The plans aren't concrete yet, but I've going to be IRL trolling Europe next summer and Finland's one of the tentatively-longer stops! I haven't mentioned it much outside of the group of friends I'm crashing with because I'm afraid of jinxing it XD
Aha, I see! Yeah, in some ways, I'm worried about jinxing my own trip too - but on the other hand, well, writing about it helps get my thoughts on the matter organized, so there we are.
Yeah. I kind of have to, for ID purposes, because my learner's license expires in July. To be honest, I don't want to do it, because driving scares me shitless and I haven't practised all that much, but I'm sure that with proper lessons it will be easier... maybe. I'm just glad that I'm doing this in Stoon, not Halfiax or whatever, which has hills and one-way streets up the wazoo.
I think it's normal to feel down once in a while? I don't know if you remember the thread where I mentioned I had 5 hours of lectures and a minor breakdown, but anyway, the next day while talking with a friend, I actually broke down and cried in front of my laptop so lame. It felt rather cathartic though, so now I'm back to the usual "I can do this!" mindset. This is Chai btw.
Anyway. I had a point, I think. It's good that you can tell yourself to continue on and having a reward at the end helps. I keep reminding myself that I have something I want to achieve and I need to put in a lot of effort if I want it. I hope that by the time next autumn comes, we'll both have achieved what we want to /end cheese
Comments 11
Also /hugs
wait what, you're going to Finland too? I DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS.
Also, *squeeze*
Maybe if we're lucky we'll be able to meet up! 8D
I'm glad you're feeling a bit better, even if you're still overwhelmed.
Things are looking up. I think.
Anyway. I had a point, I think. It's good that you can tell yourself to continue on and having a reward at the end helps. I keep reminding myself that I have something I want to achieve and I need to put in a lot of effort if I want it. I hope that by the time next autumn comes, we'll both have achieved what we want to /end cheese
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