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luthien_26 July 28 2009, 19:34:41 UTC
Name?: luthien26, or Merce to those who know me.
Age?: 33 (!)
Gender?: Female
Location?: Washington State, USA

What part of the show appealed you?: I loved the animation, especially the vibrant colors - it's very pretty to look at. I also was fascinated by the use of Asian cultures; to see how all sorts of backgrounds informed the story and the world. I thought it was very creative, very interesting, and something that I hadn't quite seen before.
What's your favorite Avatar moment?: I'd have to say it's when Zuko saves Katara from Azula. Now of course there's the shippy aspect to that, but in all seriousness I love it most because it represents such a huge amount of character growth on both their parts. They've really come full-circle since we first saw them, and it's nice to sort of see that arc play itself out. It speaks a lot for the power of redemption, and realizing that there are things greater than oneself.
Who's your favorite character(s)?: I'd half to say Zuko, mainly because he's one of the most human. He's not necessarily nice all the time, or thoughtful - he's prone to outbursts, hurting the feelings of those he cares about. As ashamed as you might be to admit it, you've probably done those things in your life, too - but he overcomes it, and that's encouraging. It's satisfying to see him end up better for his struggles.
Which character do you resemble the most?: Probably some ramped-down version of Katara. I'm way too lazy to be as riled up as she sometimes can be, but I think the general traits are there.
What is your favorite ship?: Zutara - from the very first episode. I can't even specifically put my finger on why it speaks to me so much, but it does. I think they're far more alike than different, and what differences they have would serve to enhance and enrich each others' lives - and that's what some of the best relationships are made of. (Also, I'm highly biased - I see parts of Zutara in my own relationship with my husband, that has a lot to do with it!)

What other fandoms are you into?: Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Fullmetal Alchemist, Firefly, Lord of the Rings, The Dresden Files (just now getting into it), Flight of the Conchords
Name your favorite book(s)/music/movie(s): Books: "Beauty," "To Kill a Mockingbird," "Thirteen Days," The Lord of the Rings trilogy, most of Neil Gaiman's stuff. Music: Latin music (mainly Caribbean), The Prodigy, Prince, The Doors, Queen, Garbage, Flight of the Conchords, and I am a huge, huge fan of Nine Inch Nails! Movies: Lord of the Rings (all three), Splash, The Princess Bride, Ladyhawke, Out of Sight, Pride and Prejudice (Keira Knightley version), Clash of the Titans (for good kitschy fun), Mulan, The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Lilo & Stitch, Tombstone, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Wall-E, Ratatouille, Up, Let the Right One In.
What is the main content of your livejournal?: Mainly just ramblings, musings, and other random junk. Though I haven't updated in 50,000 years (whoops!).
Anything else you'd like to share?:


sableambiguity July 28 2009, 20:19:09 UTC
I actually /kind of/ know you already, Lu~

We should be friends. 8'D ...even though I've been a total slacker and haven't posted to my LJ in aaaaages.


luthien_26 July 28 2009, 20:22:40 UTC
You can definitely call me Merce.:) And I will add you as a friend right now!


sableambiguity July 28 2009, 20:33:35 UTC
I feel so loved! 8'D

You can call me... whatever you want. xD I've gotten pretty much used to all the different versions of my internet 'handle' courtesy of the folks at HT.


onerottenpeach July 28 2009, 20:43:06 UTC
Oh mannn Samurai Champloo, Flight of the Conchords, Princess Bride, Neil Gaiman, Firefly, Zutara, P&P, Little Mermaid, and Cowboy Bebop~

Based on the slew of things we both enjoy, I think I would like you on my flist. :D


luthien_26 July 28 2009, 20:45:55 UTC
Add away! I'm adding you, too.:D


onerottenpeach July 28 2009, 20:52:44 UTC


kateison July 28 2009, 20:46:30 UTC
Your...well, everything! Glad to see other LOTR fans hanging around here, haha. I also agree, so much, with your favourite scene. It's definitely at the top of my list :D

Also: To Kill A Mockingbird is a fantastic book 8D

Mind an add~?


luthien_26 July 28 2009, 20:47:01 UTC
No problem! Go ahead.:D


neldluva July 28 2009, 22:28:45 UTC
Oh, I so appreciate all of your fandoms and books! I think we have the same reading habits. <3 (I also drop gratuitous love on fans of Samurai Champloo. Love that fandom and all its crack.)


fadedelegance August 1 2009, 05:32:48 UTC
I love your pic up there--very lolzy. And Zutarians unite!


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