'Tracking The Visual Story': The Saga of Red & Blue in SPN S5 continues...

Apr 15, 2010 10:17

Why is it whenever I take on a project it grows to MASSIVE proportions? *facepalm* For the record, this was originally three different posts, which unfortunately made no sense when separated. So, anyone that gets through this, I question your sanity in addition to mine. This post, btw, is the reason why my episode thoughts have been nonexistent ( Read more... )

cinematography, spn, spn: picspam, spn: meta-ish_attempts, spn: crew, oo!_pretty_colors, spn: s5, finale_fever

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zimshan April 15 2010, 16:52:37 UTC
My hesitation is honestly in whether the show has the guts to give Sam that kind of initiative. Sometimes I think I'm completely naive in having so much trust for how things should go this season. But it's just all come together so well. In a very similar way to how things came together last year, really. And I thought I was crazy back then too. So...you know...

How do you see Cas' role in this? Because I do think he will be a factor too. He is part of Team Free Will.
Oh, I think he'll be right there in the thick of it, and probably helping Sam pull Dean back from the cliff he's careening towards. There have been red dots associated with Cas too. Balancing out his always blue tie. So I think a certain about of rational thought is with him too. But honestly, I think just due to the short history he has had on the show so far, it's harder to see particular imagery patterns? But he's definitely had a red and blue balance. I particularly LOVE that image of him with the hand out in front of the red and blue lit window in 'My Bloody Valentine'.

Sorta more wildly out there, I do have one theory towards his integral role towards the final solution, but, um, I'm not sure how crazy it might be just yet.


harper47 April 15 2010, 16:59:15 UTC
I've never even thought of his blue tie which duh me.

I obviously don't have the insight you do but dramatically, thematically I have long felt that Sam is on a redemptive arc. Obviously we are seeing it play out and at first I felt it was unearned but lately I do feel that he has been given the groundwork to assume the role. Obviously Kripke likes his symmetry and with the role reversal Sam and Dean have had this year - last year Sam spiraling down and this year Dean - I think he'll play a significant part.

I of course love Cas with Dean but I also think that it is going to be his role to stand with Sam. They've been laying the groundwork for that too.

(sidenote - see this is why I don't mind things that may upset my secret longings. As long as you lay groundwork, it works. And they just didn't lay enough groundwork for Lisa for me but anyway)

The colors truly are spectacular. You should send this analysis somewhere where it will be seen more - to Maureen Ryan or Alice in winfamilybusiness. Someone who can take this and run with this because this is kind of huge. Your analysis is really good and it's all backed up with evidence.


harper47 April 15 2010, 17:37:55 UTC
And am now watching preview clips looking for red dots. And blue and green. I don't think I'm going to be able to watch the show the same way anymore.


zimshan April 15 2010, 18:19:01 UTC
It'll become a sickness! Watch out! Once I started noticing it, I just couldn't stop. Somehow I ended up with dot catalogs in my head without even trying!

It's like whenever I'm in vidding mode, watching films and tv and especially commercials is such a weird phenomenon because all I see are the cuts. Your eyes see what you condition them to, and it can become just crazy.

But seriously the yellow portion of dots in your icon shot, I've been trying to figure out for ions. I have a whole folder of yellow and red dots that have accompanied Cas and Bobby this year, which I have yet to find an adequate explanation for. In conjugation with Sam, they used to signal caution and danger. But these doesn't seem to be the same, considering their context. They sure are pretty though!


harper47 April 15 2010, 18:23:48 UTC
But seriously the yellow portion of dots in your icon shot, I've been trying to figure out for ions. I have a whole folder of yellow and red dots that have accompanied Cas and Bobby this year, which I have yet to find an adequate explanation for

Ohhh fascinating. I can't wait till you figure it out.

I loved watching the videos using your eyes.


zimshan April 15 2010, 20:14:34 UTC
Hee, yea, in my first color meta I went into tie colors, and how blue ties were signaling agents of Heaven. Err, well, Zachariah's corrupt Heaven. Zachariah=always blue tie. his croonies too. Anna had the blue coat. But her red hair to balance. Cas had just the blue tie. But since the beginning of the season has had red something by him as well, whether it's the red dot or otherwise. It's nifty because it visually shows his realignment! Which, hey, was first made with his blood in the sigil! I seriously love those sigils visually.

(Ugh, Lisa, this is where I use colors to distract me. She was wearing blue! Rest! Heaven! What Is! Seriously, I still don't see how that aired, but whatever.)

You should send this analysis somewhere where it will be seen more - to Maureen Ryan or Alice in winfamilybusiness. Someone who can take this and run with this because this is kind of huge. Your analysis is really good and it's all backed up with evidence.
Oh. Um. Wow. Really? Idk, I feel like it'd be so...esoteric outside of our little LJ fandom here. But thank you. :)


harper47 April 15 2010, 20:38:47 UTC
Maureen is a Supernatural fan. I bet she'd love it. Seriously.


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