Nutrisco et extinguo

May 25, 2012 21:51

Nutrisco et extinguo
("I feed from it and extinguish it")

- ongoing -


This story is a character study that starts a little before Reichenbach and follows Sherlock's and John's lives until their reunion three years later. Spoilers for both seasons.

Warnings: There are several same-sex couples in this fic, including John and Sherlock. Rating for this chapter is K+
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners, Arthur Conan Doyle and in their BBC version Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss. The original characters and plot are mine. The lyrics of the songs are Ingrid Michaelson's. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

"You haven't said what you wanted to say." Well yes, some things take you by surprise, and you're not quite prepared for them. Like when your best friend jumps off a building in front of you. .

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Table of contents (titles of the songs - all by Ingrid Michaelson - in brackets)

- Chapter I: Ultima forsan (Mountain and the sea)

- Chapter II: Tu autem (This is war)

- Chapter III: Uno flatu (Can't help falling in love with you)

- Chapter IV: Utraque unum (Around you)

- Chapter V: Ultima ratio (Do it now)

- Chapter VI:Unus multorum (Black and blue)

- Chapter VII: Alea jacta est (A Bird's Song)

- Chapter VIII: In vacuo (Ghost)

- Chapter IX: Ita diis placuit ! (Turn to stone)

- Chapter X: Ubi sunt (In the sea)

- Chapter XI: Tanquam aegri somnia (I'll see you in my dreams)

- Chapter XII: Non fui, fui, non sum, non curo (Die for your love)

- Chapter XIII: Semper fidelis (Live it with love)

- Chapter XIV: Ibi deficit orbis (Winter Song)

- Chapter XV: Per inania regna (December Baby)

- Chapter XVI: Ubi nihil vales, ibi nihil velis (End of the world)

- Chapter XVII: Aurea mediocritas (Men of snow)

- Chapter XVIII: Sub rosa (Far away)

- Chapter XIX: O et præsidium et dulce decus meum ! (Overboard)

- Chapter XX: Ex silentio (The Chain)

- Chapter XXI: Medice, cura te ipsum (Locked up)

- Chapter XXII: Condemnant quod non intellegunt (Always you)

- Chapter XXIII: Fluctuat nec mergitur (Porcelain's fists)

- Chapter XXIV: Cetera desun (Highway)

- Chapter XXV: Usque ad sideras et usque ad inferos - (Mosquito)

- Chapter XXVI: Utrinque paratus (Parachute)

- Chapter ΑΩ: Moriarty tribute

- Chapter XXVII: In vino veritas (Blood brothers)

- Chapter XXVIII: Unitas virtute (Everybody)

- Chapter XXIX: Into Vinceres (Die alone)

- Chapter XXX: Intelligenti pauca (Empty bottles)

- Chapter XXXI: Oculos habent et non videbunt (Lady in Spain)

- Chapter XXXII: Ad vitam aeternam (I'm through)

- Chapter XXXIII: Ad libitum (Let go)

- Chapter XXXIV:Genius loci (Keep warm)

- Chapter XXXV: Aequo animo (Save me)

- Chapter XXXVI: Age quod agis (Starting now)

- Chapter XXXVII: Caput mortuum (All love)

- Chapter XXXVIII: Castigat ridendo mores (Soldier)

- Chapter XXXIX: Ab absurdo (Snowfall)

- Chapter XL: Gutta cavat lapidem (Over the rainbow)

- Chapter XLI: Ab imo pectore (When the leaves)

- Chapter XLII: Tempora si fuerint nubila, solus eris (The Hat)

- Chapter XLIII: Aura popularis (Breakable)

- Chapter XLIV: Audaces fortuna juvat (The way I am)

- Chapter XLV: Albo lapillo notare diem (Fire)

- Chapter XLVI: In limine (Creep)

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coming soon:

Chapter XLVII: Volenti non fit injuria (Corner of your heart)- Sherlock centric

Chapter XLVIII: Abusus non tollit usum (Giving up)- John centric

Chapter XLIX: Deus ex machina (Masochist) - Sherlock centric

Chapter L: Adhuc sub judice lis est (Something more Spare change) - Sherlock and John centric

Chapter LI: Consilio manuque (Palm of your Hand) - Sherlock centric

Chapter LII: Aere perinius (Morning lullabies) - John centric




johnlock, post-reichenbach, friendship, family, character study, romance, angst, hurt/comfort

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