For the last 2 years I have had a plastic drain tailpiece sitting in my office/record library. I'd knock it down by accident. It was purchased to fix my bathroom sink drain but was never used. I had no idea I would ever use it, yet hung on to it for some reason. In the last couple of months I was seriously considering throwing it out with the
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No carpentry was done in the backroom project, after Wednesday completing the new higher floor joists. The structure, using the same 2x6's, was mounted on 6x6's that went on top of the sills, similar to how the 1908 house was constructed. What is different is that the 1908 house used 2x4 boxes on top of that: cripple walls to raise the height of
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While I had planned to do a full perimeter protection from skunks for House70 to-day, Sterling, Sebastian and I managed to complete the south side to-day
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This morning, as I was drinking my coffee, I heard our water pipes in use, then turn off. However, I did not hear walking on the 2nd floor. Perhaps I did not hear Marisa walking, but if the water use was not from her, what then
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