Absence Makes the Heart...

May 19, 2011 23:44

Title: Absence Makes the Heart...
Author: zoewarren
Rating: PG-14
Characters: Mal
Pairing: Mal/Inara
Spoilers/Timeline: post-BDM (spoilers for the movie)
Sequel To: Leave of Absence
Word Count: 209
Disclaimer: Joss is boss, I'm just playing

Author's Note:
A friend of mine once said she could never 'ship Mal/Inara because they were too different and too inflexible, and that it would always be doomed so long as neither of them was willing to change. I seem to have taken that as a dare. This is just a wee drabble and it picks up where Leave of Absence left off.

Absence Makes the Heart...

Inara’s absence left a disproportionate hole. Serenity felt empty. And everyone on board, even Jayne, was walking around with the same long face, all of them missing Wash, missing the Shepherd all over again in the emptiness.

Dinner the first night was more subdued than it had been in months. Grace, as though sensing the mood, fussed inconsolably until Zoe finally gave up and took her away to the bridge so the others could eat in peace.

Mal pushed his own food aside and left the table, heading for the cargo bay. He could feel Kaylee’s gaze following him out the door.

He didn’t mind Inara going. Not exactly. Or so he kept telling himself.

It was just that things were so unsettled between them.

He almost regretted it, that night, in the grass, under the stars. For just a moment, it had felt so much like home. In a different life, a different ’verse, he would have taken her to Shadow, to the ranch, to meet his Ma, and an evening stroll might have turned to just such outdoor activities. But in this ‘verse and this life it was too much and not enough all at the same time.

Nights like that had no place in this reality.

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