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Jet and Ursa (2/2) beckyh2112 May 2 2010, 21:36:33 UTC
6. born another gender

"My name is Jet," the girl snaps.

Urson looks at her. She might be pretty underneath the dirt and malnourishment. She was definitely bright-eyed and fierce, a perfectly wonderful sort of Fire Nation girl.

He's finding, though, that he can't treat her like a Fire Nation girl, even though she acts so much like one.

7. schoolfic

"How're you doing in school?" Ursa asks, like she's his mother or something.

Jet grunts and stalks past her, taking the stairs two at a time. He doesn't want to have anything to do with Dad's tart.

She still wears her fucking wedding ring. Her wedding ring, and she's definitely not married to Dad.

He slams the door of his room and punches the wall. Stupid Sokka and his stupid clubs. Stupid new kid. Stupid new kid's sister, and Ty Lee letting her steal her squad. Fuck, who gave them the right to make his girlfriend cry?

A soft knock comes at his door. "Jet," Ursa says softly, "I got you some more hot chocolate if you'd like to come down for some later."

He swore at her, and she went away.

She came back later with hot chocolate for him and tea for her, and he swore more. But he drank the hot chocolate anyway.

8. police/firefighters

"I brought cookies," Ursa said, presenting them to the firefighters. They hadn't been able to save her son, but... They were still good men.

No one could have saved her son.

One with wild brown hair stepped forward, smiling wanly. His skin was pink with heat, and there was a certain roughness to his breathing that made her worry he had lung damage. "Thanks."

He was so young, she thought. As young as Zuko would have been-

He caught the plate before she could drop it, caught the plate before anyone else even noticed it had started to fall.

9. urban fantasy

She had a boy.

Not like the boy she had with her true husband. Not fire and darkness, smoke and viciousness, not strength and illusion. Not beautiful. No, this boy was plain and ragged, the signs of her in him barely seen.

He took after his father, the poor human fool who had rescued her from the water. From the stromkarl, though he didn't realize it.

This boy, her Jet-boy, had red blood. Iron blood. He was plain and ragged, dirty and scampering with human friends.

Then one day he wasn't. Unearthly beauty, the fairness of a Tuatha de Danaan in full glamour, stared at her and his father in confusion.

The papers said they all died in a house-fire.

The papers said a lot of lies. Ursa stroked the hair of her sleeping boy, her Jet-changeling. Tomorrow would be an important day; tomorrow she would tell her boy about the Unseelie Court he was a part of.

10. harem

Ursa stroked the slave-boy's hair and crooned over him. He tossed and turned in a fever, and she held him close to give him body-heat. Poor boy, to fall into this state. He was so lucky to be so young when he came to the harem as a servant for the women.

But he was growing fast, and she knew the Firelord would not permit him to remain much longer. Not as a boy, at least, and she did not think her poor Jet would bear it if they gelded him.

For now, though, she could care for him, and she would.


Re: Jet and Ursa (2/2) ithilgwath May 11 2010, 19:38:03 UTC
pirate!Ursa. Guh. SO hot.


Re: Jet and Ursa (2/2) suzukiblu May 18 2010, 02:37:51 UTC
So part of the reason I did not comment on this right away (besides, you know, how I ALWAYS take forever to comment), is that it made me REALLY REALLY want to write Jet and Ursa and frankly I just do not have the time or sanity. >>;; Seriously I was this close to meme-ing "banished Ursa adopts raggedy bunch of prepubescent freedom fighters and FREES THE TOWN, YAHHHH". I blame yoooouuuu.

. . . actually now I want to meme it even more, CURSES I am foiled. XD;;

1. Schoolmarm! <333 Ahhhhh I love Wild West Freedom Fighters soso much, I'm so happy you did this one non-Vegas. :3

2. My smile, it is full of hearts. :D Underage bartenders! Robot servers! Small business-owner Ursa! Gleeee!

3. Ilu. So cute oh my god.

4. . . . and now I love you even more. Holy fuck, sexy swords-and-fire Ursa. Guhhhh. And Jet all "yeah, so much for the captain HI NEW BOSS, NICE TO MEET YOU".

5. Oh goddammit don't you dare get me into this fusion. No. Stop it NOW. I SAW YOU WRITING MORE OF IT, I DO NOT APPROVE. I really really do, plz meme it sometime. D:

6. \o/ Approved!

7. Jet, you are such a doomsoftie, darling. *cuddles him* Poor silly teenage thing. And Ursa, you are as always SUPERMOM. <3 FIGHT ON, SUPERMOM.

8. ;___________________; WAH. Just. WAHHH.

9. This whole 'verse, it is my hero. <333 Half-brothers Jet and Zuko may just be the AU I always secretly wanted. >>

10. . . . harem fic should not be so adorable. Also sad and slightly not-right, oh sociology ILU so hard.


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