the doll. Dongwoon blinked at Yoseob’s response, looking at Yoseob carefully -

“You shouldn’t try to get close to me” Yoseob stopped walking.

Kikwang’s eyes widened slightly, also coming to a full stop, Dongwoon behind him. “Yoseob-sshi…?”

“You shouldn’t talk to me anymore, either”

Before Kikwang had the chance to answer back, Yoseob started, walking the other way, past Dongwoon. Dongwoon eyed Yoseob, then -

Just for a second, just for a quick moment -

Yoseob’s eyes flickered up to meet with Dongwoon’s as he passed by him. Dongwoon stumbled back a bit. The way Yoseob stared…those narrowed eyes -

It was cold… it looked dangerous -

It was dead eyes staring into his.


“Yah! Lee Kikwang, I hope you’re happy with your new friend” Dongwoon said sarcastically as they entered their room. Kikwang ventured to the bed, happily sitting on it with a bounce.

“Well, yes…yes I am” Kikwang beamed, oblivious to the sarcasm. Dongwoon looked at Kikwang weirdly. “Sometimes I wonder what’s up there in your head hyung” he simply said. Kikwang pouted “You’re mean…” he said before putting his tongue out to Dongwoon, causing him to chuckle and do the same to Kikwang.

“Yoseob-sshi is nicer” Kikwang said knowingly. Dongwoon blinked, scrunching his brows at Kikwang.

When they were heading back hey didn’t utter a single word, they just stayed side by side as they walked. But in Dongwoon’s head there was so much things he needed to say to Kikwang, something like -

“I think you shouldn’t go near him anymore, Kiki” Kikwang leaned on the bed, facing Dongwoon. “Who?”

“That Yoseob guy…I think you shouldn’t get involved with him” Kikwang suddenly bolted up, narrowing his eyes at Dongwoon.

“Ha! See?! I knew it! You are jealous!” He stated, pointing accusingly at the younger. Dongwoon swore he would get wrinkles at how much he started at Kikwang as if he had three heads.

“What?!  Hyung, you’ve heard what Yoseob said! We shouldn’t even talk to him anymore!” Dongwoon ran a hand through his hair. Why was it so hard to talk to Kikwang sometimes?? He breathed out, trying to relax. “He’s dangerous Kiki” he continued calmly.

“How do you know that?” Kikwang cut him off. “Kiki, it’s not only me! You’ve seen how the guys reacted when Junhyung hyung said his name! You’ve heard what he’s said, heck even Yoseob said it himself! Don’t get close to him!”

Soon the night continued with the couple arguing over that one boy.


“Ahh!” Fei whined, jumping unto the bed face first. Suzy was lying down of the edge of the bed, playing with her phone while Jia stayed by the window munching on a snack she had in her pocket.

Suzy stopped fiddling with her phone to look at Fei, who had her legs and arms spread out on the bed. She pouted. “Eonni, stop being so whiny!” There was no response as the older still kept her star-fish like position. Suzy narrowed her eyes at the other before looking elsewhere.

She then saw her other eonni, Jia. She took her time to look around once more, when she then noticed something.

“Jia eonni” Jia looked up. “Yeah?”

“Where’s Minyeong eonni?” Jia blinked looking around just as Suzy did. “Now that you mention it, I don’t see Min anywhere…”

“She went out” Fei suddenly joined in, raising her head. She clearly remembered her dongsaeng going out of the room quietly. She pursed her lips. “You know how she is, always having he need to go around and stuff…”

Suzy narrowed her eyes slightly. “We should go get her… The condition of this place is bad enough…”

Jia chuckled, taking a bite out of her snack.


“Kikwangie, we’re walking out again!?”

Kikwang had once more dragged Dongwoon out to walk in the halls. Last night they kept on arguing until son enough Kikwang had had enough and crossed his arms and proceeded to completely ignore Dongwoon. Dongwoon, being the one who isn’t likely to stay mad - he was the one who usually makes up first between their fights - hugged his boyfriend from behind and finally apologized. But now Dongwoon wasn’t so sure if apologizing was the right thing as they were out of their rooms once again and venturing around the motel.

