2009 - ADVENT CALENDAR - December 21th for aliensouldream

Dec 21, 2010 12:58

Here we are your little drabble for the 2009 ADVENT CALENDAR, Dec 21st

aliensouldream; Here you are your 100 words drabble♥
I hope this will make you happy♥

For aliensouldream
2009, December 21st

Character(s)/Pairing: Casey/Zeke
Fandom: The Faculty
Title: Everything Changes
Prompt by analineblue
Song: Katachi by Nagayama Takashi

Summary: Everything is meant to change.

Everything_Changes )

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [youtube], [fandom] - the faculty, [seasons] - christmas, [character] - zeke tyler, [character] - casey connor, [fanfic] - merry christmas, [pairing] - casey/zeke, [fanfic] - gifts

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Comments 13

honeyandvinegar December 21 2010, 19:34:00 UTC
Oh my god. This is so, so brilliant. What a lovely tale, hunny; be proud. *sighs and watches on as the boyz luv*!


babydracky December 21 2010, 22:20:15 UTC
Awwwwww!! Thank you so much for your kind words, hon!
They mean the world to me^^
You do know how much I like your writings so I always feel so good when you like something I wrote♥


gabi_fics December 21 2010, 23:34:40 UTC
I love how you've caught the photographer's imagination and desire for change, except where it comes to his boy :) Love this xx


babydracky December 22 2010, 12:31:32 UTC
Awwwwww!! Thank you so much, hon!♥
I'm really happy to know that you liked that ficlet! I'm pretty sure Casey would love visit the world but only with his Zeke! ;)


aliensouldream December 22 2010, 01:35:22 UTC
Mmmm!!!! This is perfect for Christmas and brimming with confidant loving and contentment. They are so boyfriendy, holding hands in the park! (Why do I think of Casey chasing squirrels at this point?) Zeke must be very secure himself to love him so openly. Zeke, always changing, always loving. Just beautiful, dearest! Thank you!!!


babydracky December 22 2010, 12:30:36 UTC
Awwwwwwwwwww!! Thank you so much hon♥
I'm so happy that you liked that ficlet! When I think about Casey and Zeke I always imagine them as really lucky and happy guys^^
(I really think it is my very favorite pairing ever to write about♥)
Casey chasing squirrels and Zeke chasing Casey ÖÖ


julchen11 December 22 2010, 13:36:30 UTC
This is so beautiful it made me weep. What a wonderful gift for and by a wonderful friend.

Love you, baby!
*hugs hugs hugs*


babydracky December 22 2010, 14:41:06 UTC
I'm so happy to know that you liked that ficlet!
I do love writing about our boys!♥
They are just so cute together!


prisca1960 December 25 2010, 18:29:19 UTC
Ooohhh, this one is sooo great. My boys in love, thats always a good thing :)


babydracky December 26 2010, 20:43:10 UTC
Thank you so much for your nice comment!♥


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