Moonbeam Trail extras: Bluewater Village Makeovers

May 15, 2012 19:58

The BV community lots didn't change too much, in most I didn't even touch the exterior, but all the lots used with Blossom got a few touches here in there, especially in decor.

NOTE: I'm having a stupid issue with dates with my posts, so I had to post this twice to make it show up with the right date. (I think it was done fast for no one to notice, but jic...)

Tyke's Tower Toys

Contempo Moderne (Furniture Store)

The second floor has a baby section. (probably the Ramirez's store could had been a better option here, but I totally forgot about it at first, and by the time I remembered I just didn't want to decorate another lot)

Real State Office

Inner Child Toys and Gifts

J'Adore Bakery

Club Dante

Von Dough Gallery

Landgraab Mansion

Pleasantview's update will be posted as soon as possible, hopefully this week.
It may be only one update for that town, tho. (she didn't stay long and things happened rather smoothly, so there isn't that much to tell, tough I'd say there's quite a cute short story there)


moonbeam trail, extras, moonbeam

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