Computer Geekery

Jun 12, 2008 02:06

My desktop computer purchasing advice has not changed for years. In general, one should either build one's own (or have something custom built by a family member or friend), buy Apple, or buy something as-cheap-as-possible-with-caveats. Once some competitors to the Eee Box come around, the as-cheap-as-possible market is going to be really interesting. Not that the Eee Box isn't interesting by itself, mind you. The GNU/Linux-based, "instant-on"/"pre-boot" Splashtop OS that the Eee Box and some Asus motherboards ship with is neat stuff. The Eee PC laptop is pretty mighty in the as-cheap-as-possible space for that matter, though I'd only recommend it as a secondary or tertiary system.

I was - perhaps foolishly - not expecting anything to come along to challenge Apple. It seems that HP is not content with merely being the market leader in terms of sales. As Anand Lal Shimpi reports, they've got some exciting stuff up their sleeves. Gentle reader, if you're a computer geek who (1) does not usually follow my links, and (2) is not a regular reader of Anandtech, please do yourself the service of correcting both of these foibles today. On second though, it is perhaps more important for your health, productivity, and sanity to become a regular reader of the fine Canadian website, Silent PC Review.

A recent article on SPCR confirmed something I had suspected: I made one hell of a purchase when I picked up a 750GB Samsung F1 for $109.99 shipped. Top of the line performance, near top of the line capacity, and fantastic acoustics. And not a moment too soon: I've got well over 160GB of work-related video now (And with the exception of one DV tape, it's all backed up. Thank you for your concern). My old 200GB drive is living in a nice enclosure by Antec that I got at MicroCenter for $15.

There should be new videos from me on YouTube and Vimeo tomorrow and a post about RPGs and game design (of all things!) not long after that.


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