you, Morte from E.N. World, wherever and whoever you are. And I did do a lot more reading, that's for sure.
Nicole Lindroos and John Wick's tributes to Erick Wujcik on LiveJournal are really nice.
Anyways, games about culture.
How We Came to Live Here aims to be one. They list a bunch more behind that there link. Would I lose if I tried to argue that Agon were such a game?
Elisabeth just sent me
this link. Gorgeous, no?
I'm going to start posting high-quality video samples to, and using YouTube more for promotional "maybe someone will wander into my videos and learn about Richard's business" purposes. Vimeo's quality is soooo gooooood, especially when it comes to audio, which is really what we're in business for. Observe!
Edit: I have nothing to do with this video. I just like it and it shows off Vimeo's quality like whoa.
Lip Dub - Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger from
amandalynferri on
Finally, yay
this guy! I promise a more focused entry next time.