bobby1933 Jul 05, 2016 14:13
mercy, taoism, meditation, contemplation
bobby1933 Apr 21, 2016 22:52
mercy, silence, humility, gnosis and agnosis, notes for a wayless journey, young mystics, words, simplicity, tao te ching
bobby1933 Dec 16, 2015 20:43
buddhism, mercy, darkness, aboriginal spirituality, shaman, moderation, taoism, spiritual practice, nancy wood, humility, detachment, ego, eightfold path, notes for a wayless journey, contemplation, sermon on the mount, wisdom, mysticism, mystery, non-duality, war, perennial philosophy, cloud of unknowing
bobby1933 Jun 20, 2015 00:32
mercy, love, notes for a wayless journey, richard rohr, franciscans, judgment, perspective, meditation, rohr meditation archive
bobby1933 Jun 07, 2015 22:20
moderation, mercy, taoism, humility, tao te ching, values and interests
bobby1933 Jan 31, 2015 19:47
mercy, judgment, cloud of unknowing, contemplation
bobby1933 Aug 08, 2014 21:11
sacred poetry, peace, mercy, love
bobby1933 Sep 02, 2013 12:10
mercy, gnosis and agnosis, modesty, freedom, anger, tao te ching, awakening, violence, peace, perspective on "history", acceptance, ego, love, mindfulness, judgment, war, life, creativity, doubt, authority, perspective, surrender, power, leadership, lying, death, anarchy
bobby1933 Apr 11, 2013 01:27
he who loses his life will save it., mercy, meditation, tao te ching, sermon on the mount
bobby1933 Mar 17, 2013 00:55
mercy, toward compassion, meditation, tao te ching, franciscans