luthien_26 and I haven't seen a friending meme in an Avatar community before, we thought it might be a good thing to make one. It's always a fun way to get to know some other Avatar fans better and make new lj friends.
We're sure most of you have done a friending meme before or know how it works but we'll explain it just in case. ;) You just fill out some questions the code is below and post the answers to this entry. Then you wait till other users answered to your post and/or you look through the posts of others to see if you have things in common and answer to their posts if you'd like to become friends. So it's rather easy. :)
Now without further ado, we present to you our Avatar Friending Meme! :D
Toph: Do you really think friendships can last more than one lifetime?
Aang: I don't see why not.
Here's the fill out code:
Name?: Age?: Gender?: Location?: What part of the show appealed to you?: What's your favorite Avatar moment?: Who's your favorite character(s)?: Which character do you resemble the most?: What is your favorite ship?: What other fandoms are you into?: Name your favorite book(s)/music/movie(s): What is the main content of your livejournal?:Anything else you'd like to share?:
Pimp it:">
The Avatar Friending Meme Rules:
No wank/bashing.
That's all. :D