“Why, we had fun yesterday right?” Kikwang answered back, pouting at him. “Fun? Yesterday was not fun” Dongwoon muttered to himself, not wanting to start another argument between them. Suddenly Dongwoon felt a tug at his hand. Dongwoon looked at Kikwang “Wha - AH!” Dongwoon was cut off as Kikwang bursted into a sprint, pulling Dongwoon along. Soon Dongwoon’s eyes widened as he saw a familiar boy in the hall.

“Hey! Yoseob-sshi! Over here!” Yoseob looked their way, Kikwang smiled.

And Dongwoon mentally cursed a hundred times.


“Hey, Yoseob-sshi?” Kikwang called out.

They were walking…again…side by side…again…with Dongwoon behind them…again. Dongwoon had a sour look on his face the moment Yoseob appeared, proving that his lover did not listen to him… again. Yoseob wasn’t holding - or fixing - anything this time, he had his arms limp at his side as he still kept his head down.

Yoseob didn’t respond but Kikwang continued anyway, knowing that the other was listening. “you know, I’ve heard a lot from you from my friends…wait, that means you’ve met them right?!” Kikwang looked at Yoseob excitingly, whilst Yoseob merely glanced up to him in a split second, eyes cold yet blank.

Dongwoon bit his lip, trying his best not to make any sound of annoyance or frustration…or even amusement. Because from where he is, seeing Kikwang smile at the other while Yoseob remained glum… he tried his best not to laugh at how hard his precious and beloved hyung was trying.

“You…You’ve met them right?” Dongwoon heard Kikwang repeat. “You know… I mean, that’s why they know you; So you must have met my friends before! Hyunseung hyung… and Junnie hyung too… Doojoonie hyung too!” Kikwang kept on ranting, making Dongwoon roll his eyes -


Suzy bolted out of their bed. She had grew restless, more importantly - she was worried for her eonni, Min. She glanced at her other two eonnis in the room. “You know…” she started, making Fei and Jia turn towards her.

“We should really really look for Min eonni now…”

Fei smiled amusingly, “Sure Suzy, I’ll call her”


“I mean, Is it just me, or …”

Dongwoon stared broadly into space as Kikwang continued, glancing towards his oblivious lover, who seemed so happy and enthusiastic. He took a quick glance at Yoseob, who hasn’t made a single sound yet. Soon Kikwang was too busy ranting that he didn’t even notice that the one he was talking to wasn’t beside him. Dongwoon blinked, seeing Yoseob stopping abruptly. Dongwoon snapped his head up to Yoseob’s face. The boy had his head hung long, his long blonde bangs casting a shadow to prevent Dongwoon from seeing his face.

Dongwoon bit his lip, not even daring to go near the boy in front of him.

“So you must have seen how h -“ Kikwang finally stopped, noticing the boy beside him missing.

“Yoseob-sshi?” Kikwang called as he spun on his heels. He blinked on seeing Yoseob frozen on his tracks. Kikwang started to go closer, when Yoseob spoke out suddenly, head still hung low.

“I warned you…”

Suddenly Yoseob snapped his head up. He took a step forward slowly - a big step forward towards Kikwang - and stopped just in front of him, just a few inches away from touching Kikwang’s face. But even until now -

Yoseob’s face remained expressionless as he gazed into Kikwang’s eyes.

“Be careful... No one usually gets this close to me”

It was quiet after that. Kikwang stared at Yoseob with wide eyes, slightly freaked out. Yoseob stay in the same place, in front of Kikwang, still staring at the other with glum eyes. Dongwoon was about to take a step forward -

Suddenly they heard heavy footsteps echo out from around the corner. Kikwang snapped out from his daze, snapping his head to the footsteps, Dongwoon doing the same. Yoseob averted his eyes away from Kikwang, but he still stayed in the same position. Soon they heard a voice fading in as a figure appeared from around the corner.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine eonni…I really am, I was just going around…geez…”

It was the girl from yesterday. Dongwoon looked at her. Wasn’t she the one who called his Kiki cute? The girl looked rushed, her handbag bouncing as she ran steadily towards them.

