ADVENT CALENDAR - December 15th for mia_dcwut_09

Dec 21, 2010 14:51


I'm late! I'm still so very very late TOT
I'm sorry for posting your Christmas Ficlet so late but I still hope that you'll like it♥

For mia_dcwut_09
December 15th

Character(s)/Pairing: Edward/Jacob
Fandom: Twilight
Title: Tears of an Angel
Prompt by ckll
Song: tears of an Angel by Ryan Dan

Summary: AU. Edward and Jacob were lovers. Edward is dead, bitten by a vampire and jacob promised to save his soul.


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I’m sitting on the wet grass, more muddy earth than grass.
My skin is burning under the rush of the storm. I’m naked but I can’t feel the cold on my body though my heart is numb.
I shouldn’t be here, sitting all alone in a cemetery by night. No sound, no light, no hope.
Your grave has barely been covered this morning. You had a lovely ceremony, you would have loved it. Your parents tried not to cry in front of everyone but how could they not when they lost a so precious son, a so wonderful soul? I haven’t shed a tear yet. It hurts too much. How could I cry when my heart has been ripped?
I still can smell you, your sweet perfume still taunting me under the weight of the mud, under the veil of death.
The earth is moving. Your cross is falling. May you rest in peace, it says. I knew you wouldn’t. That’s why I ‘m here even if it’s tearing me apart.
White fingers are freeing themselves from the flowers, from the mud. I shouldn’t be the one to be here and though I would never leave anyone else wait for you.
You’ve torn you shroud apart, your body is free.
You’re looking at me through those burning holes. Hell is burning into those beautiful eyes I once loved. Green as lime blossom they were, red as blood they are.
Your eyes come to rest on the sodden grass around your shaking fingers. You’re feeling it, smelling it, not only grass and earth, but ashes.
You growl.
You’re right I did kill the woman that chose you, that made you; I did kill her coven too. How could I not destroy them when they took my life from me? Those monsters shouldn’t have set foot on our earth. I knew they’d come for you, such a beautiful newborn you would be, and you are. That’s why I hide and waited for them. They’re dead now, forever.
You’re crawling to me, still too weak to stand properly; you’re nothing more than a baby after all. I don’t move, why would I? I waited for you the whole wait. I prayed for you not to become one of them but I knew you will. That’s why I’m here.
You catch my arm and your hand is so cold. I hissed, not from the pain of your hold but from the coldness of your being. You’re dead.
“Ja…cob” I hear you whisper between those pale lips of yours.
I frowned. Your voice is still the same, as lovingly as it always has been.
I hate them even more for taking you from me; I hate you for killing me softly.
“Jacob” you called for me once again, your head coming to rest against my torso, your strong hands gently embracing me.
That’s why those creatures are so dangerous; they’re deceitful and so beautiful.
I run my hand through your hair, it’d be as soft as I remember it if the rain wasn’t soaking them. I have to end this. This body may be yours, you aren’t here anymore.
“Please” you whisper.
You know, or the thing you became know that you have to persuade me that you’re still the man I loved, that your heart would still beat for me if it could.
“Please…” you chock looking at me, your eyes bathed in blood “Do it”
My heart stops beating. You are one of them, I can tell it, but could a monster shed such tears, tears of an angel? I’m lost.
“You promised you’d save my soul” you whisper to me, your marble face in front of mine, your cold breath on my lips, your hand caressing my face.
A monster should shed blood and not tears. A monster should take and not beg. You pray for your soul when the only think your condition craves for is blood.
“Your promised” you smile softly at me offering me your neck.
A neck I kissed lovingly day after day reviling in the feeling of a pulse.
"Edward" I whisper back "This is a promise"
I gently kiss your neck feeling your hands embracing me once again as only lovers can do and with my powerful teeth I broke the skin to free the blood.



Cover my eyes
Cover my ears
Tell me these words are a lie
It cant be true
That I'm losing you
The sun cannot fall from the sky

Can you hear heaven cry
Tears of an angel
Tears of aaaaaaaa...
Tears of an angel
Tears of an angel.

Stop every clock
Stars are in shock
The river will flow to the sea
I wont let you fly
I wont say goodbye
I wont let you slip away from me

Can you hear heaven cry
Tears of an angel
Tears of aaaaaaaa...
Tears of an angel
Tears of an angel.

So hold on
Be strong
Everyday on we'll go
I'm here, dont you fear

Little one dont let go
Dont let go
Dont let go

Cover my eyes
Cover my ears
Tell me these words are a lie

Meme: Request a fanfic for CHRISTMAS!!!



11 *
Harry Potter
If You Were Gay by AvenueQ

12 *
The Feel Good Drag by Anberlin

13 *
Arthurian Legends
Shattered by Trading yesterday

14 *
! Show Me Magic by Super Furry Animals

15 *
Tears of and Angel by ryan Dan

Hon, I hope you'll like that little ficlet!
I'm not really used to write about those characters but it was really interetsing for me!♥

[fanfic] - drabble/ficlet, [youtube], [seasons] - christmas, [pairing] - edward/jacob, [fanfic] - merry christmas, [character] - edward cullen, [character] - jacob black, [comm] - adventchallenge, [fanfic] - gifts, [fandom] - twilight

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