Stranger Dreams

Jun 29, 2022 07:02

This morning had some strange dreams.

I don't remember everything.

* I walk up stairs reminiscent of those in Deady Hall at the University of Oregon. Very crowded. When I get to an upper floor all of the pens in my pocket are different. Some are missing, others replaced by other pens and some pens have different caps (a few have caps that came from things beside writing pens).

* Marisa and I are in some city. The streets have large puddles of water, so to cross the streets we have to take circuitous routes to avoid the deep parts. Marisa suddenly cries out with joy and points up. The overcast skies, with the clouds high in the atmosphere, show streaks of lightning.

* We were in some apartment but I couldn't find an available toilet (they were all being used).


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