Moonbeam Trail - III Bluewater Village (Part 4)

May 05, 2012 15:33

Read Bluewater Village Part 1 Here.
Read Bluewater Village Part 2 Here.
Read Bluewater Village Part 3 Here.

III - Bluewater Village (P.4)

Dear Jon:

It was such an unexpected surprise to find you at my door that night. I just didn't know how to react, or what to say.

I wasn't even sure if I wanted to let you in at all,

but you seemed so calm about the whole situation, and so ready to meet him. I can only hope you do understand why I never told you.

But it was nice seeing you again too, and I appreciate your honesty in telling me about your other children. In a way, it was a relief and helped me to understand you better.

Anyways, you made me promise to keep you informed about Jonas and I plan to keep my word.

He's adventurous and independent. Loves going out, exploring and learning about everything he can at his young age.

We used the cash you left us in a new bed from the furniture store. He was so excited!

I assure you again, though, I don't need monetary help, but if you insist in sending it, I can't but to thank you and promise we'll only use for things he may need and save the rest for his future.

As for the rest of us, with more time for myself I managed to improve my skills, and got a promotion at work,

and Lander grew up so fast,

he's already crawling all around the floor.

But I've decided to move again.

I'll miss my friends, but I'm starting to feel very uncomfortable here. This is just not my place to be.

Pleasantview is no too far away, and winter seems to be only slighter colder than fall had been here. It sounds like a nice place to go next.

I promise to write again, once we've settled there.


Next Stop: Pleasantview
Read IV Pleasantview Here.


Jon started following Blossom as soon as she left Downtown. During her stay both in Strangetown and BV, he was constantly walking by her house and calling over the phone. It was a bit annoying while trying to play, but kind of cute. I couldn't stop imagining Jon hiring a private detective or something to track them down. So at the end, he was allowed to meet his son. Besides Jon Smith is so much love <3 <3 I don't mind if he insist in staying involved in the story ;) (In game he calls Blossom every single day, in fact lol) Jic, I made small a photoset with a short dialog about that scene in tumblr.

Also, I haven't finished playing Pleasantview yet, but even tho it seems I already know how things will be going there, this is still the perfect moment for another poll ;)

What do you think is most likely to happen in Pleasantview?
(Being the man mentioned in each option, the one fathering the next baby)


(ETA: Just to be clear, tho, the part of Darren, doesn't imply that she'd love him back, but we all know how Darren is! XD)

OH! And I promised a close up of Malcolm's baby. I did trick Blossom's recessive genes with blond hair, because I want each kid to have something from their fathers. I was not aiming for the eyes, but after a few tries looking for a blond baby, this beauty popped out! ^_^ (don't judge me lol w/o some cheating all her kids would be brown eyes/black hair!)

It's a girl. Her name's Maya. <3


(JIc, I'll wait until all the scrapbook migration it's done before posting again. I have all my pictures there, and it's almost at my 2G limit in this account, so before deleting or adding anymore to it, I'll wait until the new system is working. Hopefully it'll be done during May as they say. I don't want to go back to photobucket, tbh.)

nonstory:moonbeam trail, moonbeam trail, bluewater, moonbeam

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