You! Plus sign! Me! Equals sign! Us!

Jun 22, 2006 12:07

It’s only been a week into summer vacation. So far, it’s been filled with a whole lotta nothing, but that’s exactly how I planned to spend the few days I didn’t have school or work. Starting Monday, I’ll be commuting to UCI for summer school in the morning and working at night. We’ll see how quickly I’ll get burned out from that packed schedule and ( Read more... )

starbucks, 2gether, fic, quotes

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Comments 4

misspacific June 22 2006, 22:01:24 UTC
Yay summer school!!!! Except not. :(

No, but I’m assuming this one’s better. And the X-Men could beat Jesus in a second.

There's something SO wrong with that statement.


yumytaffy June 29 2006, 05:50:11 UTC
There's something SO wrong with that statement.
Wrong yet hilarious in a very twisted, sacrilegious way.


vicodin_lips June 23 2006, 09:40:46 UTC
holy crap...
I remember you, francis, and susan singing 2gether all the time! lol i tried to join in...hilarity ensued


phamburger June 26 2006, 04:00:40 UTC
The quotes you heard at X3... it sounded REALLY familiar, then I remembered that I was there with you when we heard them talking. HAHA =)


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