2009 - ADVENT CALENDAR - December 21th for aliensouldream

Dec 21, 2010 12:58

Here we are your little drabble for the 2009 ADVENT CALENDAR, Dec 21st

aliensouldream; Here you are your 100 words drabble♥
I hope this will make you happy♥

For aliensouldream
2009, December 21st

Character(s)/Pairing: Casey/Zeke
Fandom: The Faculty
Title: Everything Changes
Prompt by analineblue
Song: Katachi by Nagayama Takashi

Summary: Everything is meant to change.


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Anything with a shape changes day to day.
Landscapes, people, seasons, the traffic lights, everything changes. The photographer in me likes that because I could stay at the same place 365 days per year and still I’d be able to make 365 different pictures. Artists need the change.
There is only one thing that never changes, that feeling of security when I’m walking next to you, your comforting warmth when we hold hands. I could take hundreds pictures of you and they’d be all different, though I’ll always feel the same, madly in love with you.
I only need you.




Anything with a shape changes day to day,
There's only one thing that doesn't change throughout the seasons
Waiting for the traffic light to change, the traffic light changes,
And when the lights flash, we hold hands and cross together.

The shape of happiness is just around the corner,
It's something neither romantic nor dramatic.

I'm running to your place,
I can't wait to hold you--so I'm running from the station all the way home.
I grit my teeth and head to where you're waiting for me,
I'll hold you in my arms soon.
This warmth is one thing that never changes.

Living changes day to day,
There's only one thing that doesn't change in Spring, Summer, and Fall.
But change isn't something to be afraid of,
This time is one that always sparkles brightly.

The shape of happiness is just around the corner,
Though at times it becomes hard to see.

That feeling of joy the first time I rode a bike,
And the sense of comfort knowing I was supported.
I'll hold on tight to you, grabbing your shoulders,
And I won't let go, I'm not gonna leave.
This warmth is one thing that never changes.

You can't see the shape of happiness,
But it's there in your everyday life, and right now this time
Is an irreplaceable shape.

Meme: Request a fanfic for CHRISTMAS 2009!!!



21 *
The Faculty
Katachi by Nagayama Takashi

I hope you'll like that little drabble, hon!
I'm so sorry for letting you down last year♥

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [youtube], [fandom] - the faculty, [seasons] - christmas, [character] - zeke tyler, [character] - casey connor, [fanfic] - merry christmas, [pairing] - casey/zeke, [fanfic] - gifts

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