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Comments 96

charles_rb May 2 2010, 00:36:24 UTC


Mai/Zuko (1/2) beckyh2112 May 2 2010, 01:42:48 UTC
1. wild west

"You better clear on out of here," the saloon girl said.

Zuko looked up the double-barrels of her shotgun and thought real hard about agreeing.

Then his eyes flicked up, and he registered the face above the ruffled skirts and plunging bodice.

"... Mai?"

Her eyes narrowed, and Zuko only barely scrabbled to the side in time. A hole the size of his fist appeared in the floor, and she still hadn't unloaded the other barrel.

"You bastard," she hissed, "You left a note! On our wedding day!"

2. cyberpunk

Zuko reached for his guns.

A slight smile tilted the program's mouth. Black sunglasses hid her/its eyes, and a wire ran up from beneath the tailored black suit it/she wore, connecting an earpiece to something else.

It wasn't real, not any of it.

The program's body and clothing were just another visualization, like his guns. It/she didn't exist, not like he imagined her/it.

It/she wasn't Mai. Mai was dead.

He hated whoever had programed this mockery to wear her body.

3. furriesThere is a woman in the forest ( ... )


Re: Mai/Zuko (1/2) beckyh2112 May 2 2010, 01:43:06 UTC
6. born another gender

Mao frowned.

Zura scowled back at him, daring him to say a word. A- a gown of rust-brown edged with floral designs wrapped around her body. Silk flowers decorated her hair, looking haphazard and oddly touchable.

"It's very Earth Kingdom," he hazarded.

Zura began to tear the flowers out of her hair, and Mao felt a pang of regret. All he did, though, was reach out to take them from her hands before they could fall to the floor.

7. schoolfic

"You cheerlead?" the new boy asks.

Mai raises her eyebrows, then looks down at the cheerleading uniform she is clearly wearing. "Yes."

"You don't seem the type," he says, squinting at her with his good eye. The other eye is still swathed in bandages.

Mai is almost curious about what happened to him. Or she would be, if his sister weren't trying to take Ty Lee's squad away from her and if Ty Lee weren't letting Azula.

"Ty Lee cheerleads," she says, and he nods like that's all the explanation he needs.

Good. Because that's all he's going to get.

8. police/firefighters ( ... )


Re: Mai/Zuko (1/2) charles_rb May 2 2010, 01:50:13 UTC
Happy happy joy joy! :D

I like the quickly-sketched world building in 1, 2, 6, 7, and 9 - stuff is mentioned that happened earlier, there's a sense that there's a proper world hiding here. 1, 2 and 9 even get cliffhangers out of this (what happens next in 9?!).

And the bit for Harem is effing funny.


avocado_love May 2 2010, 00:39:05 UTC


Sokka/Zuko (1/3) beckyh2112 May 2 2010, 03:33:29 UTC
1. wild west

Sokka has no idea how Katara managed to talk Dad into a family vacation to Vegas. None. Zero. Zip. Zilch. He has even less of an idea of how she managed to get 'family' to include Gran-Gran, Pakku, and Bato, but frankly, he doesn't care.

Mostly because he managed to win a nice bit of change earlier. Nice enough to get entrance into a particularly ritzy strip club.

Really ritzy, and maybe he shouldn't have had that champagne and beer earlier. Because he's starting to think that the guy currently working the pole needs a fuckton of tips, and guh, how can a scar that bad be so hot?

2. cyberpunk

The program grins. It's hard to remember this one is a facade sometimes, a glitchy piece of artificial intelligence software and not an actual human being ( ... )


Sokka/Zuko (2/3) beckyh2112 May 2 2010, 03:34:05 UTC
6. born another gender

"Now this is what I'm talking about," Sanna said appreciatively as she nestled against Zura.

"-They're breasts, not pillows," Zura growled, but she made no move to push the Water Tribe girl off of her. It felt rather... nice to be cuddled like this, and the press of Sanna's own breasts against her side was-

Well, it was making her want to squirm.

"They are sexy, sexy breasts that are decidedly pillowesque," Sanna countered.

