Link: Hornblower/Bush content

Feb 28, 2006 10:45

Link for silver_b_a and haunted_attics for all things Hornblower/Bush, mostly bookverse:  quigonejinn.  Analysis, stories, recs, icons, boundless enthusiasm.  Try this post, for example.  And these extracts - especially 15 and 22 - leave me giddy with love for Lieutenant Hornblower.  Forester's Hornblower novels are the only books I know of that rival the best slash for emotional ( Read more... )

recs: other, memes

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Comments 7

black_samvara February 28 2006, 02:56:09 UTC
I read the personality profile for an ENFJ and your sister is so cute! I'm sure she will hate me but that does make a lot of sense...


zebra363 February 28 2006, 14:11:00 UTC
I don't actually think the description is much like her, and that's probably part of the reason (along with the extensive education in human psychology!) she doesn't think tests like that are meaningful at all.

I, on the other hand, love the idea that you can do a quick, shiny internet test and get a useful answer! But she's probably right. :)


black_samvara February 28 2006, 14:25:55 UTC
I survived on semester of psych before deciding it wasn't for me and going back to my other loves.

I don't think they are all that accurate - I think it's fun to play with though.


cricketk February 28 2006, 02:58:10 UTC
Heh. That was one of my favourite rants at university.

If you poke her does she also do the rant about the construction of psych experiments and the relationship between what the experiment is testing and the generalisations made from the experiments? 'Cos I do that one at high volume, particularly in the field of personality.


zebra363 February 28 2006, 14:01:20 UTC
I bet she does!

This was the third time I've brought up the topic of personality tests and it's gone down progressively worse each time. Just possibly she thinks I'm not listening to her!


haunted_attics February 28 2006, 10:07:13 UTC
::jumps:: I'm very happy you found those posts.

*sigh* Bush.


zebra363 February 28 2006, 14:09:47 UTC
Her whole journal is non-stop, quality Hornblower/Bush!


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