Link: Hornblower/Bush content

Feb 28, 2006 10:45

Link for silver_b_a and haunted_attics for all things Hornblower/Bush, mostly bookverse:  quigonejinn.  Analysis, stories, recs, icons, boundless enthusiasm.  Try this post, for example.  And these extracts - especially 15 and 22 - leave me giddy with love for Lieutenant Hornblower.  Forester's Hornblower novels are the only books I know of that rival the best slash for emotional impact.

Those of you who hate personality tests might enjoy this.  I was quite interested in the results of that Enneagram meme and broached the topic with my sister, who's a psychiatrist and very dismissive of such things, the other night.  She's a gentle, lovely person who rarely gets noticeably irritated about anything.

Me:  I know you don't like these things, but some of my friends were doing this Enneagram test...
Sister [warily]:  Oh yes?
Me:  Do you remember what you got?
Sister:  A 9.  But [raising voice] you know me!  You've known me all my life!  You don't need some test to tell you what sort of person I am!!!
Me:  Yes, but... 
Sister:  I have a healthy appreciation for complexity and a mistrust of oversimplification.
Me:  Right.  And what's your Myers-Briggs, again?
Sister:  [snarling] ENFJ.
Me:  I'll go read up on that.
Sister:  Grrr.  Grrrr. 

recs: other, memes

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