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Comments 776

zoetekohana July 28 2009, 19:25:03 UTC
I’ll start us off. ;D

Name?: zoetekohana
Age?: 20
Gender?: Female
Location?: Europe

What part of the show appealed to you?: The first thing that appealed to me was the animation. I just love shows where the animation is beautiful and crisp, and when I saw a commercial of Avatar before it began airing, I instantly thought that everything was drawn pretty. Then when I actually watched the show for the first time I loved the storyline and the characters. So those three things appealed to me the most. The music is gorgeous, too.
What's your favourite Avatar moment?: Tough question. There are so many wonderful moments but if I really have to choose, I'd have to go with the end of "The Blue Spirit", having watched it so many times it still gets to me. I love gen/friend-shipping and the way Aang asks Zuko if they could be friends if their situation was different and Zuko rejecting him, is just so heartbreaking. Then the way Aang says to Sokka that he didn’t make any friends, honestly makes me teary-eyed.
Who's your favourite character(s)?: ( ... )


kateison July 28 2009, 21:53:51 UTC
Om nom. You ships are delicious :D And your favourite moment is wonderful :))

Im liking the fandoms too, and your music!

Mind an add-o?


zoetekohana July 28 2009, 23:15:27 UTC
Thank you. :D

I wouldn't mind at all. Go ahead.


neldluva July 28 2009, 22:23:34 UTC
Another Champloo fan? Awesome! I loved that fandom. Good memories. <3

Also, happy chair is adorable. <3



luthien_26 July 28 2009, 19:34:41 UTC
Name?: luthien26, or Merce to those who know me.
Age?: 33 (!)
Gender?: Female
Location?: Washington State, USA

What part of the show appealed you?: I loved the animation, especially the vibrant colors - it's very pretty to look at. I also was fascinated by the use of Asian cultures; to see how all sorts of backgrounds informed the story and the world. I thought it was very creative, very interesting, and something that I hadn't quite seen before.
What's your favorite Avatar moment?: I'd have to say it's when Zuko saves Katara from Azula. Now of course there's the shippy aspect to that, but in all seriousness I love it most because it represents such a huge amount of character growth on both their parts. They've really come full-circle since we first saw them, and it's nice to sort of see that arc play itself out. It speaks a lot for the power of redemption, and realizing that there are things greater than oneself.
Who's your favorite character(s)?: I'd half to say Zuko, mainly because he's one of the most human. He's not ( ... )


sableambiguity July 28 2009, 20:19:09 UTC
I actually /kind of/ know you already, Lu~

We should be friends. 8'D ...even though I've been a total slacker and haven't posted to my LJ in aaaaages.


luthien_26 July 28 2009, 20:22:40 UTC
You can definitely call me Merce.:) And I will add you as a friend right now!


sableambiguity July 28 2009, 20:33:35 UTC
I feel so loved! 8'D

You can call me... whatever you want. xD I've gotten pretty much used to all the different versions of my internet 'handle' courtesy of the folks at HT.


I love filling these things out so much. lalachoy July 28 2009, 20:06:55 UTC
Name?: Chey
Age?: 19
Gender?: Female
Location?: USA

What part of the show appealed to you?: The story itself and the fact that it was Aang, this goofy little kid, who had to save the world.
What's your favorite Avatar moment?: Ozai and Aang's fight. I love watching it.
Who's your favorite character(s)?: Aang, Ozai, and Ty Lee. I basically love everybody, but those three are my favorites.
Which character do you resemble the most?: I think I'm a mix between Katara and Sokka. Which seems kind of impossible.
What is your favorite ship?: Katara/Aang, though I never really cared about romance in this show. At all.

What other fandoms are you into?: Beyblade, Digimon, Hetalia, High School Musical, Kyou Kara Maou, Kuroshitsuji, Loveless, Ouran, Repo: The Genetic Opera!, Yu-Gi-Oh. I'm in a lot of smaller ones, but yeah. Those are my big ones.
Name your favorite book(s)/music/movie(s): My favorite series is the Redwall series. I also really love Lolita. I read whatever I can get my hands on. My favorite music is anything I can dance to, ( ... )


Re: I love filling these things out so much. kateison July 28 2009, 20:49:38 UTC
REPO! Yes! Oh man, your fandoms have taken me, Esp. Yu-gi-oh! and Kuroshitsuji 8D

And f-yeah for fans of Ozai~!


Re: I love filling these things out so much. lalachoy July 28 2009, 20:53:52 UTC
FELLOW REPO FAN? I swear, I do not meet enough people who love it. But yes, my fandoms rock. 8Db



Re: I love filling these things out so much. kateison July 28 2009, 20:58:13 UTC


angelchan_2004 July 28 2009, 20:08:17 UTC
Name?: Angela
Age?: 23
Gender?: I be of the female variety...!
Location?: Ohio, where it is the epitome of boring.

What part of the show appealed to you?: I loved the animation, of course, but I also loved the story and the characters. They just... they were a lot more realistic than a lot of shows, I felt. The story was also quiiite appealing, too~ AND THE MUSIC.
What's your favorite Avatar moment?: ...WHY MUST I CHOOSE? I think the finale was pretty amazing, of course. And I'll admit I am partial to the Cave of Two Lovers, because Sokka+hippies=funtiems.
Who's your favorite character(s)?: AANG. ALWAYS AANG. But I also love Toph, and Mai, and Sokka, and Zuko, and Katara, and Iroh and--*prattles away*
Which character do you resemble the most?: I don't really think I resemble anyone. Some people have said I'm a little like Mai (quiet), and others have said I have a lot of qualities like Katara (mothering, tries to help, easy to get frustrated and blow up...)
What is your favorite ship?: KATAANG. Uh, yeah... I also like Maiko ( ... )


lalachoy July 28 2009, 20:56:23 UTC

Andand you like Soul Eater and Digimon and Princess Tutu. FRIENDS? :DDD


angelchan_2004 July 28 2009, 21:04:54 UTC

Yessss, let us commence in the 'friending' ritual...!


lalachoy July 28 2009, 21:05:50 UTC



synnesai July 28 2009, 20:09:07 UTC
Name?: Cynthia
Age?: 20
Gender?: F
Location?: SoCal baby x3

What part of the show appealed to you?: The opening lol
What's your favorite Avatar moment?: The episode where Iroh is under the tree with his son's picture >.< ;__; I almost cried
Who's your favorite character(s)?: TOPH!!!
Which character do you resemble the most?: ...LOL Azula actually OwO;;;;
What is your favorite ship?: OwO;;; i really don't know! I guess the default Aang/Katara....I also really like Sokka/Yue .__. and annnnd...Zuko and that one girl from the earth kingdom OwO;;;

What other fandoms are you into?: Kingdom Hearts, IGPX, Digimon, Beyblade, Final Dantasy...that's it D: SO old school lol
Name your favorite book(s)/music/movie(s): I like anything and everything, I'm open minded
What is the main content of your livejournal?: Graphics lol
Anything else you'd like to share?: Whoooo! Sorry I'm not so much involved with the Avatars fandom >.< YET!


nuvolaluz July 28 2009, 21:26:50 UTC
we should totally be friends...

I ♥ your icon times ten


synnesai July 28 2009, 22:05:51 UTC
hahaha ok!!! I added ya =]

you can find the icon on my journal~!!


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