“Yeah, I know…fine. I’m going there… I’m coming, just hang on eonni” She gritted her teeth, clutching her bag tighter as she was getting closer to them. She ignored Kikwang and Dongwoon, who were following her with their eyes, instead her eyes fell to the boy who wasn’t watching her. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to look at the boy’s face -

Suddenly Yoseob’s eyes flickered up to stare at the girl. He didn’t move, but his eyes were heavy on her. Her eyes widened at seeing the boy’s gaze before snapping her eyes away from the boy. Shaking it off quickly as she hurried down the hall and reached the staircase. She rushed down to meet up with the others -

Her eyes widened as she gasped -


Dongwoon snapped his head towards the stairs, eyes big and mouth gaped slightly as he heard a large crash, along with a shout, followed by some more crashing sounds.

“What was that!?” Kikwang looked at Dongwoon with panic and fear in his eyes before spinning on his heels and rushing towards the staircase, Dongwoon following. Yoseob stared at them dolefully, unmoving, as they ran to the source of the noise. He tilted his head ever so slightly to the side before walking, too, towards the stairs, while he hummed faintly -

London Bridge is falling down…

Kikwang and Dongwoon reached the staircase.

Dongwoon almost screamed at seeing what was before his eyes.

The girl from earlier lay on the bottom of the staircase. Her limbs were sprawled in an awkward and uncomfortable manner. It looked broken. Her limbs were broken. She lay face down. There were even cracks on the floor from the impact, the cracks gathering right in the head of the girl. But the one thing that stood out was -

There was blood. The blood seeped out from her head, puddle of  red liquid slowly becoming larger as it gathered around her. Her hand was twitching slightly -

There was no other thing to say except…

That girl is dead.

“What…” Kikwang struggled to say. Suddenly he was cut off with another girl’s voice.

“What was that!! Min, was that you? Min…MIN!!!” Suddenly a girl rushed over to the lying body. The girl raised her trembling hands, turning over the departed one’s body.

Dongwoon cringed. It was worse now that you could see the front. There were bruises everywhere. Her face was dripping with blood, everywhere, from the top of the forehead to the end of the chin; there were seeps of blood dripping down from her temple.

“No…” the girl shakily said, tears emerging from her eyes. “No…No no!” She placed both her palms on the cheeks of the dead one, tears now falling nonstop. “NO! MIN!” Soon she was broken down to endless sobs as she bawled out on her friend. Her hands were shaking badly, which now went down to clutch at the dress.

Dongwoon didn’t know what to do. He could only stare as he watched the girl cry before him. Soon more footsteps were heard, as more people arrived. Gayoon noona suddenly rushed over, along with other staff members and the other girls who were with the deceased. Gayoon’s eyes were eyes filled with fear as she glanced at the dead body. Suddenly her eyes snapped up to look at him, looking at him with so much shock. But there was something else in her eyes…

She looked back at the body, brows going down in fear. “No…” she muttered before rushing out again, leaving Dongwoon confused and panicked and scared.

Soon nothing else was heard except the loud bawling of the girl over the deceased as more people came rushing forward, trying to pry the crying girl off from the other.

But Dongwoon could only watch in fear…

Behind them, unbeknownst to everyone else, was Yoseob.

Yoseob stared at the whole scene before him, expressionless eyes grazing over each and every one of them, before he turned around, slowly walking away from the scene. He hung his head back down, his slow footsteps echoing out.

London Bridge is falling down…



A/N: After 5 chapters, now is when the story really begins muahahahahahahaha. *hides under the covers* I have a bad feeling about this chappy though ._. This chapter was long….the longest chappy o3o Anyways, comments are <3

Follow me @Candyfae ^_^ Love You Guys <3


rating: pg-13, member: yoseob, series: cold innocence, band: beast, member: dongwoon

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