Cold Innocence (2/?)

Feb 09, 2013 16:44

Title: Cold Innocence: Who is he?
Author candyfae
Genre mystery, drama, horror
Rating PG-13

Disclaimer I do not own them, but I do own these fics of mine, and the plots (unless said otherwise)

Summary: Few day’s stay at an old motel can change became a nightmare for the five as they discover more and more secrets about a single boy and that one room in the end of the hall.


(Preview) (1)

2. Who is he?


“My my… you really look so much like your mother…so…much”

Voice was rough. Drunken atmosphere clear around the room.

“ahh…thank you…”

Small. Uneasy. Barely heard from across the room.

“Life…” Footsteps. Heavy footsteps.

“…is really unfair…don’t you think?”


Silence. Loud, screaming, deafening silence pushing at his eardrums.

Stop. A knife glistened.


Sudden movements. Struggling.

Choked sounds. Panting.

“Stay Still!”


Horror. Terrifying.

The knife shined just above him.

… scream of agony… a scream of pain…cries…


The thunder was loud.

“Ahh… yes… ok… we’re fine…” Junhyung answered half-heartedly.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed on his room. He listened to his mom rant on and on through the phone, occasional buzzing being heard due to the poor signal.

“Al…zzzt…right then. Stay Safe. Call me… zzzzt… when the storm… zzt… settles a bit” His mom’s voice was muffled, barely heard through the hard rain echoing outside.

“Mmm, okay…bye. Love you.” Junhyung shut his phone before tossing it aside. He plopped down the bed, running a hand through his hair.

It stayed silent for a while.

Just then, the bathroom door opened, revealing Hyunseung.“Hey” he said, going over to lie next to him. It was silent again.

“Bored?” he asked, rolling over to his side to face Junhyung. Junhyung grunted. “Of Course…of all the places to stay on a stormy weather like this…” he sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose.

Hyunseung scrunched his eyebrows sadly before going closer to peck him on the cheek. “Don’t worry… I understand. Let’s just hope that the storm would settle. In the meantime, let’s just find something to do.”

Junhyung sat up. “Well… I’m going to go and get a snack downstairs. It is, after all, the only decent thing here. Food” He stood up and headed to the door. “You coming?”

Hyunseung shook his head, rolling over face down on the bed. “Nope” his voice was muffled. “I’d rather take a nap” Junhyung shrugged, opening the door, muttering an ‘alright’ before heading out and closing the door with a ‘click’


Junhyung was standing in front of the display cases, each shelf having some sort of pastry on them.


Junhyung snapped his head back quickly, heartbeat fast and eyes wide. He sighed - in relief, he didn’t know why, but there’s something about this place that seems so… unreal… - upon seeing the young woman whom they first met in the dining hall days ago and is now considered very close with them.

“Ahh, you scared me. Hi, Gayoon noona”

Gayoon smiled warmly, going over beside Junhyung. “So… what are you looking for?” She said as he bent over, looking at each of the shelves.

“I don’t really know… anything I guess” Gayoon laughed. “Come on, you have to at least give some suggestions” Junhyung smiled at her light-heartedness. “Well, something sweet I guess, like a cake of some sort”

“Ah” Gayoon said. “I’ll go get you a fresh slice of our best cake. Wait here” she said, smiling. With that, she turned on her heels and walked to the kitchen, the ‘clacking’ of her heels echoing around the room. As Junhyung watched her go, he noticed a bruise on the back of her arm which wasn’t there the other times they had conversed..

Junhyung went over to sit on one of the tables. He sat on the chair in the end of the room and casually tapped his fingers on the table to a beat inside of this head.

Not even a minute later, Junhyung stopped upon suddenly hearing a voice humming faintly out of nowhere.

Build it up with wood and clay, wood and clay, wood and clay…

The humming grew louder, and then a boy walked into the room in which Junhyung was in. Junhyung recognized him as the boy they saw the day they came here, only now he felt uneasy. Almost scared. He was clutching something on his hand but he couldn’t see it. He remembered Doojoon telling them a few days ago that his name was Yoseob…?

The boy kept his gaze straight, eyes heavy. Junhyung couldn’t help but watch as the boy went to sit on a chair, their tables almost directly facing each other. There was awkward silence after that - for Junhyung at least - as the boy kept humming slowly. Junhyung cleared his throat nervously, uneasily.

“Umm… hey…” he started, trying to ease the tense aura around. But Yoseob kept humming, as though he heard nothing. Junhyung let out an uncomfortable sigh.

“Hey…” he tried again. “Yoseob…right?”

