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zjofierose August 3 2010, 16:43:33 UTC
yeah, a swift kick and a good few years of therapy and meds, perhaps...

i KNOW, reboot canon kind of bitchslapped jim, didn't it? i really love it though- i mean, TOS kirk is awesome in his own right, but he was always a little bit of a glorified man's-man, which was appropriate for the time. but nu-kirk is messed up, and that makes him really interesting...


easilymused1956 August 3 2010, 17:17:18 UTC
Your story keeps getting better and better. I feel bad for all of them, even Frank in a way. It's so angsty, and so emotional. I am deeply invested in seeing where this goes.



zjofierose August 3 2010, 17:22:01 UTC
thank you! i'm really glad you're still liking it- the next chapter marks a shift in tone that's going to make the story even harder, but i think that the final ending will be worth it. i'm glad you're in for the haul!

and yes, i feel sorry for all of them too. even frank.


slvrbld747 August 3 2010, 22:23:45 UTC

This, is a King among kidfic. I am really enjoying this despite catching it late in the game. I think your characterization of little Spock is excellent, and your descriptions of Jim are a great picture of a human child. The contrast is delightful. You have made them real, and vivid in a way a lot of kidfic misses because they make it all about the adorable and miss the bad stuff. The stuff that really doesn't make them loved less, but with a more certain amount of snark, grins.

Great stuff, thanks. -SB


zjofierose August 3 2010, 22:32:19 UTC
thank you so much! i adore kidfic, but i tend to agree, it's very easy to get caught in the "ohh, they're cute!" thing. which, of course, they are, but kids are people too, good and bad.

you're not late in the game! we're not yet halfway through!


slvrbld747 August 3 2010, 23:32:50 UTC

Ohhh, good to know, rubs hands together delightedly. ;D -SB


lannajne August 4 2010, 21:56:27 UTC
This story is adorable. I don't remember if I've reviewed and told you that yet or not, because I'm actually a terrible, terrible lurker, but it is and I love it. I'm sure the next few chapters that are left until Jim leaves the house are going to be heart-wrenching, and I am anxious to see what you do regarding Tarsus (if you're doing anything with it, which I think would end up fitting nicely into the story -- well, as 'nicely' as Tarsus could ever be in any story). Can't wait until the next installment!


zjofierose August 5 2010, 04:39:47 UTC
hey, thanks for commenting! i'm really glad you're liking it!

yes, the next few chapters are not as likely to be... snuggly, for lack of a better word, though i hope people will still like them!

re: Tarsus- i'm not going to touch it in this particular fic. this is (obviously) not actually reboot verse, it's a reboot AU, though, admittedly, i've been sticking pretty close to the reboot canon except for spock's family being on earth.

BUT. if there is demand/if i feel like it, i may do another arc at some point in this verse that *would* touch on tarsus. i don't know yet. :)


lannajne August 5 2010, 14:18:52 UTC
That's what I'd thought I'd read somewhere about this story, regarding Tarsus, but I couldn't remember if it was this story or another that I'm reading at the same time. Too many plot lines, not nearly enough updates! ;)

That's fine, though, about Tarsus. Too many people use it as a kind of literary cop-out (which part of me never thought I'd see in fanfic, though I should've expected it) and I actually think that domestic and child abuse can be much more horrifying -- you know, the whole, "death of one is a tragedy, the death of millions is just a statistic" thing. Not to say Tarsus isn't but.. okay, I'm going to take the foot out of my mouth now, haha.


zjofierose August 6 2010, 04:03:55 UTC
lol. no, i do know what you mean. it's easy to make something like a genocide horrifying, but it's also easy for it to be overdone, and overwhelming.

tarsus interests me, as a plot point, but the thing is that this fic is about jim *and* spock, and tarsus is, at least in canon, very much an individual experience for jim. so, if i ever do it, it either has to be a jim-centric fic, or i have to find some way to make it relevant to spock.


kianspo August 6 2010, 17:58:48 UTC
Oh, gorgeous series. So many things I like about it, the cuteness of the boys, of course, and all the sweet, but really, great characterization. I particularly liked Sam's cameos, and his words about Jimmy seem to resonate perfectly with that deleted scene from the DVD.

Great job, looking forward to more!


zjofierose August 6 2010, 18:24:20 UTC
thanks! very pleased you liked it.

funny that you mention that about the deleted scenes- i've actually never watched them. :)

next update will hopefully be on time- i'm starting a new job today, so i will have to work hard to get it up, but i'm gonna try.


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