Tough shit, icon. You're shit at stories.

Dec 29, 2011 23:38

2011 Writing

NaNo Deleted Scene, Sex Is Not The Enemy #2.1, Debt Repayment: elenore, Debt Repayment: attack_womb, Debt Repayment: atropinesulfate, Debt Repayment:temporal_tech, The Other Daughter Part I Have Lost Count, The Other Daughter (continues), The Other Daughter, The Other Daughter, The Other Daughter, The Other Daughter (private-locked), Tame, Daphne du Nuit character snippet, Worldbuilding vignette, Vignettes \1 & \2, Vignettes \3 & \4, As Simple As Hunger (password: "giantbugorama"), Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 3 Part 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 6 Part 2, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 15 Part 2, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 17 Part 2, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27

Burial, Washing the Wound, Cake, The Curious Case Of The Firecrotch: This Is Why We Don't Write Our Memoirs While Drunk, Ben., Eric/Ariadne, Summer, Withnail & I Genfic, Make your own joke about wolves., Take a good swing at all my dreams, Schiffers-Chigorin, "I plan on being a fuck-up until my late twenties, maybe even my early thirties.", Horrendous Werewolves Shit, Strategy, Metafic on fandom's total lack of understanding of consent, Self-Made Man, Five Times No One Asked Erik Lehnsherr Whether He Wanted This, And One Time They Almost Managed It. , Et In Arcadia Ego, Because fuck you: A soulbonding CAPSFIC (with swear_jar, Canvas, Fibrosis (XMFC), MLP:FIM Eastern Promises Chatfic, Box 1, Box 3, Box 12, Box 125, Box 27, Box 9768 1/2, Box 13, Box 756, Box 756, Box 7, Box 97, Box 69, Box 35, Box 0, Life During (Cold) War Time, Once In A Lifetime, The Spy Who Got What He Deserved, If Not What He Wanted, Coming a Cropper

January, Poem for Crusaders, As Long as there are Rats, The Good News Obituary, walk it off, He brings it on himself, The Girl With The Soft Carapace, Domestic Bliss, Fruits, Malaria, Waiting for the Princess, Late Night Track Change, The Accident, Year of the Ghost, Steakhouse, Poltergeist Residue, Littorature, Clean Running, Slow Progress, The Whiteboard House, cosmonaut, March (flocked), The Long Goodbye, War Photographer, In spite of mourning, mornings, and Morden., we're not having this argument again, Life Cycle, Bird in the Bathroom, The Old Familiar Refrain, Beyond Paycheques, On Making Love, If I am a sheep then who is the sheepdog?, Picky Reader, Stop Sending Me Dead Flowers., Easy questions, Heir of the Dog, Narbonne's Son, SPRING, Cuppa., Trophies, Our House Is Rotting, I really don't give a fuck what you do for a living, Excuses & Serving Suggestions, They'll Call Me A Fighter, Be Realistic, Stray Round, And he knew their desolate palaces, wavetable, Calendar calling, Suspects, But don't let it get you down, Phoenix: A Creation Story, Homering Pigeon, A Politer Way Of Saying Go Fuck Yourself, Fuck the love songs too, D'generation, Banking for romantics, Sun-Baked Vampires, Losing Faith, A vile beast, but I find I am wretched without her, Nine Tenths of A Bore, The only way to win is to die before the start, Fuck your five-year plan too, This Pestilent City, One of these cats is a monster, Pyrexia, Misdiagnosis, Tribute to your favourite fucking poet (flocked), In Soviet Romance, Poor Tesselation , Cassandra, Breaking-in, In All Honesty I Will Take Anything With A Vagina, Said The Desperate Man, Untitled Snippet, introspection, In which I assault the fandom with requests in verse., Dr Seuss Erik/Charles, Social Apes, A Study, closing time, pressed, And they were dog years, until the end of the world, you said, westward, comet, walks, pre-emptive elegy, thule, not really worth a title, fancy yourself as a lobster? me too, the anti-elegy, Xenophobe's Homecoming / I Only Leave So That I Can Come Home, Wait, that's not how it goes, This is Just to Say, Sup, Avoidance, 2011 please just gtfo, an unchanging symphony, i couldn't earn respect so i bought a baseball bat, knock, knock, on being told for the ten thousandth time how to feel about myself, The Ballad of Sarah-Jane, And the Wolf, Trenchcoat, Crossed Wires, late life lessons learned alone, bone harvest, All Romance Stories Are Like This, Spit In One Hand Want In The Other, actually not any sort of apology, objection without conscience, get on with it london, Safe Courtship, Read in Tooth, Note from the Museum, Two-Tone, 13a, Type 17., Lambeth Walk, Geography of a Decade, This Is Not Remotely Serious, Summer Not Exactly Lovin'., It's Okay I'm Going Deaf, Intangiable Legacies from Old War Horses, another night train, las viviendas de las muertas, They Don't Have Flowers For This One, Too Many Pages, On Minimalism, 1, On Minimalism, 2, Articles of Sleep, Stop, You're Killing Me

