'Tracking The Visual Story': The Saga of Red & Blue in SPN S5 continues...

Apr 15, 2010 10:17

Why is it whenever I take on a project it grows to MASSIVE proportions? *facepalm* For the record, this was originally three different posts, which unfortunately made no sense when separated. So, anyone that gets through this, I question your sanity in addition to mine. This post, btw, is the reason why my episode thoughts have been nonexistent ( Read more... )

cinematography, spn, spn: picspam, spn: meta-ish_attempts, spn: crew, oo!_pretty_colors, spn: s5, finale_fever

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Comments 83

dev_earl April 15 2010, 14:58:36 UTC
You are a GENIUS. ♥

Dean Man's Blood, Sam and John work out their issues.

Best typo ever. *g*


zimshan April 15 2010, 15:20:50 UTC
You really got to the end of that? Good Lord, I wasn't sure anyone one would! Really, the show provides all the genius pieces, I'm just nutty enough to want to make sense of it. Glad you thought it was worth reading. :)

Dean Man's Blood, Sam and John work out their issues.
*bursts out laughing* Um, oops?

OBVIOUSLY, this must mean my subconscious thinks Dean's blood is important too!


dev_earl April 15 2010, 15:31:07 UTC
Why not? I LOOOOVE your blue & red meta, remember? :)

From my watching, Dean's blood is what makes all the monsters go gaga. ;)


zimshan April 15 2010, 15:45:03 UTC
Aw, yes, and you are awesome for loving my crazy color theories. Though I think it's one thing to say, hey look at all this red and blue, and totally another to say, the colors tell us where the story's going! ;)

From my watching, Dean's blood is what makes all the monsters go gaga.
HAHA, that just reminds me how desperately fandom needs to vid SPN to Lady Gaga's 'Monster' one day. Note to the fandom abyss: It'd make a hysterically creepy yet jovial vid!


squaringkarma April 15 2010, 15:03:45 UTC
Amazing post, hon! Now I really do need to sleep since it's just past 3am here, but wow, amazing stuff. Can't wait for episode 100 tonight!


zimshan April 15 2010, 15:24:25 UTC
Aww, sorry for keeping you up! Sleep is good! But I'm glad you could makes sense out of all of these rambles here. And that you could enjoy it!

I know you just started watching, but for me, I seriously can't even get over the fact that this little show that could hardly get a pick up the first three years has now made it to 100. It's nuts, really!


harper47 April 15 2010, 16:23:34 UTC
Brilliant. Just brilliant.

And I think you're right. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, Sam will be the key to winning and the blood is so blatantly out there - on the title card even - that I think you're right. It will be the boys together winning.

How do you see Cas' role in this? Because I do think he will be a factor too. He is part of Team Free Will.


zimshan April 15 2010, 16:52:37 UTC
My hesitation is honestly in whether the show has the guts to give Sam that kind of initiative. Sometimes I think I'm completely naive in having so much trust for how things should go this season. But it's just all come together so well. In a very similar way to how things came together last year, really. And I thought I was crazy back then too. So...you know...

How do you see Cas' role in this? Because I do think he will be a factor too. He is part of Team Free Will. Oh, I think he'll be right there in the thick of it, and probably helping Sam pull Dean back from the cliff he's careening towards. There have been red dots associated with Cas too. Balancing out his always blue tie. So I think a certain about of rational thought is with him too. But honestly, I think just due to the short history he has had on the show so far, it's harder to see particular imagery patterns? But he's definitely had a red and blue balance. I particularly LOVE that image of him with the hand out in front of the red and blue lit window in 'My Bloody ( ... )


harper47 April 15 2010, 16:59:15 UTC
I've never even thought of his blue tie which duh me ( ... )


harper47 April 15 2010, 17:37:55 UTC
And am now watching preview clips looking for red dots. And blue and green. I don't think I'm going to be able to watch the show the same way anymore.


(The comment has been removed)

zimshan April 15 2010, 20:20:18 UTC
You mean totally in awe of my, err, NUTTINESS? XD

No, but I'm glad you could find this a worthwhile read! The crew does all the work, I've just enjoyed showing it off. (And maybe trying to encourage some others to do the same while I have the time. Really there's tons of stuff here to work with, people!)


sockkpuppett April 15 2010, 16:45:11 UTC
Hey that's what *I* said! Only you say it all so much better.


zimshan April 15 2010, 17:18:32 UTC
ACK. *facepalm* ACTUALLY? I totally failed at linking your post. Oversight on my part. Because when I first read it, I started a reply that was all 'The green! The green! Someone noticed the toxic green too!' and then it got me thinking so much it grew into the whole green portion here. Power of the fandom carousel!

*goes and re-edits*

And for the record, I still think you should continue your vid! Really! So what if it's Jossed? Who knows if we'll need a fandom alternative anyway, right?


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