No One Wants to Sit Alone and Cry

Jul 26, 2010 15:20

Title: No One Wants to Sit Alone and Cry
Rating: PG
Length: 1,410
Characters: Mike/Quinn
Spoilers: Post Sectionals
Summary: Quinn realizes that she's all alone and there's no one there for her. Then again, she could be wrong.
A/N: First time doing Mike/Quinn because ZOMG they're sooo soooo soo cute together! Like you have no idea, as much as I ship Faberry I would totally ship Mike/Quinn. I hope you like it because I had a hard time writing it, so when you read it, just try to imagine it. Constructive Criticism is welcomed.

Quinn wiped away her tears as she crumbled onto the ground near the piano in the auditorium. She took a deep breath in and tried to breath out. Her breath was choked up because of her tears.

She wrapped her arms around her baby bump protectively, holding onto the both of them. She was Quinn Fabray. The Quinn Fabray that all girls wanted to be. Now, she was a nobody and she had nobody. She held herself tighter.

She tried to even her breath as she leaned back against the piano. The silence allowed her to shut her eyes and sink into the nothingness.

"Are you okay, Quinn?"

The blonde shot open her eyes and saw Mike standing in front of her. His hand was stretched out towards her and Quinn reflexively slapped it away.

"What do you want?" she snapped, her tone harsher than usual. Mike had noticed this and quickly retracted his hand.

Mike just stared at Quinn with a sad look on his face. He wasn't sad because Quinn snapped at him but more of the fact that she snapped and still donned a sad expression.

"Are you okay?" he tried asking again. This time he sat down crossing his legs on the floor and looking up at Quinn with his sweet dark eyes.

"What do you think?" Quinn hissed. Fabrays were strong and everyone else was weak. She had no need to explain herself to him. She could take care of herself. She didn't need anyone at all. For all that has happened, she's never had to find any help anywhere else but from herself.

The look on Mike's face only made Quinn more furious. His worried expression with his bottom lip slightly pushed forward. If anyone else were to see they would laugh, but Quinn remained strong, steeling herself.

Suddenly, the Asian shook his head and shot up from the ground. He pulled out his phone. Scrolling through it for a few moments, he placed it down and the quiet auditorium was filled with music.

Quinn didn't recognize the song. She was a little more irritated at the fact that Mike wouldn't just leave. It would have been easier to just leave her there to cry.

Mike stood up and walked a good distance further into the stage. He tapped one foot as the music played its intro. She really didn't recognize the song but felt slightly uplifted at the fact.

He stared at her with a big smile on his face. He showed all of his teeth like a goofball before hopping into action.

Quinn had known Mike for awhile but only as an acquaintance. She had took notice of his enthusiasm for Glee the minute he started to dance. And she knew that he was great.

The music was progressing relatively slow and Mike used that to guide him. He moved his body in a smooth yet rigid manner. Free-styling in all directions but keeping his eyes only on Quinn. He sent his body to a wave and pointed at Quinn before bringing both of his hands together. He held it to his heart before blowing it away, his fingers sending magical dust away.

Quinn shut her eyes for a moment, feeling her heart flutter. She couldn't understand why; why Mike was there now and dancing.

The music began to pick up. Quinn recognized its similarity to a tune she used to listen to as a child. However, now it held more elaborate beats that he chose to move robotically. His arms and legs stiffened as he moved towards Quinn. She was surprised when he moved his torso separately from his body.

The tin man, Quinn dubbed, began to pump his chest forward, feeling that heart that wasn't there. Mike gave an expression that followed: a confused but elated feeling filled him. She held a giggle in the back of her mind, as his hands winded around and he knocked his head. Suddenly, he began to move towards Quinn but stopped abruptly when the music came to a slowing point. He began tilting forward.

Quinn watched with a stern look but awe as he stayed in place. When he barely missed the ground, Quinn almost gasped, but he somersaulted right back onto his feet.

He gave a surprised look while the music paralleled. He hopped into the air again and the music slipped into a jazzy beat. His feet moved quickly underneath him while he held out his hands like airplanes and spun around. He kept a smile at Quinn as he moved, determined to make her smile.

No matter how fast or how slow the music was going, Mike kept up, knowing and anticipating each beat. He tapped his feet in his sneakers as he danced swing with himself. His eyes only on Quinn. He waved his hand a couple times before the blonde realized that he was beckoning her to join him.

Quinn only shook her head as she let out a light laugh. Mike beamed as he slipped onto the ground and easily slid himself right next to her. He began to bounce side to side with the beat. His whole demeanor full of joy as he bounced his body from left to right.

He put his arm around her shoulder fluidly and pulled her in.

Quinn welcomed it with an honest laugh. The tingling sensation in her was so foreign that she was glad it had been Mike that found her.

Mike was always great. When everything seemed to be crashing down, to him, it didn't matter much. He needed to dance his soul out and let all his emotions ride freely. The blonde caught him a few times in Glee, dancing out of routine just for the hell of it because he knew Quinn would get a laugh since it was always ridiculous.

Water dropped onto Quinn's hands. She looked at her wet hands curiously and wondered where the water was coming from. There was a strange sensation, realizing that it was her tears falling from her eyes.

Mike looked on with concern. The frown on his face only making Quinn giggle for a brief moment as she wiped her tears away.

"Why are you being so nice to me, Mike?" she asked in confusion. Her heart was filled with an overwhelming sense of guilt that she hadnt even realized. "Everyone's already left me alone. Finn and Puck hate me for what I've done, so I cant really get any help from them. I was always queen bitch, so I cant ask anyone for help. Then again, I deserve it." She let out a sob, but Mike only pulled her in closer.

"You don't deserve it, Quinn," he responded with sincerity. "No one deserves bad things."

"In case you haven't noticed, bad things have been happening to me, after the bitch I've been," Quinn insisted sarcastically. She wanted to pull away from Mike but his warmth left her to linger.

The Asian boy pouted. "That's not true," he insisted. "You are being too hard on yourself. And that will not stand." Mike stood up and held out his hand. Quinn gave him a confused look. "Come on. Let's go."

"Where am I gonna go?" Quinn hissed.

"With me," Mike gave her a look like it was the most obvious answer. He wiggled his hand. "Come on." The blonde looked on with mistrust. "Stop it."

"Mike, you don't have to be nice to me okay? I can take care of myself." She wiped the tears from her eyes. "I haven't had anyone in awhile and I am perfectly content being alone."

He kneeled down in front of her and leaned in. Quinn instinctively moved back. Mike reached out for her hands gently before pulling her in. He placed a gentle kiss to her forehead. The blonde shut her eyes to his lips on her forehead. It was warm and welcoming, a feeling that hadn't been inside of her for awhile. "You aren't alone, Quinn. Come on, I'll buy you some bacon. I know you've been craving it for awhile. It'll make you feel better."

Quinn left her eyes shut as she nodded with a slight laugh. His lingering lips on her forehead made her feel like she belonged, like someone was there. Mike knew as he pulled her in for a simple hug, Quinn's body melting against his body. They stayed like that for awhile because bacon could wait.

mike/quinn, glee, fanfiction

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