
Feb 15, 2009 13:06

Who: Ken Ichijouji, Open
What: Arrival
Where: The Hub
When: About 1:00 in the afternoon ( Read more... )

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invisible_fail February 15 2009, 21:57:38 UTC
That train had been running more frequently as of late, Espio couldn't help but notice. Honestly, this was just getting silly! How many people could this tiny place possibly need? With a sigh, he figured he might as well approach this new boy.

"Oh great. Another one."


crstofkindness February 15 2009, 22:55:25 UTC
"Another one? There are more people here?" This creature had to be Digimon. And that explained everything! He must be in the Digital World. Where else did land float and empty trains run? He frowned, looking around the station.

"Who are you?"


invisible_fail February 15 2009, 23:28:34 UTC
"A handful," Espio confirmed. "Been a few more lately. You'd be one of them, it looks like." For a moment, he paused to examine the boy. Of everyone Espio had seen so far, this boy certainly seemed to be the youngest (and for that matter, closest to his height) although he opted not to mention it. However, humans weren't something he was terribly familiar with, so he couldn't really tell.

"Espio the Chameleon," he answered Ken's question, simply. "Nobody knows what this is, but Cerise calls it the Network."


crstofkindness February 15 2009, 23:42:21 UTC
Ken nods, opening his mouth to reply when the other introduces himself.

"Wait, you're not a Digimon?" Now he's just confused. His neat little theory just got snapped into tiny pieces. Thanks, Espio. Ken shifted his schoolbag and frowned.

"Does that mean I'm not in the Digital World?"


invisible_fail February 16 2009, 02:37:05 UTC
Well, Espio hadn't exactly expected that response. So far, everyone else had found this place exceptionally weird - he had been the only one accustomed to a reality like this. "You're from somewhere like this too?" he couldn't help but ask. But he shook his head, and before allowing Ken to answer, carried on.

"I'm not a Digimon, I'm a chameleon. And this place, no idea - almost given up on working it out and just getting on with it."


crstofkindness February 16 2009, 02:42:16 UTC
That was certainly a bit of a shock. If he wasn't a Digimon, then this place probably wasn't the Digital World. Which meant he was somewhere entirely new and had no way of knowing how he would get home or when. Now he's getting nervous.

"That's not good...what are we supposed to do here? Do you know that Overseer person?"


invisible_fail February 16 2009, 02:52:46 UTC
Espio, trying to avoid anything even remotely resembling concern cross his face, simply nodded towards the Overseer's office, the nearest building to the platform. "That's his office, but a whole lot of good that'll do. He doesn't exist. In fact, you're better off not listening to Cerise at all."


crstofkindness February 16 2009, 02:55:55 UTC
Ken's face fell. This wasn't good. Not good at all.

"He's not here? Then what are we supposed to do?"


invisible_fail February 16 2009, 03:24:51 UTC
"I don't think anyone's quite worked that out yet," Espio answered, a little awkwardly. "I think the best thing we could do is fix all the broken stuff. Seems Cerise is how she is because two other computers have died." He shrugged. "Door to the lab's sealed shut though, so we can't even get in there to try fixing them."


crstofkindness February 16 2009, 03:31:11 UTC
"Sealed, you say? And we can't get in? That's not good." He shifted his book bag to accommodate his arms a bit better, listening and thinking.

"I wonder...hmm. I wish Wormmon were here. And Daisuke."


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