slightly left of where I was aiming

Feb 17, 2011 21:14


You talk, I'll chew.

Sink my teeth in and never let go
'Cept to snort and struggle to breathe
against the flow of red, raw, you-
know-what; as it begins to clot against my mouth;
no you carry on talking,
you can work this one out.

As the blood and fat and simple weight
of meat cuts a strip across my eloquence
and you spew your way through your
evidence for this brand new theory
that sounds like everything else
you have ever said; you talk, I'll chew
and wish you dead as the cow
in my maw.

No, go on.

I'm listening.

Now you're telling me about faith
and all I care for is on my plate
and tranversing my tastebuds while you
talk and talk and talk and talk;
beef, pork, venison, game -
tongue and teeth and all the
same old stagnant stories distorting
your throat as I python down the
succulent flesh of something
more satisfying. Kept from
replying by the meat in my cheek
I only wish there were part
of this steer that stopped me
from having to hear you.

You talk, I'll chew.


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