Cold Innocence (3/?)

Feb 19, 2013 21:28

Title: Cold Innocence: Doll
Author: candyfae
Genre: mystery, drama, horror
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own them, but I do own these fics of mine, and the plots (unless said otherwise)

Summary: Few day’s stay at an old motel can change became a nightmare for the five as they discover more and more secrets about a single boy and that one room in the end of the hall.


(Preview) (1) (2)

3. Doll


Hyunseung always had this great big bubble of curiosity. Everywhere he went, he was always questioning things, some might answer it, others would just be irritated and shoo him away to bother someone else. Needless to say, Hyunseung was an adventurer. So the moment they stepped in into this old motel, his muscles were itching to go inside and venture every single nook and cranny there is. So, as quiet as he is in the group, he always has the want to go to some places where he shouldn’t.

And today wasn’t an exception.


“You coming?” he heard Junhyung ask. Hyunseung puffed his cheeks and rolled face-down on the bed. “Nope” he said, not bothering to lift his head to prevent his voice from muffling. “I’d rather take a nap.” He then heard Junhyung mumble something before closing the door. Hyunseung closed his eyes.

I’d rater take a nap. Well, this was partly true and false. He’d visited and talked to Gayoon-noona so much times that he had gotten bored with it, so now what’s the use of doing it again when you could just take a nice, refreshing nap? But today he was itching to go out on an adventure more than ever, and he actually didn’t feel like sleeping. He sat up, blinking and looking at his surroundings. He spotted the window far on the wall.

He sat up, groggily and headed for the window, looking out. As expected, the rain still stayed strong. Hyunseung narrowed his eyes, looking for something else interesting.

Then, through the misty fog of the glass, he spotted the silhouette of a rooftop. He smiled inwardly, his curiosity reaching its peak. He turned around swiftly, grabbing his jacket and heading out the door.


He walked past Kikwang’s and Dongwoon’s room, so now he was facing the stairs. He puffed out of his cheeks, poking his head out to look up the stairs. The distance to the rooftop was not short but it isn’t that long either.

He shrugged his shoulders before beginning his ascent up the staircase, counting the steps as he goes by. He swiftly went past the few other floors until he reached a metal door on the top, which had gotten rusty on the sides over the years.

Hyunseung placed both of his palms on the door, feeling the chill of the rain outside. He pressed his ear against the door and heard the heavy raindrops splattering on the ground. Eagerly, he put on his jacket, and reached for the door handle -

It was locked.

Hyunseung’s face scrunched up into a scowl, trying again, but still hearing the same click sound of the locked door. His scowl deepened, raising his leg to kick the door. The metal clanged loudly, the sound echoing over the stairs. He made a irritated sound, kicking the door again - but not as loud - before grumpily going back down the stairs.

Soon he reached the second floor once more, head slouched slightly as he dragged his feet back to his room. He gripped the door knob, about to open it when he suddenly froze, as if he felt a chill breeze flow through him. He shivered, breathing out when something when something caught his eyes.

He snapped his head quickly to the right, sensing as if something was there, and there he was met with an eerie, dark hallway.

The spark of curiosity flew back to his eyes as he slowly let go of the doorknob, his eyes still glued to the dark hallway on his right. He turned to face the hallway, titlting his head and blinking.

How come he only saw this now?

There was something at the end of that hall, he just knew it. He went a few steps forward ineptly, clumsily, into the hallway, his vision slightly getting blurry. And it was clear - oh, so very clear - that ‘forbidding’ aura that was surrounding this eerie hall. He shivered, trying to make out something - anything - that was on the end of the hall, but still, the only thing he met was pure darkness.

He wondered if the end of that hall was nothing but pure darkness.

For the first time in his life, it wasn’t just plain curiosity that he felt. It wasn’t just that strong sense of curiosity and that alone - even during the time when he got lost during those field trips when he was young, he wasn’t at all bothered by this, instead he kept getting himself lost by exploring the places until his teachers found him and gave him a good, old, long sermon. It was all adventuring and exploring. That’s that.

It was all normal.

But for the first time in his life, it wasn’t just that. He actually felt scared…fear. And it was strange for him, to feel this, because he rarely felt it. So to be scared by just this, it made him want to see what made him act like this so much.

He breathed out, trying to steady his already fast-beating heart (though all he did was stand there and look). With an unsteady glance back to his room behind him, he started each step more cautious than the other as he walked into the darkness ahead of him.

With each step forward, he could see the surroundings less and less as it got steadily darker. He felt himself trembling a bit, wondering how long he was out already…or if Junhyung was back from his snack…actually he was trying to think about anything and everything just to keep his mind occupied and not to the hall he was now approaching. But still, the more steps he made - even if he feels himself shaking and trembling - he felt even more eager to find out what was on the end of this hall, which was now darkening to the point where he could just see blurry outlines.

He walked a few more steps forward before completely stopping. He scrunched his eyebrows, reaching his hand forward -

Solid. It was a wall.

So this was it? Dead End?

Hyuseung grunted, before narrowing his eyes. No. This is not a dead end. Something is here. Something has got to be here. He tried getting his phone - he had no idea why he didn’t get it before - for a light source.

