
Oct 13, 2007 17:51

Title: (Hi)story
Fandom: Johnny's Entertainment
Characters: Takizawa Hideaki, Shibutani Subaru
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Jan ken pon. Scissors. If you got rock, maybe they'll belong to you someday. Until then, this is fiction.
Summary: Subaru stops by to congratulate Takki after Enbujou (2006). Awkwardness ensues.
Notes: None.
Other: chris_pi translated ( Read more... )

takizawa hideaki, shibutani subaru, kanjani8, tackey & tsubasa, johnny's entertainment

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Comments 27

honooko October 13 2007, 23:00:27 UTC
hdfjkhsfjk how much do I love your style a narrative? A LOT. You have this beautiful way of using extended metaphors that just... YESSSS. It's like sex with the English language. ♥


iverin October 13 2007, 23:05:03 UTC
sjkdhfksdf THANK YOU DEAR. I am actually pretty happy with this one, so I'm glad you liked it!

Feel free to have sex with my language any time. XD


gimmick_game October 13 2007, 23:59:43 UTC
jkdlsajfl awkward Takki/Subaru interactions....*clings*


iverin October 14 2007, 00:03:37 UTC
I need to not write it so much. XD It makes me feel like a bad person, sort of. But we all know I dig writing the angst sometimes.


originaru October 14 2007, 00:46:50 UTC
There is not enough fanfiction dealing with Takki and Subaru given their history. Lovely. :3 ♥


iverin October 14 2007, 00:50:28 UTC
I agree. I have no idea why I like to deal with it, but there you go. XD Thank you for reading!


pashoshi October 14 2007, 01:47:01 UTC
Aww. This makes me feel bad for both of them. I like how you present Takki, trying to fix things even though he really can't.


iverin October 14 2007, 01:51:14 UTC
Yeah... I actually DO feel really bad for both of them after seeing part of Takki's SCP. Like... He obviously feels completely helpless about what went down. It was so strange because he was seriously about to cry over the old clips.

Thank you for reading, hon.


aello_lime October 14 2007, 04:27:07 UTC
I crave Takki + Subaru interaction like I crave apple pie and vanilla ice cream. Which is to say this made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I like that you left what happened before T&T's debut open to interpretation - since we'll never really know - and didn't resort to the "ZOMG Takki made Subaru start cutting" melodrama. Because like Takki I prefer to believe they're all honorable men (aaaaand now I have Julius Caesar in my head.)
In short - thumbs up. Thank you.


iverin October 14 2007, 04:36:30 UTC
I've written a total AU sort of Subaru being cut out of the trio fic and I liked it, but I really DO prefer leaving it ambiguous. We can't really be sure of how they were or how they are, obviously, but it's one of those great JE mysteries that people rarely explore.

I think they're honorable, too. It was interesting to see Takki's SCP just to finally get his side of how things went, and it totally changed my perspective on the entire thing. Hina's VTR was... nearly brutal, really, and Takki really wanted to cry over the chibi VTR. I love that show but it can be really hard on the guests. They show a lot of their true selves, I think.

I'm really glad that you liked it! Thank you for commenting!


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