Tao Te Ching Meditation - Chapter 67: Spiritual Treasures

Mar 17, 2013 00:55


67.1 Everyone in the world
       says my Way is great,
       but it seems incomparable.
       It is just because it is great that
       it seems incomparable:
       when comparisons are long established
       (they become) trivialized.

67.2 I have three treasures
       that I keep and hold:
       one is mercy,
       the second is frugality,
       the third is not presuming
       to be at the head of the world.
67.3 By reason of mercy,
       one can be brave.
       By reason of frugality,
       one can be broad.
       By not presuming
       to be at the head of the world,
       one can make your potential last.

67.4 Now if one were bold
       but had no mercy,
       if one were broad
       but were not frugal,
       if one went ahead
       without deference,
       one would die.

67.5 Use mercy in war,
       and you win;
       use it in defense,
       and you're secure.
       Those whom heaven is going to save
       are those it guards with mercy.

Tao Teh Ching - Cleary Translation


I can never discuss my understanding of Tao with you, nor you, yours, with me.
Our understandings are not based on knowledge,
nor on concepts which are communicable.
But we try to communicate anyway.

Again i am accepting conclusions without understanding premises.
If i give my heart to Tao, i will know how to act with spontaneous virtue.

Asked to pick my three favorite virtues, which would i pick?
compassion would surely be one.
But the other two?
There must be plenty to pick from.
(I can't think of any right now.
but there must be at least seven,
just to balance the deadly sins.)

The writer picked frugality and humility,
not a bad trifecta:
Mercy, moderation, and humility
How could one win with those three on her side.
(No, i meant how could one lose... no, win was right
no, lose..... well you know what i mean)

The Buddha and St. Francis wore garments
sewn together from the discarded clothing
of monks and other poor people.
I'm sure this was not just for show,
but it was partly to show
the priorities of a seeker.

Travel light,
and low, under the radar,
and with love in your heart.

Prayer  Holy Loving  Tomorrow (or later this morning) dawn will break to bring me a new day, foll of opportunities to show compassion and practice other virtues.  Let me sleep with You in my heart and nothing on my mind.  Amen.

Contemplation: later, must go to bed. perhaps a centering prayer before i sleep.

mercy, toward compassion, meditation, tao te ching, franciscans

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