bobby1933 Dec 16, 2015 20:43
buddhism, mercy, darkness, aboriginal spirituality, shaman, moderation, taoism, spiritual practice, nancy wood, humility, detachment, ego, eightfold path, notes for a wayless journey, contemplation, sermon on the mount, wisdom, mysticism, mystery, non-duality, war, perennial philosophy, cloud of unknowing
bobby1933 Jun 07, 2015 22:20
moderation, mercy, taoism, humility, tao te ching, values and interests
bobby1933 Mar 15, 2015 02:50
the pathless path, moderation, taoism, tao te ching
bobby1933 Jan 27, 2015 17:14
he who loses his life will save it., moderation, ego, cloud of unknowing, contemplation
bobby1933 Jan 27, 2015 14:47
moderation, cloud of unknowing, contemplation