"Stop talking about Zura's breasts!" Kanook snapped from the other side of the fire.

"But they're nice breasts," Hera purred, mischief in her voice, and Toph laughed like he knew a joke no one else did.

Sanna grinned and pointed a finger at Hera. "By the way, if my baby brother knows anything about how nice your breasts are, they'll never find your body ( ... )


Sokka/Zuko (3/3) beckyh2112 May 2 2010, 03:34:26 UTC
9. urban fantasy

"Where's Mai?" Zuko croaked.

The selkie prince smiled and wrapped human hands around the iron-black blade. His hands didn't burn, and more importantly, he didn't answer Zuko's question.

That was one of the things Zuko loathed about selkies. Without their skins, they were fully and completely human. In their skins, they were fully and completely seal. It was only in the space between that they were real fey.

"Where's Mai?" Zuko repeated, taking a step forward.

The selkie prince grinned. "With my sister. She doesn't want to see you." He added, almost as an afterthought, "She said you could go to hell."

Zuko thought his heart would drop out of his chest.

"I told you not to lie to her," the selkie prince said, sheathing the sword over his shoulder. Then he reached down and began to undo the jeans that protected what little modesty he had.

"She hates the Unseelie," Zuko gritted out, ignoring the baring of dark, toothsome flesh. Damn it, it was Mai who was important here, he shouldn't even be thinking about the way ( ... )


spyridona May 2 2010, 00:45:57 UTC
Pakku (you do NOT know how much I want to do a pairing with Pakku, but I figure it I give you just Pakku, you're not limited ^_^)


Pakku (1/2) beckyh2112 May 2 2010, 18:37:50 UTC
1. wild west

Why his son-in-law thought a vacation to the middle of a desert was a good idea... Well, Pakku never had been sure how much Hakoda actually got from his mother, and how much he got from whatever Southern fool had been his father.

Pakku had offered to pay for a trip to Hawaii. He had more than enough money and little use for it beyond lavishing on his not-grandchildren. But no, Hakoda had put his foot down on the matter. They were going to Las Vegas. It would be an experience.

It was shaping up to be quite the experience, Pakku thought darkly. He'd run into Iroh while they were getting settled into their hotel. The old bastard had invited him to a 'friendly' card game.

Pakku recognized the name of the exclusive high-rollers poker lounge of the Fire Palace Casino.

He wondered if Iroh had forgotten that they had never been friends.

2. cyberpunk"I can't help you," S0KK4 said, nursing fake burns across the facade of skin. It/he looked frayed around the edges, as if maintaining his/its human appearance took too much ( ... )


Pakku (2/2) beckyh2112 May 2 2010, 18:40:08 UTC
6. born another gender

Pakka clenched her fists. Ice sparkled in her dark hair, filmed over her skin. "I'm going to learn to fight," she hissed, "And you can't stop me."

7. schoolfic

"Hey, chief!" One of the pale-skinned, gold-eyed boys called, then yanked hard on Pakku's ponytail, pulling the leather tie off entirely.

One of the other boys gave an "Indian" war-whoop, and the whole group of them roared with laughter.

Pakku knelt and picked up the leather tie, pulled his hair back, and retied his ponytail. Then he looked at the boy who had actually touched him. The boy blinked, something like fear appearing in his eyes, then Pakku punched-

He was gratified to hear the boy's nose break under his fist.

8. police/firefighters"Fog setting?" One of the younger members of his crew asked tersely, already adjusting the spray setting on the hose nozzle ( ... )


Re: Pakku (2/2) floranna May 2 2010, 18:51:33 UTC
I am not familiar with cyberpunk and I really don't get it deep-meaning POINT but that drabble left me gasping. What is Pakku? What happened to Zuko? What is Zuko?

And another random note, I first read that Pakka is Pappa. I was having a gigglefit of my life. Why? Pappa is a finnish word for grandpa.

The urban fantasy is way to cool to be real. I love it how you link all of these together.

