Returning to Normal While Concerned for July

Jun 28, 2022 22:03

My second day at work after the vacation started without issue.

I attended a meeting and provided further information on my graphs of command usage to the owner of those commands.

In the meeting my manager went through a number of items and answered questions. These are the kinds of things I will have to do when I start running the meeting next week and throughout July. I feel inadequate to the task because my manager has background knowledge which I not only do not have but that I tend to avoid in pursuit of doing development work.

My friend, Steve, is much better equipped in this regard as he is keyed into the projects, releases and so on.

Still, if I give myself some time each week to review various sources of information about these things, I might have a chance.

My manager this week will meet with me each day to help me, so I hope this helps.

It will be a challenge.

By noon I had written a test and migrated back a script, and also summarized several weeks of data into yaml files. To-morrow I will finish the summarization and also complete the work on the file changes my manager requested.

While I finished up around 6 p.m., I was tired. Vajra introduced me to two video productions which took parts of episodes from other Star Trek series and turned them into animated versions using techniques that Filmation did in the 1970s. I downloaded as mp4 files. Then I checked to see if Spockboy had any thing on You Tube I didn't already have. He did! So I downloaded those. One was a repeat but at higher resolution (1080p instead of 280p). Spockboy no longer has his Rinse of the Archons video but I still have my downloaded version.

By then, around 7 p.m. I took down two laundry baskets, no doubt inspired by Rinse of the Archons!

I told Marisa I noticed that our cat, Eddie, liked to sniff other cats buts, so I announced at as a television series: "Eddie Sniffs Butts." On tonight's episode, Eddie sniffs all of the butts of his brothers and sisters. On tonight's episode, Eddie searches for used cigaretts to sniff. On tonight's episode, Eddie goes back in time to sniff the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture...Earl Butz.

I was tired, though, so I went upstairs to take a nap. Marisa joined me. I woke up after 9 p.m. With my late lunch of macaroni and cheese I was only a little hungry, so I had dessert only: a slice of apple pie. Marisa woke soon after and also had a slice. We watched Stranger Things.

Right at the half way point of the episode we hear a crash in the kitchen. We think it was Hannibal who pulled down the glass nut dish from the pedestal bookcase there. There were cashews and pieces of broken glass everywhere. "This is why we can't have nice things," I said to Marisa as she looked for a broom and I picked up the bigger pieces of glass. I searched through the recycling bin for some cardboard to wrap the glass before putting in the garbage. I stuffed the pieces into an empty and broken cereal box, then the whole thing into the trash bin. Marisa swept everything she could find and dumped into the bin.

The problem is that all the cat toys are easily accessible by the cats and they know where they are. So Hannibal simply wanted to play and knocked down the nut dish.

Once we cleaned up, we resumed the very good episode and I stumbled upstairs to brush my teeth and go to bed.

television, glass, cats, work

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