Moonbeam Trail - IV Pleasantview

May 18, 2012 16:13

Previous Chapters:
III Bluewater
II Strangetown
I Downtown

IV Pleasantview

Jodie and Jason:

It feels like forever since we last talked, but so much has happened in such a short time. A part of me is still trying to make sense of it all.

I found a small affordable apartment in Pleasantview.

It was very plain at first, .

but only needed a quick hand of paint to give it life and make it a home,

just before the pregnancy would start showing.

In any case, I think I did the right thing by leaving, and at the right time too. I really don't want Malcolm to know about this. We'll see what happens in time, but not now. Not even soon. Being with him was the stupidest thing I've done, and I don't want any of my children to have anything to do with him

-- no even if it's his child.

Anyways, I found a new nanny easily too.

She is very dedicated and the kids feel very comfortable with her as well.

Even Jonas accepted his new nanny without problem, though he was quite attached to the previous one.

Visiting the town, one of the first neighbors I met was Jennifer Burb.

She seemed very nice, so I invited her for lunch, but after an hour listening to town's gossip, I wasn't sure it had been a good idea.

Though, it did help me to learn about everyone else around. Even be warned about some of them.

Like Don Lothario who's apparently sleeping with almost every single female in town;

and Darren Dreamer, who's actually really nice and attractive, but according to Jennifer has have a very tragic and complicated romantic life, and gets easily infatuated with women in his life. I really like Darren, tough, but thought that's even one more reason to stay away from him.

The last thing I needed was another intimate relationship --especially seen how all the previous ones ended up.

The only thing I looked for in Pleasantview was a calm life to raise my children.

There are also several teens in town. I've seen them hanging around in the mall at any time of day.

Every time, I wonder how Jonas will be at that age,

but he is growing up so fast too, a part of me also fears that day may come much sooner than I want.

He loves spending time with his little brother,

is eager to help around the house as much as he can,

and always looks forward to a chance to go out with me, even if is only to run errands or buy groceries. (Of course, he knows we'll always find time to do something fun while at it, too.)

But above all, he loves learning new things.  Sometime I wish he would appreciate books, more than he likes tv documentaries,

but he's very enthusiastic about going to school,

and never complains about homework.

Going to school, also gave Jonas the opportunity to meet other kids his age, like Lucy Burb, Jennifer's daughter, who is a bit older than he is, but so nice and playful, she's probably friends with everyone in their school.

She introduced Jonas to Alexander Goth, the youngest in the Goth family, which is the oldest and richest family in town. They got along great from the beginning, tho Jonas explained me his new friend wasn't on their same school. I assumed he was on private school at first, but later discovered he's actually home-schooled.

I think it was then, when everything started. Not sure if it was through Jennifer's gossips, Darren's friendship with Cassandra Goth (Alexander's older sister), or maybe the boy himself telling his father, but somehow, Mortimer Goth found out that I used to work at Bluewater's school, and after asking them for recommendations, he wanted me to tutor his son.

After getting one subtle rejection after another, while looking for a new job, working for a prestigious families with an excellent salary and flexible hours, sounded like a dream come true to me. And obviously, heavily pregnant as I was, I couldn't wish for more, but don't think I jumped right in the offer either. Actually, it felt a little too good to be true. After all, I was only a mere substitute teacher in the Village, no to mention all the rumors about the disappearance of Mrs Goth, and many other strange stories about the Goth family.

Needless to say, at first impression, they are not look like the type of people I'd like to get involved with, and I was quite suspicious the first time I went to their house to meet them personally and discuss their job offering.

But, in fact, they were nothing like I expected. Cassandra was very nice and friendly, Alexander seemed like a well behaved boy, and Mortimer was nothing but honest with me from start. "I'd trust a pregnant newcomer with good recommendations, more than anyone else in this hood" was one of the first things he even said to me. Granted, it was a strange comment, but somehow it made me trust him.

We also meet in park once after that, in what seemed to be an attempt to make me feel more comfortable with them, but I didn't need much more convincing.

And so, I started going to the Goth mansion,

to tutor Alexander, Monday thru Friday,

sometimes even staying until much later than I should have,

and quickly growing close to everyone in the family.

Not only Alexander, who's an incredibly smart and clever boy;

but also Cassandra, who can be very shy and reserved, but can also become a great friend,

and especially, Mortimer, who captivated me from start with his knowledge and experiences.

I can't even say when I realized how much I cared for him, but by the time Maya was born,

Mortimer and I we were so attached I wasn't only tutoring Alex in the mornings,

but spending most of the day with him.

He even invited me to start taking the children after Alex's classes just so I could staid longer.

Not sure how Cassandra really felt about the situation, but she always welcomed me and my kids.

Deep down we all knew Mortimer didn't have much time left with us, and I'm sure she wanted him to be happy as much I did.