You have me failing around like an idiot but that's nothing new. ^^


suzukiblu May 2 2010, 01:05:17 UTC
Jet and Ursa (filial, mind, not shippy >>).

You said cracky.


Jet and Ursa (1/2) beckyh2112 May 2 2010, 21:36:16 UTC
1. wild west"Hands in the air," the school marm says, aiming her revolver at his heart like she knew how to use it ( ... )


Jet and Ursa (2/2) beckyh2112 May 2 2010, 21:36:33 UTC
6. born another gender

"My name is Jet," the girl snaps.

Urson looks at her. She might be pretty underneath the dirt and malnourishment. She was definitely bright-eyed and fierce, a perfectly wonderful sort of Fire Nation girl.

He's finding, though, that he can't treat her like a Fire Nation girl, even though she acts so much like one.

7. schoolfic

"How're you doing in school?" Ursa asks, like she's his mother or something.

Jet grunts and stalks past her, taking the stairs two at a time. He doesn't want to have anything to do with Dad's tart.

She still wears her fucking wedding ring. Her wedding ring, and she's definitely not married to Dad.

He slams the door of his room and punches the wall. Stupid Sokka and his stupid clubs. Stupid new kid. Stupid new kid's sister, and Ty Lee letting her steal her squad. Fuck, who gave them the right to make his girlfriend cry ( ... )


Re: Jet and Ursa (2/2) ithilgwath May 11 2010, 19:38:03 UTC
pirate!Ursa. Guh. SO hot.


Because they won the coin toss. dark_puck May 2 2010, 01:42:21 UTC
Long Feng and Hyo-sir.


Long Feng and Hyo (1/2) beckyh2112 May 3 2010, 02:23:47 UTC
1. wild west

And we're back to Las Vegas.

Hyo is bored of the glitz of the city. Once it fascinated him, later it irritated him, now it is merely another bit of background noise. That's how he realizes it's time to go.

"We have enough money," he says to his partner, interrupting a particularly high-stakes poker game. "Let's go."

Long Feng looks down at the hand he's playing, and Hyo sees it's a very good hand, a hand almost certainly good enough to win every bit of the pot. Out of the corner of his eyes, he sees the grins on the other player's faces; Iroh's indulgent smirk standing out the most.

"Of course," Long Feng says, tipping his face up to Hyo. "I only have three aces, anyway."

The other players snarl as Long Feng tosses down his cards - revealing what was in his hand annuls the entire game.

Hyo smiles and wraps an arm around his partner's waist. People who forgot Long Feng was a bastard deserved to be reminded of it.

Long Feng kisses him softly, and they leave.

2. cyberpunkLong Feng opened his eyes. "That was new ( ... )


Long Feng and Hyo (2/2) beckyh2112 May 3 2010, 02:25:11 UTC
6. born another gender

"Mi-Cha is such an adorable little girl," the Minister of Finance says.

Hyo nods, because his daughter is. She is quiet, polite, and winsome. But there will be something more about her, people always have that little bit more to say.

"She has her mother's eyes," the man continues, slyness in his tone that makes Hyo's hackles raise.

"She does not," Hyo says coldly. "Mi-Sun did not have eyes that color."

A smirk briefly twists the minister's mouth. "Of course not."

Of course not. Mi-Sun did not have pale jade eyes like Mi-Cha does. But Leng Fa, the wife of the Cultural Minister, does have those pale jade eyes. Leng Fa adored Mi-Cha, Mi-Cha adored Leng Fa, and Hyo often found himself spending time with the woman.

Rumor had them in bed since they met, the Cultural Minister a cuckold.

Leng Fa said that was better than the truth. Ba Sing Se could not handle the idea of the leader of the Dai Li being a woman.

It still made Hyo want to punch people when they spoke of Mi-Cha's eyes.

7. schoolfic"I hate this ( ... )


Re: Long Feng and Hyo (2/2) ithilgwath May 11 2010, 19:46:36 UTC
oo Urban fantasy plot thickens.

And I coudn't help giggling at Long Feng trying to figure out the stripper/exotic-dancer. XD


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