!Low Battery!

He frowned, he remembered to have just charged it this morning, and he hasn’t used it much. Low Battery? Now? He shrugged, well, light isn’t an option anymore.

He narrowed his eyes once more, placing his hands flat on the wall - wait…no it wasn’t a wall…it was rough…and it had carvings…like…

A door!

He felt his senses tingling, moving his hands around again until his fingers met something cold.

The door knob.

Bingo! He blinked, looking closely and making out an door that looked like the usual ones in the motel: wooden..and well, old. But this one…this one had a certain feel to it. Like it was different, different from everything else.

This meant that there are some secrets inside.

Hyunseung grabbed the doorknob. But then he paused for a while and started to think.

Did he really want to know what was inside?

Was he up for it?

He felt his inside tingling with anticipation, but what if inside that room was far too worse than what he would have had imagined? Still, he was going to take the chance.

He breathed out, calming himself before gently - hesitatingly - opening the doorknob. The moment he opened it he felt a rush of chills run through him, even though he still hasn’t seen what’s inside… It’s like whatever’s inside there noticed his appearance, and is…excited? Happy? Even Angry?

He gulped, stepping into the room, slowly, shakily. His eyes widened, gasping, as he immediately felt this strange sensation overwhelm him.

In the room were several shelves, tables, and chairs. And it was scattered everywhere, be it on the edges of the room, or the middle. The room was dark, no light source except for a small, flickering, faint light in the ceiling in the middle, even fainter than the ones outside. It’s walls were painted with a dark, grey color that matches the ceiling. The floor was wooden so that with each step that Hyunseung would make, a small, almost inaudible creak would sound out. The room almost looked like an ordinary storage room.


Almost, because on every shelf, table, and chair, lay several dolls. The dolls would differ, some would be big, some small; some in glass cases, some just strewn on the surface, or some either neatly sitting down or standing up. Each doll was unique, not one having the same hair and clothes… and expression.

Some were happy…almost too happy…dangerously happy.

Some looked miserable and greatly depressed.

Some were clam, eyes flat and showing no emotion at all.

He stopped walking, heart beating fast as all the dolls seemed to be placed to face the middle…where he was.

He raised his hands awkwardly then proceeded to wipe his palms on his pants. He looked around, going to the shelves, examining them carefully, but never touching them.

But maybe I could…

He raised his hand, to touch…feel… one of the dolls in front of him. His fingertips brushed the hair -


Hyunseung yelped, hand going to cover his mouth and body whipping around to see the source of the noise, heart almost exploding out of his chest. He panted heavily, as if he run a thousand kilometers, and his skin has paled, eyes wide as he walked to where he heard the sudden noise, like something fell.

He looked down, and cringed upon seeing it.

It was one of the dolls. This one had short hair with a sky blue color, with a white headband adorned with ruffles. The color of its clothes matched the color of her hair, and it was in a long, silk gown with ruffles on the bottom. It’s limbs were placed in an awkward position because of the fall, it was bent in a way that a living person could not copy. The face was blank, empty. Its eyes showed a bottomless pit.  But all of this was not what made Hyunseung cringe so badly.

It was because this doll was made from glass.

It was made from glass, and since glass is breakable, the impact cause by the fall was enough to cause cracks everywhere on the doll. There were cracks everywhere, but it didn’t break. There was a big crack running down the doll’s face - from the head down to the cheek. There were small gaps on the arms and legs, shards of glass that were to fill the gaps lay beside the doll, scattered.

Hyunseung breathed out shakily, walking backwards - away from that doll.
He kept walking backwards until he bumped into a shelf…into another doll.

“GAH!” he shouted upon feeling the doll he had bumped. He turned around to face the doll quickly -

The door slammed shut.

“Shit!” he cursed, turning around - again - and looking at the door with wild, almost hysterical eyes. He could still see - his eyes have already adapted to the darkness. He looked around him, seeing all the dolls…all the dolls face him. He was shaking terribly now.

…London Bridge is falling down…

…falling down…

…falling down…

Suddenly that horribly slow tune started once more. This time it sounded rustier, the tune cracked more, it sounded ten times rougher. He looked around, looking for the source of that tune. But the more he looked, the louder it got, the harder it was to tell. fair lady…

“Fuck…I have had enough of this!” he cried. He bolted for the door, reaching his hand out to escape from this place -

Suddenly there was a voice from the corner of the room, a calm, melodious voice -

“Don’t run… you might break another one of my dolls…”


A/N: OMG OMG OMG OMG IT’S FREAKIN WEDNESDAY AND THIS IS THE ONLY TIME I COULD POOOSTTT!!!! That’s because I started it lateeee around Thursday, and Friday and Saturday was a busy day for me T^T forgive meh? I wanted to finish this one time SOOOO badly that I wrote some parts at school during class and having mah teachers scold me =3= UWAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!

This chapter was supposed to be longer, WAY WAAAAYYY longer…but instead, here I am…posting it up super late and leaving you guys with a cliffhanger…sort of. =n=


member: yoseob, member: hyunseung, series: cold innocence, band: beast, rating: pg, #fanfiction

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