60F - 43F : Sunny

Mar 25, 2022 23:17

Another day wasted to depression. First I actually felt better overnight, talking to Kali and Alex, and I got my youtube videos watched and generally had a good night. Then I went to sleep around 3 or 4 am, and woke up again around 3pm. And my head was just filled with misery. I lay in bed for a little bit trying to hide from reality, but ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

adafrog March 26 2022, 13:21:54 UTC


zhelana March 26 2022, 22:33:17 UTC


kensmind March 26 2022, 17:08:52 UTC
I think this was an entry of quality over quantity. You said what you needed to say and dumped out what you needed to get out of your head. I hope you feel better. I find that journalling when I feel bad helps to take away some of the power that the negative feelings have over me. I hope it helps you as well.


zhelana March 26 2022, 22:33:08 UTC


wpadmirer March 27 2022, 01:24:42 UTC
Depression and feeling tired unfortunately do tend to go together. I'm sorry that you're feeling both.

I hope you are able to get your doctor to work with you on some medications, and I hope that they help.


zhelana March 27 2022, 01:29:06 UTC


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