My fair -

Yoseob came to an abrupt halt the moment Junhyung said his name. Now Junhyung was sort of wishing how he shouldn’t have even talked. He watched as Yoseob kept his gaze down. He nodded lightly. A few moments and they both didn’t talk. Only now it was worse since Yoseob was no longer humming, and now the silence was deafening. Soon Yoseob went back to fiddling along with the thing on his head. Junhyung stretched his neck to see what it was -

It was a doll. The doll was wearing a pink dress full of ruffles. It’s hair was a soft blonde, and it’s curls were now tangled up and messy. There was a white blindfold on the doll, wrapping tightly around its eyes. Junhyung kept staring at the doll, feeling something strange when Yoseob suddenly moved it out of his view. Junhyung blinked.

“Uhm… that doll you have there, it’s pretty” Again. No response. “Did someone give that to you?” Yoseob stopped fiddling with the doll abruptly, and he stayed still for a moment.

“Yes.” Junhyung listened absent-mindedly. “But…” Yoseob continued, head tilting back down to continue playing with the doll. “that person…” The boy suddenly smiled head still low.

“Here! One freshly baked slice of our cake!” Gayoon suddenly entered again, catching Junhyung’s attention. Her happy aura and loud footsteps was drowning out all the uncomfortable feeling from a while ago. Junhyung’s head snapped back to Yoseob. He watched Yoseob as he stood up again from the chair. He raised his hand to reveal the doll, and clutched it to his chest the way a little kid would do.

Junhyung watched as he walked slowly out from the room, head tilted slightly. Yoseob stopped for a second, he turned his head a bit, and Junhyung could feel Yoseob staring at him. Chills went down his spine. Yoseob then turned back and walked away.

Junhyung kept staring at the door through which Yoseob left, eyes slightly wide.

“Hey” Junhyung blinked, looking up and seeing Gayoon waving a hand in front of him. “I brought your cake. Now stop spacing out like that” she said with a laugh. Junhyung nodded, awkwardly laughing along, mind still not present after meeting that boy. Gayoon noticed this and pouted.

“Junhyung! What’s up?” Junhyung snapped back to reality. Should he tell her about Yoseob? Does she know already about him? Who is he?

“Ah, Gayoon noona” he started. Gayoon answered him with a small hum. “Is someone named Yoseob staying here right now?”

The whole atmosphere suddenly changed.

Junhyung knew that Gayoon was trying to hide it, be he saw how her eyes widened slightly, her warm, cheery aura fading slightly. “…noona?”

Gayoon looked back up at Junhyung, sliming again. “Ah, Yoseob. Don’t mind him. He likes to visit here with his family every now and then. He’s actually quite a troublemaker, playing pranks on guests and stuff, so stay away from him if I were you” she ended it with an unstable laugh, waving her hand at him. Junhyung noticed this, but he decided to keep the conversation going. “Didn’t you see him? He was here a while ago when you brought the cake” Gayoon tilted her head to the side, acting as though she is confused. But the panic was visible in her eyes.

“Oh? I didn’t see him…” before Junhyung had the chance to respond, she talked again. “Well, let’s change the subject shall we? So, where have you guys been before you came here?” she asked with a wide smile, as though she is hiding something. Junhyung sighed inwardly; he wanted to keep talking about it, but now he would just go and accept the story Gayoon had said: he’s just a normal boy who likes to play pranks on people by acting the way he does a while ago.

But something about him seems different…


Junhyung was on his way back to his room.

After eating the cake, which was exceptionally delicious, and chatting with Gayoon, who made the cake, he headed back to his room to take a nap, since it was the only other option for him which didn’t involve physical effort.

He absent-mindedly climbed up the stairs, to the second floor, and kept on walking. He past Kikwang’s and Dongwoon’s room, and stopped at the door to his room. He paused for a while, before going in.

Hyunseung was still sleeping on their bed, and looking at his boyfriend already made Junhyung feel sleepy. Junhyung walked past the bed. He should change into more comfortable clothes first. He kept walking until he reached the window. He stopped for a while, staring at the heavy rain outside. It was then that he noticed that the motel had a rooftop. He stared at it for a while, the fog in the glass preventing him from seeing it clearly.

Then he saw it…

He could just make out an outline of a person. Junhyung widened his eyes. Why would someone go out in a weather like this?! He narrowed his eyes, trying to make out who the peron is…

Lightning flashed. Junhyung gasped as he saw blonde hair, eyes limp at the side, head looking straight, and eyes staring out gloomily at the night, soaking wet in the rain. Just who was he?

It was Yoseob.


A/N: WOOT WOOT! I did it!~!!~ I updated within a week :D Yeah, here it is, chappy 2 >3< It’s JUNHYUNG this time :DDD oohh the lovable rapper XD Next week would be Dongwoon or Hyunseung…but I’m still deciding, decide for me, ne? ^_^

Comments are <3


member: yoseob, series: cold innocence, band: beast, rating: pg, member: junhyung, #fanfiction

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