My favourite of my own stories this year:
Original: Definitely As Simple As Hunger, which despite being distressing to write in some places and gruelling in others and occasionally looking like I wasn't going to manage it at all shortly before I started writing, was, I think, a good experience. I like all of the characters, I find the narrative reasonable, and there were still enough surprises left for me that I was entertained writing it.
Fanfic: Not wholly sure. There are too many inaccuracies in the Spies Are Just Talking Heads fics, and while I liked Et In Arcadia Ego I think it could have been better. Probably either Washing The Wound or Take A Good Swing, both of which were written in a pretty continuous vomit of words and both of which I am happy to reread for my own entertainment, even if the former makes me want to cry.
Poetry: I think "Walk it Off". I have a recording of it and it makes me pleased to hear it spoken aloud.

My best story this year:
Original: Again almost certainly As Simple As Hunger. I've not really written much else, for one thing.
Fanfic: Definitely Take A Good Swing, with Et In Arcadia and Washing The Wound ranking highly as well.
Poetry: This has been a bad year for poetry. I've written a fair amount, but the quality has been poor and sending poems off to hear back NOTHING - not even a rejection - has been a little damaging to any esteem in which I might hold it (especially when I know full well my friends are succeeding in this field). I thought "This Pestilent City" and "D'generation" were pretty good at the time.

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Original: A reasonable quantity of people read "As Simple As Hunger" as I was going along with it and told me what they thought, which is very much appreciated. I think my original fiction actually received a pretty good showing this year, or my standards for attention have finally slipped.
Fanfic: Jesus almost all of them. Washing the Wound. Basically, everything I have written that was not Charles/Erik has been largely ignored, which is probably related to me giving no such tinker's cuss for involving myself in fandom any more. I wish more people were into Ariadne/Eames.
Poetry: All of them, especially since I started posting to derekpoetrydump instead of my main journal, in spite of people saying they'd totally read if I posted there. It's okay, I think the quality has been a bit off this year.

Most fun story:
Original: Definitely ASAH, it was all-absorbing and interesting to write and while I may have grappled with it occasionally and the actual events themselves were not "fun", it was an enjoyable thing to do.
Fanfic: Anything I wrote in order to be a trollbeast, like the capsfic Soulbonding or the MLP/Eastern Promises crossover. I also think Firecrotch was awesomely good fun and definitely enjoyed writing that the most. I think I may have another crack at something modelversey later.

Most sexy story:
Original: Pass, I didn't really write anything sexy and the only sex scene included in anything original was recycled.
Fanfic: Difficult to say but on a non-wrong level probably any one of various Ariadne/Eames stories - Take A Good Swing and Burial spring to mind especially - along with some snippets that I never got around to posting/saving which were basically "Eames really likes giving head". On a Wronged Up level, totally Once In A Lifetime, because clearly torturing someone's infected hand wound is sexy and not deeply messed up.

Story with single sexiest moment:
Original: Again, pass, there has been no sexy here that I can recall.
Fanfic: Burial, Eames on his knees telling Ariadne repeatedly, "I am yours, do what you want with me", or Ariadne's showerwank scene in Take A Good Swing, although plenty of intensely hot scenes have been yelled back and forth between Liza and self they have never made it into fic form.

Hardest story to write:
Original: Although there were scenes in ASAH which gave me significant emotional fucking trouble and led to me staying up until fuck o'clock trying to avoid the necessity of writing them like some pretentious emo arseknuckle, it was a lot harder cobbling together the tail end of The Other Daughter since it had been so long since I'd started and I knew exactly what was needed but found writing the character actions a bit like pulling teeth. I'm never doing anything with that density of description again.
Fanfic: Washing the Wound was surprisingly easy even if it did make me cry like a motherfucker. I think Fibrosis was probably the hardest to write, and I have no idea why. It took ages, it was like trying to get blood from a stone, and the end result was not good.
Poetry: Pick a villanelle, any villanelle.