Besides, I think she also liked seeing Alexander happy as well, who didn't have much friends his age, and really enjoyed having Jonas around after school.

He even staid over night one weekend, which I would have never allowed in other circumstances, but couldn't say no to them.

It was the next morning when I went to pick him up, that I found Mortimer feeling particularity bad. Cassandra and the kids were out shopping, but Mortimer had staid behind in bed.

He was feeling more tired and weaker by the day, and we both knew we had only that much time left together.

Until then, I'd been trying to keep our relationship between certain boundaries, but at the moment I couldn't stop thinking that he would be gone any day and I'd be left with nothing but memories.

So, I let it happen, and I knew then that no matter what, I'd always have a part if him with me.

It was a rushed decision, but not one I will ever regret.

Life continued normally after that, for a while.

I met Darren a couple of times too. We talked on the phone, or got together for coffee when it was possible, but after the initial concern, I started feeling quite comfortable with him, as pretty much everything we talked was about our respective children and --Cassandra.

It was obvious how much he liked her, and how much he struggled trying to approach her in a more intimate way. They have been friends for long, but Cassandra's heart always seemed to be in another place.

Knowing them both a bit more, it was easy to see they could actually make each other very happy, so I wasn't ashame to use any excuse to give them an opportunity to get together,

and was really happy when Cassandra finally appeared to open up to him.

But of course, I had my own little home as well, and it was nice to be there with my children.

Though I must say, things get quite hectic when its just me with the three of them.

Jonas is becoming very independent and a big help around the house,

but he's still a kid, with the right to be kid and enjoy his childhood.

Lander is a handfull.

He enjoys new toys as any other kid, but he's so easily distracted,

before I can realize he's already somewhere else or following Jonas around,

sometime even outside if I'm not careful enough.

And he doesn't stop until he's so exhausted, he crawls right into his bed.

Teaching him to walk was bit harder than with Jonas, but eventually he got the hang of it.

I just wish he would potty train as fast as his brother did, tho

And Maya is the most beautiful girl you can imagine,

but she has her tempter,

and demands getting all the attention herself,

which of course, I'm more than willing to give her.

I love my boys, but having a baby girl is absolutely marvelous.

I was at home when it happened, though.

Guess, I didn't realize how little time we really had, and Mortimer was taken away from me before we could have a proper goodbye.

And I never had a chance to tell about the child we'd be having. At first, I wanted to be completely sure before telling him anything, but then, when there was no doubt about it, I hesitated too long considering the consequences.

I trusted Mortimer, but I couldn't forget he wasn't staying around and the Goth are a powerful family with a net of lawyers that could easily take my child away if they wanted to, and many enemies who could try hurting my child just for being Mortimer's.

And so he was gone without knowing he'd be a father once again, though maybe he suspected because by then I was already starting to show subtly, and by the funeral, when it as even more notorious, Cassandra took the news with so much calm, it was almost like she had been warned in advance.

In any case, she offered me to stay with them, to move in the Goth mansion, appealing to our friendship, Alex and Jonas relationship, and especially to the fact that the baby I'm expecting now is their half-sibling, after all. A Goth, as she reminded me in almost every sentence.

Everything she say, of course, was truth, but nothing would make me move in there. I told her I couldn't bare the thought of staying in that house, where everything would remind me of him, and that much is true, but above all, I fear that if I move in that household, or even stay here much longer, I may never leave again, at least not with my child.

Fortunately Cassandra seemed understand, and I've started preparing to move out of Pleasantview as soon as possible.

Though deep know I know, they would never let me forget that the unborn child I'm carrying is part of their family. Besides, Alexander and Jonas have grown so close I'm sure their friendship will survive the distance, and one way or another, the Goth are destined to always be part of our lives.

I've missed you both so much. Hope we get to see each other again some day, but for now, promise to stay in touch.


(Next: Moonbeam Trail: V Veronaville )


That's all for PV. Not much else to say. :) (Except for.... A BABY GOTH IS IN THE OVEN!!!)

On the poll about the future of Blossom in PV, the options between Darren and Mortimer were very tight, and though Darren was winning for a couple for votes, in game the relationship between Blossom/Mortimer was much easier than Blossom/Darren even tho the chem is highest on the latest. Besides, it gave me a rather tragic, but easy to explain ending for the chapter ;) (tbh, finding good reasons to leave each town is getting harder and harder, but I don't want to have the same story repeating each time either lol)

Next is Veronaviile. I already moved Blossom and family to the Capp's side of town, but using the kalisasims apartment ( here), not the one I did first (sorry, madame, no spiral stairs this time, tho, maybe next one). It looks really nice, and the apartment sizes are just perfect.

I haven't played much there yet, tho, so no idea what may happen... feel free to speculate! ;) (besides all the regular adults, Tybalt, Mercutio and both Summerdream children are also grown up)


nonstory:moonbeam trail, moonbeam trail, pleasantview, moonbeam

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