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Pakku (2/2) beckyh2112 May 2 2010, 18:40:08 UTC
6. born another gender

Pakka clenched her fists. Ice sparkled in her dark hair, filmed over her skin. "I'm going to learn to fight," she hissed, "And you can't stop me."

7. schoolfic

"Hey, chief!" One of the pale-skinned, gold-eyed boys called, then yanked hard on Pakku's ponytail, pulling the leather tie off entirely.

One of the other boys gave an "Indian" war-whoop, and the whole group of them roared with laughter.

Pakku knelt and picked up the leather tie, pulled his hair back, and retied his ponytail. Then he looked at the boy who had actually touched him. The boy blinked, something like fear appearing in his eyes, then Pakku punched-

He was gratified to hear the boy's nose break under his fist.

8. police/firefighters

"Fog setting?" One of the younger members of his crew asked tersely, already adjusting the spray setting on the hose nozzle.

"Don't be a damn fool," Pakku snapped. He glared at the raging apartment fire in lieu of glaring at his crew. "If you throw that wide a water spray on there right now, the steam will kill the firefighters inside."

9. urban fantasy

Mai woke up in Katara's bedroom. Around here, she could hear the running of water and the soft playing of the violin.

She shivered and pulled the blankets tight around her. "She wouldn't like it if you were here."

The violin broke off. "You brought back the black sword."

"Yes." She licked her lips, glad the stromkarl hadn't continued to play. His music enchanted women and children, fae and human alike, and she'd have followed him into the water to hear more of it.

"Fool of a girl," he said harshly. The stromkarl sat on the edge of the bed, and one icy hand seized her by the chin. His features shifted, took on Zuko's face, then someone else entirely. The resemblance to Zuko was pronounced, and without the iron-burn, she could see how purely Tuatha de Danaan they both were.

"You have only met a handful of the Unseelie of New Orleans, and you think you know something about them," the stromkarl hissed, still wearing the Tuatha's face. "You brought back his son. Now the whole of the court will turn out to find that boy, and you gave the most powerful weapon you've ever had to the selkie prince."

"Why are you telling me this?" Mai asked, smothering fear under ice.

An odd smile twisted the stromkarl's face as he shifted back to the one he normally wore. The one she loathed, because it looked too much like-

"You know why," he said, then picked up his violin to play. The bit of ice magic in her flared in response to the music, the perfect music from her grandmother's music box.

She turned away to hide her tears.

10. harem

Firelord Azulon keeps a harem of beauties. Fire Nation ladies, Earth Kingdom ladies. Women with exotic eyes, shapely breasts, glossy hair, sweet breath. Beautiful, beautiful women, most of whom are accepting, if not happy, of being here. Of taking the Firelord's favor as he bestows it, of the wealth and luxury that comes with being one of his chosen.

In the middle of it all, the Water Tribe man scowls and hates.


Re: Pakku (2/2) floranna May 2 2010, 18:51:33 UTC
I am not familiar with cyberpunk and I really don't get it deep-meaning POINT but that drabble left me gasping. What is Pakku? What happened to Zuko? What is Zuko?

And another random note, I first read that Pakka is Pappa. I was having a gigglefit of my life. Why? Pappa is a finnish word for grandpa.

The urban fantasy is way to cool to be real. I love it how you link all of these together.

You have me failing around like an idiot but that's nothing new. ^^


Re: Pakku (2/2) ithilgwath May 11 2010, 19:28:18 UTC
...ok, make that both the Urban Fantasy AND the Cyberpunk... prrr~


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