
Feb 03, 2010 17:40

I've been in a huge funk for a couple of days now and it's getting really, really old.

Cut for your convenience. Feel free to skip over my whining )

medical issues, fml, food, sulking

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Comments 6

chikotori February 4 2010, 00:06:36 UTC

though I managed to force myself to do a bit of work today. And since I've gotten started on it, hopefully it'll be easier to continue.

but tomorrow's Thursday, ie that terrible lecturer day щ(ಡ益ಡ)щ so I'll probably come back and... eat ice-cream and bum in front of the laptop.


yuuago February 4 2010, 00:08:29 UTC

I was doing fine, and then all of a sudden, WHOA. Slump. :| Geeze.

Mmm ice cream, I could do with some of that.
Ah, well. I hope tomorrow will at least go not-horribly for you. D:


amygirl February 4 2010, 03:23:59 UTC
Could you get one of those mini-tape recorders and use it to tape a lecture so you can just go back listen after for when you study or use it to type the notes out later if typing is easier on the wrist. Or maybe develop a really simple short hand for taking notes at least until you get your wrist healed up?

I've been in a mini-slump lately too not wanting to do anything but stare blankly at the TV screen. Winter just sucks it's hard to want to do anything when it's so miserable outside and I'm sure it's worse for you where you are.. *sighs*


yuuago February 4 2010, 16:52:56 UTC
That's probably a good idea. Or maybe I'll try taking notes on my netbook, 'cause typing doesn't affect it as badly as writing does, for some reason.

Normally I don't hate on winter so much, because it's just a part of life and all that, but man. It's just so cold and this has been putting me in the foulest mood ever. :|


amygirl February 5 2010, 03:50:06 UTC
I was going to suggest taking a laptop/netbook but I didn't know if you had one. If typing hurts the wrist less and you're allowed to do it that's definitely the way to go. It's probably the way the hand is held, watching my hands when I type it does look like it puts less direct strain/movement then when you us a pen/pencil. So maybe typing with a simple wrist brace will help speed the healing process along. The wrist is one of those things that you don't notice how much you use it until you hurt it...

Cold is just awful...snow I can handle but cold just sucks.


anonymous February 5 2010, 03:42:07 UTC
Get some good exercise! It's really good for improving mood, especially if you get your blood pumping. Walks often aren't strenuous enough to distract your mind from its thoughts, so try stepping it up a bit.

I'm sorry you're in a slump. =\ I'm there myself and just finding the actual motivation to do something can be really hard. Best wishes, Yuu! IT CAN'T RAIN FOREVER.


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