
Feb 15, 2009 13:06

Who: Ken Ichijouji, Open
What: Arrival
Where: The Hub
When: About 1:00 in the afternoon ( Read more... )

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Comments 66

invisible_fail February 15 2009, 21:57:38 UTC
That train had been running more frequently as of late, Espio couldn't help but notice. Honestly, this was just getting silly! How many people could this tiny place possibly need? With a sigh, he figured he might as well approach this new boy.

"Oh great. Another one."


crstofkindness February 15 2009, 22:55:25 UTC
"Another one? There are more people here?" This creature had to be Digimon. And that explained everything! He must be in the Digital World. Where else did land float and empty trains run? He frowned, looking around the station.

"Who are you?"


invisible_fail February 15 2009, 23:28:34 UTC
"A handful," Espio confirmed. "Been a few more lately. You'd be one of them, it looks like." For a moment, he paused to examine the boy. Of everyone Espio had seen so far, this boy certainly seemed to be the youngest (and for that matter, closest to his height) although he opted not to mention it. However, humans weren't something he was terribly familiar with, so he couldn't really tell.

"Espio the Chameleon," he answered Ken's question, simply. "Nobody knows what this is, but Cerise calls it the Network."


crstofkindness February 15 2009, 23:42:21 UTC
Ken nods, opening his mouth to reply when the other introduces himself.

"Wait, you're not a Digimon?" Now he's just confused. His neat little theory just got snapped into tiny pieces. Thanks, Espio. Ken shifted his schoolbag and frowned.

"Does that mean I'm not in the Digital World?"


shadowraid February 16 2009, 02:32:38 UTC
Anise had just barely gotten use to this world and still found herself upset over not being able to go back home. Much less, she hardly had anyone to talk to. This was hardly different from the rest of the time she had spent alone at Daath with only Ion for company, but at least Ion was around.

She was passing by the Hub when she noticed a boy step off a train. Hey, another new comer? Well, she might as well head over and say her hello's. Approaching the boy with a wave, she happily greeted him, "Hi!"


crstofkindness February 16 2009, 02:45:03 UTC
Ken started briefly as the girl approached him. Well, he should be used to strangers talking to him now, what with the child prodigy thing and all. He bowed politely and with as much calmness as he could muster at the moment.

"Ah, hello."


shadowraid February 16 2009, 02:48:50 UTC
Anise faltered as he bowed. What age did this guy come from? Could he be from Daath? No, he dressed too weirdly. Besides, she'd probably recognize him at least a little bit if that was the case. Maybe he was just overly polite? Really, she should be the one who was bowing, but he didn't know that.

"So let me guess, you have some questions that need to be answered," Anise offered with a small smile. Might as well be helpful while she was here.


crstofkindness February 16 2009, 02:54:45 UTC
Ken cocked his head to one side as the girl spoke, then nodded smiling. Finally, someone who was going to answer his questions! He took a breath, then spoke.

"Yes, I do actually."


unknownceiling February 16 2009, 02:33:03 UTC
Shinji is standing nearby, trying to decide whether to take the chance and listen to his SDAT. He didn't have the recharger with him, and he wasn't sure he could figure out how to restore the battery from the local electricity later...

Then he noticed Ken. His thoughts turned to wondering if he should approach him. There wasn't a lot of people here, but even with these limited numbers Shinji was hesitant.


crstofkindness February 16 2009, 02:47:20 UTC
Ken glanced up from fiddling with his cellphone and D-terminal, both of which refused to get a signal. Not that he should have expected anything else, really. He gives Shinji a polite smile and a nod. Interesting that there were others here his own age. Or near to it.


bullworthless February 16 2009, 02:40:25 UTC
The noise of the train arriving had peaked Jimmy's interest; considering he was already in the area, coming back from a 'meal' of the cafeteria mush, it's not like it was out of the way. Looked like the new arrival was some kid about his age, looking lost; he pushes up off the wall he was leaning against and approaches.



crstofkindness February 16 2009, 02:50:09 UTC
Ken was surprised by the appearance of another person his age, this one appearing to be a Westerner at that. He smiles, hoping his English is good enough to facilitate communication.

"Hello. Do you know where we are?" He speaks English with a distinct accent, but he can be understood.


bullworthless February 16 2009, 02:52:12 UTC
Huh, hell of an accent. Well, whatever. He doesn't smile - Jimmy rarely does - but he looks friendly enough.

"Some other world, I hear. It's still putting itself together, so stuff is all messed up."


crstofkindness February 16 2009, 02:57:33 UTC
A Japanese accent to be precise. But that child genius thing has helped him to grasp the language. Uh-oh. This person doesn't seem too friendly.

"Well, yes. Another world..." He nods, "I had figured that. But it's not the world I'm familiar with. This is very strange."


plug_suited February 16 2009, 07:45:07 UTC
Asuka spotted a newcomer and wandered over to take a look, curious. Hey, this kid actually looked pretty normal. She peered at him searchingly, "Well? Who are you?"


crstofkindness February 16 2009, 07:48:40 UTC
Ken blinked at the red-head. How rude! He straightened and gave a polite bow.

"My name is Ken Ichijouji."


plug_suited February 16 2009, 07:53:05 UTC
"Ken, huh? I'm Asuka Langley Soryu. Welcome to... dreary nothingness." She waved a hand in the general direction of... nothing.

"Where are you from?"


crstofkindness February 16 2009, 07:58:07 UTC
Ken raised an eyebrow and looked out into the void for a moment before looking back to Asuka. As always, he's almost painfully polite.

"I'm from Tamachi, in Tokyo, Japan. Where do you come from, Soryu-san?"


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