Title: (Hi)story
Fandom: Johnny's Entertainment
Characters: Takizawa Hideaki, Shibutani Subaru
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Jan ken pon. Scissors. If you got rock, maybe they'll belong to you someday. Until then, this is fiction.
Summary: Subaru stops by to congratulate Takki after Enbujou (2006). Awkwardness ensues.
Notes: None.
chris_pi translated this to Russian and posted it
here. If you prefer Russian, go check it out.
The show is over, and Takizawa Hideaki is completely spent. He leans back in the chair in his dressing room, the only private one in the building, and sighs deeply. It's satisfying, and he's happy, but he's drained.
There's a knock at the door. He suspects it's a junior or one of his sempai coming to say hello. The staff has no problem letting other Johnny's members backstage, and he always welcomes the surprise.
"Who is it?" His voice is confident, hiding his exhaustion. He has to keep up the front, as usual.
"It's me," the voice answers, quietly, almost hesitantly. Takki's eyes widen. He stands slowly and goes to open the door.
On the other side is Shibutani Subaru.
"I came to see your show," he says matter-of-factly. "Well, I came to see Yoko and Tacchon, really." His shoulders are drooping, but he straightens and smiles.
They stand in the doorway awkwardly for a moment before Takki finally blinks and steps back. "I'm sorry, how rude of me. Come in, come on in."
"No, it's fine. I just thought I'd congratulate you. So, congratulations." Subaru bows slightly and turns away to leave, head held higher than Takki knows is normal.
"Wai--Wait a second!" Takki reaches out and catches Subaru's arm. "I really appreciate you coming."
Subaru flinches, then looks back. "Ah. No problem."
Another awkward pause. Subaru can't bring himself to wrench his arm away, no matter how badly he wants to; he thinks it might be rude.
"You... you guys are doing really well." Takki is at a loss for words, but he feels like he ought to say something.
"Yeah. We really are. Who'd have thought, huh?" Surprisingly, there isn't a trace of bitterness in Subaru's words. A hint of gratitude toward his friends always lingers in such statements.
"I knew you could do it," Takki responds, rather more quickly than he intended. It almost sounds forced, and he wants to cringe.
"Did you?"
Bam. Straight to Takki's heart and stomach. "Yoko and Ohkura..."--a quick change of subject--"They're amazing." And he wants to take it back as soon as it comes out.
"I knew that." Subaru's tone has an edge of impatience, and he gently pulls his arm away from Takki's grip. He's starting to regret knocking on the door, and he wonders what made him do it in the first place.
"And I've really liked your songs." Takki digs the hole deeper, realizing belatedly that he hasn't heard any of the songs Subaru wrote in the past couple of years.
"You don't have to say that," Subaru replies, catching a glance of Ohkura down the hall. "I should go. We're going out to eat."
Takki resists the urge to ask if he can join them. "Well. Have fun."
"We will." Subaru flashes the bright, fake smile that he uses for the magazines and begins to walk away.
When Subaru's back is turned and his pace picks up, moving toward Yoko and Ohkura's dressing room, Takki bows deeply, formally. He knows Subaru doesn't notice, but the gesture is important to him.
Things are repaired and things are broken. Life continues on no matter what, and history exists to remind people of where paths in life may take us, and how important the smallest decisions can be.
And Takki, well. He prefers the story with the honorable ending.