Hey, we're being heard by some in the entertainment industry. Go to the link below to see article about the petition. If you haven't signed yet, pleased do. If you've not asked all your friends and relatives (or at least the ones who like Almost Human) to sign, please do. Thanks.
caarianna wrote in
May 02, 2014 18:50
If you are interested in trying to save Almost Human (like fans managed to bring back The Sentinel, the character of Iolaus on Hercules, the Legendary Journeys and a shorter final season), The Fringe and others), various initiatives are underway. (
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bm_shipper wrote in
Apr 24, 2014 19:44
tv-line has started a poll about 28 tv-shows - wheter to keep them or to cut them - a while ago, and today they posted the results... and "Almost Human" is not only on the 1st place with the most people wanting to keep it, it also had one of the highest numbers of voters
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