'Tracking The Visual Story': The Saga of Red & Blue in SPN S5 continues...

Apr 15, 2010 10:17

Why is it whenever I take on a project it grows to MASSIVE proportions? *facepalm* For the record, this was originally three different posts, which unfortunately made no sense when separated. So, anyone that gets through this, I question your sanity in addition to mine. This post, btw, is the reason why my episode thoughts have been nonexistent ( Read more... )

cinematography, spn, spn: picspam, spn: meta-ish_attempts, spn: crew, oo!_pretty_colors, spn: s5, finale_fever

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Comments 83

spankulert April 15 2010, 17:49:17 UTC
Very interesting post. Thank you for taking the time to put this together. The lighting of the Roadhouse actually did register with me as odd, so thanks for shedding some theoretical light on that ;)


zimshan April 15 2010, 22:05:52 UTC
Aw, thanks, I really did have a lot of fun putting it together, so I'm glad you could enjoy it! The ultra colorful Roadhouse was the first piece towards making me think there had to be something more there. Because yes, it really was the only memory lit different than the original. hearseeno chronicled the use of yellow and red as caution and danger in the past seasons of the show, and it seemed to serve a similar 'hey, look!' sign here as well. Especially given Pamela's weirdness. So happy to fill in the blanks. :)


oywidapoodles April 15 2010, 17:55:05 UTC
God, you just,... genius. And Serge ofc.

Seriously, your first red/blue meta changed the way I look at the show, and this is just as amazing, if not more so.

It points to his toxic interference beginning here. Which makes sense, given that this reveal cuts Dean far worse than anything else before it, and creates a chasm between the boys necessary for Dean succumb to Michael.

The green in that episode had me baffled, and this is just the perfect explanation. It makes so much sense. Damn you, Zachariah.

If Jimmy's affect on Castiel in 'My Bloody Valentine' showed us anything, it's that when the will of the person the angel is inhabiting is strong enough, an angel is powerless to stop it.

This (probably dead-on) prediction makes me so psyched.

Honestly, you had me tearing up. A fucking meta had me tearing up. Just reminded me why I love this show SFM.

100! :D


zimshan April 15 2010, 22:52:33 UTC
Wow, well I'm absolutely THRILLED that the my last red & blue meta was so influential on your watching! Once a upon a time, I didn't notice things like this either, but certain people pointed them out and made me more aware myself. So as the fandom carousel works. I'm happy to pass it on. ;)

The green in that episode had me baffled, and this is just the perfect explanation. It makes so much sense. Damn you, Zachariah.I suppose it was only time before he crafted a deception cunning enough to work, but yea, damn you, Zachariah about sums it up ( ... )


oywidapoodles April 15 2010, 23:10:17 UTC
Yeah, I don't know if I want Jimmy to be alive. That's extremely depressing, but it would be quite interesting! Especially is your theoretical parallelism with the boys saying yes but their free will ruling out in the end happens. It would make sense.

Happy tears indeed!


quovadimus83 April 15 2010, 18:51:47 UTC
this might be one of my favourite metas ever. I love our fandom, that people can dissect every little bit of the show, & we can all see the genius that brought us all together. hats off to you for managing to write all this down! all the caps you went back for... &hearts. this is probably one of the hardest threads to follow throughout the seasons, & while I had feelings connected to the colour changes, I don't think I actually pegged them as such until "It's a Terrible Life." (I had hints during WI&WSNB, too, though.)

really, thank you for writing this. I am so excited to look for this in the remaining eps of the season. HAPPY 100!


zimshan April 15 2010, 23:54:12 UTC
Aw, it's one of my favorite things about this fandom, that everyone dissects their own piece of interest, and that the show itself can actually hold up under such harsh inspection. I agree it really does say something about the show itself and the crew that cares about it enough to put in such great continued work. Even down to things fans hardly notice!

At any rate, I'm glad to hear this was a worthwhile read for you!


palatina April 15 2010, 19:15:53 UTC
I not only read to the end, which was no hardship at all (vbg), I loved every single word of your essay and could have read on and on and on...

I totally agree that while I found Season 5 sometimes disappointing in terms of the storytelling, the care taken over the cinematography remains nothing short of awesome.

I'd been watching out for the reds and blues ever since you posted your first meta on this subject, but haven't come to anything like even half as useful conclusions as to how the theme has been developed further and what it all means.

I had gotten as far as noticing the very prominent and intrusive green in 5.17, but hadn't gotten any further than a vague "what does that mean?", when you come and answer virtually all my questions.

I don't tell you often enough how much I appreciate these posts of yours!


zimshan April 16 2010, 01:03:07 UTC
Aw, I'm glad it didn't feel too overly lengthy for you then. And I'm thrilled you've been noticing some of the colors in wake of the last meta post! I'll admit half of these pieces, I would not have picked up, had I not been combing through the visuals a second time for vidding purposes instead. First time watching, I might notice a couple but mostly I'm pretty useless and left flailing just like everyone else. Hee!

At any rate, I'm glad this post was able to answer some of your color-probing questions. And so happy to hear you can enjoy these posts! :D


chiiyo86 April 15 2010, 20:18:54 UTC
Brilliant! Honestly, when it comes to anything visual, I miss a lot of this stuff. But this makes meta like this all the more interesting! As I was rambling the other day to my mother, this what I love in fandom. <3

What you hope for Sam and Dean is what I hope for them too. I want the story to go there so bad. *hopes*


zimshan April 16 2010, 03:00:29 UTC
Aw, thanks! It is what I too love about this fandom, whenever I've got a question, someone seems to answer it! I'm happy to contribute where I can! :)

I'm crossing my fingers that these broad strokes here lead to where we need them to! I think I've been mentally preparing myself for months that it might not end up how I feel like it needs to, but the more the story inches, the closer it looks like it could come true so... *crosses fingers tightly*

So glad to hear you could enjoy this!!


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