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Comments 26

devilishdestiny August 3 2010, 06:01:38 UTC
very nice, i liked this chapter a lot.


zjofierose August 3 2010, 07:34:28 UTC
thank you!


alpha_hydra August 3 2010, 06:13:40 UTC
Hooray another chapter! I really loved it, especially how you can really see Jim start to fall apart here (well, at least he would, if he didn't have Spock around). Honestly, throughout this entire story, I've just wanted to smother Jimmy with my love and NEVER let him feel angst again!

So yeah, I loved it! I loved the bed-wetting, and Winona's blue wedding dress, and the mind-melding, Jim taking. Apart. The. Furnace because that is totally something Jim would do when he's upset :)


alpha_hydra August 3 2010, 06:15:24 UTC
P.S. Throughout this chapter I kept forgetting that they were like, 10 and 12, and was all, "Why aren't they kissing???" before I could remember "Oh. Right. Kidfic."

*Is sheepish, and also, embarrassed*

That's not weird, is it? [it totally is]


zjofierose August 3 2010, 07:39:34 UTC
it's not weird! i've had a lot of convos w my beta about "ok, now *how* old do they have to be before romantic feelings are realistic???"

it's an individual thing, that's part of it. but... well, let's just say that jimmy's as precocious in this 'verse as he is in any other.


zjofierose August 3 2010, 07:37:45 UTC
lol. i'm glad you like it. and yes, we all want to snuggle jimmy. :)

i'm glad you felt good about the bed-wetting- i was nervous about that. i dunno. the dress... when my mother remarried she wore this dreadful pale pink silk number with puffed sleeves, ruffles, and a white batik print. IDEK. it was 1990. sooo... i was nicer to winona. :)

and yes. when jimmy is distressed, he Fixes. Things. Right. Fucking. Now.


renuki August 3 2010, 06:55:27 UTC
Poor Jim! D:

But thankfully, Spock is here.


zjofierose August 3 2010, 07:39:52 UTC
yes, thank goodness for spock!


db_mmxx August 3 2010, 13:01:37 UTC
This story just gets more brilliant with each chapter. It’s so sad and sweet. How you’ve handled the domestic abuse it amazing, how subtle it’s done. It adds a sense of realism that few fics ever manage. Once again, you’ve really settled the conflict in a grey area, which is how things usually are. Sam is like Winona, neither a villain nor a good guy. He’s a total teenage brat, but he has his moments, like when he asked Spock to look out for Jim and it became apparent that maybe his aversion to Frank is warranted. Really, just brilliant. I can’t praise this fic enough. I eagerly await the next installment. My heart broke for Jim after his nightmare, though I secretly enjoyed it ‘cause I love hurt!Jim fics. *bows head in shame*


zjofierose August 3 2010, 16:38:24 UTC
ohhh, thank you, your comments make me all warm and fuzzy. :)

yeah, that's the thing about bad family situations. there are victims and there are perpetrators, yes, but it's way more complex than just that. people are stimulus/response creatures with a lot of built-in patterned habits, and it means that it is extremely rare for any of our behavior to be truly only what it appears on the surface.

ANYWAY, i'm really pleased you're still liking it.
next chapter is likely to be a rough one.

(don't be ashamed- *i'm* the one *doing* these dreadful things to the poor guy...)


adafrog August 3 2010, 13:12:02 UTC


zjofierose August 3 2010, 16:39:26 UTC
thank you. :)


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