“We’re all Fate’s bitch. You might as well go ahead and bend over for Destiny now.”

Feb 06, 2005 17:48

(From magi_47)
If you read this, even if I don't speak to you often, you must post a memory of me. It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad, just so long as it happened. Then post this to your journal to see what people remember about you.Come on. You know you love nostalgia as much as I do ( Read more... )

meme, wonderfalls

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Comments 9

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yumytaffy February 7 2005, 16:29:00 UTC
what I will always remember you as: the yellowcard fan girl
How fitting that your introduction to my LJ was me rambling and being all fangirly. =)

::wonders how to help this along:: ::laughs wickedly::
Yeah, yeah. (Wickedly) Laugh it up. This only means that when my fic career crashes and burns before it even begins, I only have you and Ellie to blame. =P

And if you really want to put me out of my fic-posting misery, I'm still looking for someone to glance over it to make sure it isn't total crap. Think of it as a sneak peak. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* If you're too busy, though, that's completely understandable. I'll just take it as a sign that I should never post, and I'll be right back where I started: dignity intact and fics securely hidden on my HD. ;)


sleepingawake47 February 6 2005, 19:37:31 UTC
How am I supposed to pick just ONE memory of you? Damn. I mean, there's always the weekly LJ Tag we used to play, and all the YC fangirlings you have that HONESTLY don't bother me. Woman, you sit there as I go on and on about the dumbest things, so you've got the right to be a wittle fangirl sometimes too! :)

About a specific memory, I'll honestly think about it, but all the time I chat with you is memorable to me. *huuugs*


yumytaffy February 7 2005, 16:31:50 UTC
Yes, just one, so pick, damnit! =P

And when I think back on our LJ tag history, I think of one specific conversation. I'm sure you remember the "Heh. That's what Jennifer said the first time, too" conversation 'cause I sure as hell do. Man, that conversation was just wrong on so many levels.


oldromantic February 6 2005, 21:55:17 UTC
Oh, gosh! All I can remember is that your SN was one of the first I memorized after joining SD-1! And I know you were one of my first Review Whores, although I'm pretty sure you were reading my stories before YYY... Hmmm...

... )


yumytaffy February 7 2005, 16:35:24 UTC
Ironically, I think your SN is one of the first I memorized after joining SD-1 because I'm a hopeless romantic, too. And yes, I was an Em whore long before the Y, Y, Y madness started. =P

Does anybody else get a little chill up their spine hearing that phrase "almost two years"? Eeesh! A pain that will never cease!
Me, too! It's kind of like how my first instinct is to choke something whenever I hear the phrase "after six." Good Lord, I hate that episode. =X

But happy almost two year (*shudder*) anniversary, Em! ;)


amicableme February 7 2005, 03:38:42 UTC
I remember you during out Gandhi project..going to buy wood..and making that thing we never even used. Hey..pass the screw..haha..somehow that was freakin hilarious at the time. =]

missing the old days


yumytaffy February 7 2005, 16:35:46 UTC
Yeah, I remember our breakdown in Home Depot over the plywood (and I mean literally over) and the five of us, um, screwing in my garage.

I truly, deeply love you, Lan! ;)


chshalogrl February 8 2005, 13:44:31 UTC
I remember the first time you reviewed LNPD...it's still one of the best reviews I've ever gotten. And I remember how I used to look forward to seeing your screenname in my threads because it meant that I would have some smart and witty feedback.


yumytaffy February 8 2005, 15:08:14 UTC
Aww, that's really sweet of you to say. I don't remember exactly what I said in that first review, but I do remember staring at an empty reply box for a full five minutes because I had no idea how to begin a review that would do your writing justice.


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