“Holy crap, that's wrong even for you” fic:
Original: ... baking people into pies and then eating them except I stole that from Shakespeare. What else is there? Beating an OAP unconscious with a table; butchery of humans? The parasite scene in ASAH?
Fanfic: I suspect it's the woundfuckery in Once In A Lifetime although that didn't strike me as particularly wrong at the time. I didn't really write a lot of fanfic this year. Uh. It looks. It looks like we might be onto a winner with the Eastern Promises MY LITTLE PONY fic. Heh.

Fic that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
Original: Concepts of all the characters shifted over the course of ASAH which is precisely what is supposed to happen when you are writing an book.
Fanfic: I think Washing the Wound and Take A Good Swing got me a much more in-depth perspective on Ariadne's PoV, and definitely writing some of the XMFC fics sort of shifted my perceptions of Erik but they did bugger all with my perceptions of anyone else because frankly I might as well not have bothered writing the rest of the cast and just called it "ERIK LEHNSHERR IS FUCKED UP: THE MOVIE".

Biggest disappointment:
Original: That I didn't write more. I had sincerely intended to finish rather more stories than I did, but I ran into writers' block repeatedly and had college to contend with for half the year.
Fanfic: See also "total failure to write more". Nothing that's grabbed me this year has felt like the kind of thing I want to write fic for, except TTSS at the end, which I don't feel that I'm necessarily clever enough for. Which is a shame because there's a lot to explore there?
Poetry: Getting away from the writing of it for the moment: not even managing to receive a rejection letter from anyone.

Biggest surprise:
Original: That people read any of it, and actually commented to say they had, like polite human beings, rather than waiting for one of my melt-downs to indignantly tell me that they read it and that how dare I not be a mind-reader. <-- this, plus the fact that anyone was at all interested in any of it.
Fanfic: That I wrote for XMFC at all, it's not really the kind of thing I thought I'd find myself writing.
Poetry: None. I, and everyone else, lived down to my expectations.

Most telling story:
Original: Both of the major things I wrote are riven with my hatred of either my home town or the shitness of my relationship with my mother.
Fanfic: Ugh so much of everything was full of bits of me. Everything everything. Almost every lunatic lying character and every one of them with a disregard for his own safety and Eames's complete inability to say what he means and blargh. All very telling even before we get into sex stuff, which was at a height.
Poetry: I literally cannot remember any of my poems, but I know there were a batch of them that were basically my Id roaming around the page.

What's next?
Original: Advent Chronicles.
Fanfic: I believe I promised a couple of people some Jim Prideaux/Bill Haydon at some point.
Poetry: I am quite tempted to just not write it any more, I have sucked the arse of literature this year.

2011 Publishing

For the Love of a City: Poems about London
Poems For MSF
tiny Fictions #1
Collected Poems 2000-2010
Tiny Fictions #2
How Not To Write
Tiny Fictions #3
Protect Me from What I Want
Tiny Fictions 4
Tiny Fictions 2011
Limited Edition eBooks


St Sebasteames
Caitlin from Pass the Parcel
Ganymedes Line Art
Ganymedes finished
Narcissus Lines and misc sketches
Line Art: Bacchus, Apollo & Hyacinth, Icarus. Base colours: Narcissus
Narcissus colors, Icarus wings
Narcissus Headshot, Hyacinth & Apollo base, Bacchus base
Daphne du Nuit
Bacchus variations

Hyacinth and Apollo progress
Sketches 2
Anish sketch
Hyacinth & Apollo progress
Scribbly character profiles
ASAH stuff
Maddy Richards

proper blog posts

How To Be A Good Boss
Review: Emmy the Great, “Virtue”
Where to Eat in London
Game of Shadows




New Stock 1: Gothic, Green, A Cameo & A Rosary
New Stock 2: Science Earrings, Green Victorian (SOLD), Fibonacci (SOLD), Two-stand Rainbow (SOLD), Rainbow Ouroborous (SOLD), Rainbow hain earrings (SOLD)
New stock 3: Chunky Rainbow, Rainbow pendant, Rainbow chain (SOLD)
New Stock 4: Gold Rosary, rainbow bead string, pearl necklace
New Stock 1
New Stock 2
New Stock 3
Cloisonne and Cameo necklace, fairy necklace, gay-ass earrings, Harry Potter necklace
Gothic Crosses & DNA bracelets
Batch 1
Batch 2
Batch 1
Batch 2
Batch 3
Covent Garden Lady Necklace
Rosaries and flapper necklace
Operahouse necklace
Dia de los Muertos set

Athletic Des Anges
Do It To Julia (Indelicate)
Swirling Des Anges
House of D
World War 3
Des Anges Variants
Death Is King v1 & v2
As Simple As Hunger
Des Anges Crest Shirts
Des Anges Crest
The Other Daughter

meme, links, writing, fic list

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