You! Plus sign! Me! Equals sign! Us!

Jun 22, 2006 12:07

It’s only been a week into summer vacation. So far, it’s been filled with a whole lotta nothing, but that’s exactly how I planned to spend the few days I didn’t have school or work. Starting Monday, I’ll be commuting to UCI for summer school in the morning and working at night. We’ll see how quickly I’ll get burned out from that packed schedule and all the driving I’ll be doing. Thank goodness the class I’m taking only lasts about five weeks.

In the meantime, I’ve been watching all the Boy Meets World and While You Were Out our handy dandy DVR has been recording and speed reading The Other Boleyn Girl because I’m determined to finish at least three novels this summer.

I’ve also been getting back into the S/V fic community. It’s a little ironic that I’m starting to read fic again when I pretty much stopped reading while the show was on. Can’t say fic is taking too much of my time, though, because there aren’t many stories that catch my attention anymore. I can count the WIPs I actually care about on one hand. Everything else makes me want to cry.

Recently, I’ve re-discovered love for 2gether. It started with the finding of the MTV made-for-TV movie tape I found, went on with the re-watching of the 2gether: The Series episodes I taped, and continued with the repeated listenings of both 2gether albums ad nauseum. Good God, everything about 2gether is genius right down to the boy band cliché characteristics that I didn’t really understand when they came out six years ago.

And then there is the music itself. A lot of people seem to know “U+Me=Us (Calculus)” the most, but there is also the often overlooked yet heartfelt “Before We Say Goodbye” (“Before we say goodbye/Before we turn and walk away/Girl, don’t do another guy/Before we say goodbye/[…]/We’ve been down that road before and always made it through/But in case we break up, can I still have sex with you?”). Just the song titles themselves crack me up (Come on, how hilariously direct is the title “The Hardest Part of Breaking Up (Is Getting Back Your Stuff)”?), but beyond the humor, I still can’t get over how good they actually sound. These guys can actually sing well. Who’d a thunk it?

I’m going to stop the fangirling here before I get into how much I adore the characters and the actors who play them or this entry’s never going to end. But I will say that I found that even after all this time, the last performance of “U+Me=Us (Calculus)” in the movie can still make me swoon. I mean, there was literal swooning. Yes, the sound of Noah Bastian (A.K.A. Chad Linus, the shy one) singing still makes me melt. Once a boy band fangirl, always a boy band fangirl, I guess.

On a RL note, I love my co-workers. I planned to write this epic entry about the things that happened last weekend that solidified my love for them, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to bombard you all with names of a dozen people you don’t know. Let’s just say the stories involve throwing sandwiches at the Verizon guy on the billboard in our parking lot at 1 AM, planning the schematics to throw a Frappuccino at the previously mentioned Verizon billboard, and the entire staff on the floor surreptitiously taking over my Drive-Thru duties so I could talk to Achala, who surprised me by visiting when she was supposed to be in London (and ordering a “David Anders and Michael Vartan with whipped cream and cherries” on Drive; thank goodness I was the one taking orders or I would’ve had some very confused co-workers). And on that note, I also love Achala. Just thought that needed to be said.

So I have work in an hour. I was supposed to have the day off, but my manager called me yesterday and asked if I could come in today. It’s only a few hours, so I agreed. Plus, it’s not such a bad thing to get on my manager’s good graces so she’ll continue to easily grant the days off I request.

Anyway, because I’m all about the awesomeness today (because 2gether was the first place I heard the word “awesomeness,” and…oh, never mind), I leave you with these:

Quotes of the Day
“I made up a new phrase. You know how people say, ‘Technically speaking’? I made up ‘Whimsically speaking.’ Like ‘Whimsically speaking, that monkey should be able to talk.’” -My sister

[Overheard after a midnight showing of X3]
Guy 1: That was the sickest movie I’ve ever seen. It totally crushes Passion of the Christ.
Guy 2: *laughs* Have you even seen Passion of the Christ?
Guy 1: No, but I’m assuming this one’s better. And the X-Men could beat Jesus in a second.

starbucks, 2gether, fic, quotes

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